“Alberta's education and health ministers are rejecting concerns from physicians that the province's re-entry plan for schools doesn't do enough to protect students and teachers from COVID-19.”
First of all, two people who have no experience in health care beyond moving the current one closer to privatization, disagree with experts in the field related to the topic.
If someone asks an expert what they think, and then disregard 100% of what they recommend, that person can still say they consulted and expert before making their decision.
So here we have a “plan” that physicians and teachers are calling grossly insufficient and inadequate, but @AdrianaLaGrange and @shandro are pushing ahead regardless.
A few months ago on an unplanned visit to the Counter Signal, we noticed something weird and oddly familiar.
Banner ads advertising for the Government of Alberta.
Not dissimilar from the ones that the Western Standard runs...
You might remember that we FOIP'ed the Western Standard ads and while we didn't get how much money the Alberta Government sent to the Western Standard, we did get a list of the campaigns.
So we were pretty sure that the Counter Signal was also getting some money sent their way.
Smith is having a presser to announce a $29 million spend on a new unit for the Sheriff’s.
She’s getting new vehicles, drones and creating a 2 KM buffer on the border, invoking the critical infrastructure defense act, & putting the sheriff’s in charge.
#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli
Mike Ellis - We’ve gotta get control the 298 km because drug traffickers and gun drealers are crossing the border!
Ellis - I’ve tried to do everything I can to get the border under control. That’s why we’re strategically deploying Sherrifs, K-9, 10 drones to set up our own inspection stations.
Ok, remember when Smith's office claimed to the globe & mail that her Skybox Sojourn to Vancouver was on personal time and all people paid their own way?
We've already demonstrated that was a lie, but it turns out it was a bigger lie!
#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli
As we've already demonstrated, the statement about the staff paying their own way was a lie.
The statement was issued on May 13.
The request to have Becca Polak and Marshall SMith pay didn't come until May 15.
In fact, in our recent FOIP, it's clear that the official planning for this trip went all the way back to May 3, and it's also clear that government resources were used to plan and execute the trip.
Let’s start this absolute train wreck of a thread by saying that a government should be responsible about who it chooses to elevate to justify their policies.
Public scrutiny is an inevitable effect from public exposure.
#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli
It is exploitive to put forward individuals and use their stories of trauma and abuse as shields when advancing polices that will cause trauma and are, by many interpretations abusive.
This didn’t have to happen this way.
But Danielle Smith has set her stage.
The first speaker in Smiths presser today was Kellie-Lynn Pirie.
Her story is absolutely tragic.
But she should have never been on that stage, and it was irresponsible for Smith to put her there.