
How big an issue is it/what impact has COVID-19 had on it?
4 pc of Australians, burden on at risk groups, now increasing numbers under #COVID19. "It's a v big problem at normal times, getting worse now."
Farhat Firdous: says people on TPVs (asylum seekers etc) can't get welfare payments, also an issue re access to culturally relevant foods
Our prices are 60pc cheaper than any other outlet, thru community pricing - were noticing people trying to stretch dollar as far as they could.
Re hardship, 87 different nationalities, many have to go elsewhere to access what they need - issues of the "food desert donut" @AgPeriUrban
Worry that Fed Govt "hellbent" on winding back better Job Seeker/Job Keeper payments, food insecurity going to get much worse later in the year
@DrRachelCarey - strengthen local food chains, more diverse enterprises, more diverse scale (not just industrial), thinking about it at multiple scales
Supermarkets the most obvious, disadvantaged farmers and rural communities for decades, economic, social, physical and mental health impacts
(read more here: croakey.org/amid-concerns-…)
He talks re Moving Feast, and the need to address systemic/structural issues:
@drrachelcarey agrees, access to quality food is a fundamental human right

People who didn't realise they live in a food system bowl now asking how we can make sure farmers remain viable. Farmers saying facing weekly food uncertainty. @AgPeriUrban
But structural questions important, if don't understand causes, our solutions won't address them. Can't vacate the political space.
@drrachelcarey talks re need for farmers to get a reasonable prices, says Open Food Network had 14-fold increase in revenue in pandemic openfoodnetwork.org.au
We need to support relocalising of food supply
How can we uncouple solutions to food insecurity from solutions to food waste? Food waste is an important issue, but access to food is a human right and people should not have to rely food assistance (even if that food has been rescued).
Just using food someone doesn't want to feed people who need it is not the answer.
In #COVID19, food banking system struggled as corporate donations dried up (& volunteers)
We're deflecting that challenge by allowing food corporations to say 'we donate, so we're doing our bit'.
Meanwhile food sector congratulates self.
Principle around dignified access to food. Canadian food banks showing the way.
Farhat Firdous - this been particularly so when people have relied on dropoffs of food parcels, not going to collect their own.
Talks re farmer who had to admit to not being able to feed own family.
Food banking/relief not the answer. Social enterprise is a way forward now, and for future.
"Our words, our wallets, the two most powerful tools we have".
@thecommongrocer #HealthReImagined

@Nick_Rose96 says has been hope about change emerging from pandemic, but mitigated by govts determined to push back to 'business as usual'.
We'll be posting a wrap of today's discussion at @CroakeyNews tomorrow, and will preview next week's event (on urban issues) on Monday: bookmark our coverage croakey.org/category/croak…
