@MentalHealthVic @vichealthassoc with input from @VMIAC @tandemcarers & many others. Great if you can tune in. We'll publish a story later in the week.
We're not saying anything new. Been saying for a long time. Unfortunately they are then ignored.
And the settings have changed. Nature has been recognized as an integral component of healing. #MHLivedExperience
Ends a moving video vision from @vmiac #MHLivedExperience
"My practice enormously influenced by my personal experience." He says it is not well understood the isolation that can happen.
At worst people with mental health are blamed, at best misunderstood.
"Mental illness is the only illness today where it remains acceptable to blame the sufferer." #MHLivedExperience
We're looking at how ensure co-design/co-production will have voice of lived experience as central to organisational & system monitoring, evaluation, & evidence.
Hearing that pressures on carers and consumers in rural Victoria so much greater because of lack of access to services, as well as all the compromised SDOH issues, like employment, travel etc.
"What gets funded, bluntly. Are a lot of researchers who do things unfunded because of passion but..."
"Not everyone (consumers) knows how to get the research funding."
"So much expertise in this room...I want to give back."
Some do.
There is a hierarchy of "what seems to be of value".
"Plenty of $, depends where it goes (to 'gold standards')"
"We're always moving into their structures, then it becomes about 'supporting us'.
We need to flip that. How different is it when there is a consumer working at a high level in an org vs on a consumer consultation committee."
Shout out in the room to the embedded work of consumer academic @croper2104
"Consistency and embedding of it is critical." Others reporting the pushback they get when that's not there.
Leadership/capability group: Ambassadorship program for young people (paid, external to orgs); the right workplace culture, if have structures, make them ongoing & well funded.
Need to be Lived Experience training to management level (managers often don't u'stand lived experience, power imbalances, impact). Often people with lived experience reporting to people without. Need safe working environments where people can disclose.
Lived experience needs to be embedded in multidisciplinary teams, not just consultative.
Critical importance of cultural change in orgs, need for workforce strategy to enable.
Lived experience should be a discipline that is recognised, with pathways.
Need something like the 'rainbow tick' for lived experience.
Pay parity.
Management who are champions/allies very appreciated.
These are the barriers in academic research that screens out the voice of lived experience to a degree.
Where is the pathway for lived experience on funding bodies for research, to be on review panels, ethics committees, uni research positions?
Attitude change at all levels, redistribution of power dynamics, people being willing to share their power base.
Need workforce expanded - one representative can't do it all
Develop/identify allies and promote what works
Maggie talks about being told once not even to aspire with career. She has held many senior positions. Lived experience is empowerment. "We need to own our own power".
Maggie Toko: #MHLivedExperience
My uncle would describe lived experience as how our spirit guides have risen high, so v high, sometimes get lost. It is the story of when they come back that make me & my mob strong. Cultural safety: mental health a "very white construct".
That means not 'retraumatise' through having to re-tell story, to 'sell the case the get good help.
Should not face over-scrutiny at work, eg when sick.
"Our job going forward is to ensure lived experience is at the centre of the @RCMentalHealth reform process, including how our own orgs prepare for the change ahead."
Angus Clelland.
Here's a Twitter thread unrolled threadreaderapp.com/thread/1287960…
cc @MartinFoleyMP @MentalHealthVic @Dpeters1977 @tandemcarers @VMIAC