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Feb 15th 2020
Politics fit for the emergency challenge: high profile panel here #NCESummit2020 moderated by Kerry O'Brien, where "the greatest policy challenge of our time has become the greatest policy failure of our time".
"We have a responsibility as MPs to contribute to a better form of government, unfortunately Tony Abbott made it a completely adversarial game. In climate debate, instead of us working together in the national interest, had pointless point scoring." John Hewson. #NCESummit2020
Read 21 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
Australia's medical leadership (Australian Medical Association) reps with a public statement on behalf of their membership & patients.
"Climate change is a health emergency based on scientific evidence"..."any number of extreme threats to health have been managed"
"Where do we start?"
"...with an evidence base".
"This is hard and unglamorous work but its exactly what health communities" have done
"We are Drs telling you climate change is a health emergency based on science"
"It is about health & survival"
~ Aust Med Assoc
.#GregMullens of Emergency Leaders for Climate Action
"We are growing everyday..
they come from a political of spectrum beliefs... what we are seeing is worse than the scientific evidence and we're in"
"I've been fighting fires since 1971.."
Read 33 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
.@MichaelEMann paraphrased 'If you dont trust climate scientists, here's Exxon-Mobil's internal projections from 1982. They were spot-on with 415ppm of CO2 & resulting warming of ~+1.2C by 2020.'
#NCESummit2020 #ClimateChange #Auspol
@MichaelEMann Additional Exxon internal doc's from Aug82 stating: "FF use will double, Climate effects observable AFTER 2000".

End paragraph speaks of ethical responsibility to publish...These scientists were the first to comprehend the magnitude of this threat with data in-hand.
@MichaelEMann credit @MarkPlackett1 for direction to:…
for the full range of documents.
Read 3 tweets

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