Put yours on first, then help others
Major difference, of course, is the oxygen masks do not drop only in 1st class but that's likely scenario on Covid vaccines
Unless we act 1/

This thread is based on @ForeignAffairs article from @ChadBown & me on those consequences & how to avoid them 2/
But that won't be reality, at least at first
After proven safe & effective, early vaccine supplies will be limited. Giving them to some people necessarily delays access for others 3/
Efforts are afoot to expand that capacity but it won't be enough to meet initial global #COVID19 vaccine demand, at least not for months or longer 4/
This includes most of the countries where potential #COVID19 vaccines are being manufactured 6/

WHO appealed and US, Canada and 7 other nations donated 10% of their vaccines to LMICs, but only after concluding there was enough for domestic needs 7/
it is contrary to every country’s economic, strategic, and health interests & it will prolong #COVID19 pandemic 11/
If all other vaccine-manufacturing countries are being
nationalists, no one has an incentive to buck the trend 12/
Deny access to your early vaccine, other countries might reciprocate by withholding the more effective vaccines they develop later 15/
Because the science has not settled on which vaccine will work best, it is impossible to fully anticipate and thus prepare for all the needed inputs 16/
But when it comes to creating an enforceable #COVID19 vaccine sharing agreement, cross-border supply chains are a feature to be leveraged, not a bug 17/
The same is true of the global, equitable allocation of #COVID19 vaccines.