This was the non-scientific grounds govt used to delay lockdown.
But the scientific guidance against #LockdownFatigue was entirely ignored by the govt & the media.…

1) Where did this idea of lockdown/behavioural fatigue come?
2) How did it gain such prominence in govt strategy & in the media narrative?
#COVID19 #HerdImmunityScandal #coronavirus #COVID
When asked specifically about it on 9 June, #DavidHalpern couldn't remember with confidence.
“It did not, in my memory, come from SPI-B or us", he says, his eyes darting.
But this isn't the first time memory loss has struck. (THREAD 5/5)
"The 18th or the 16th, I don't remember" he said.
If these people’s memories are so bad now, imagine what they will be like in 2021 or 2022 at a Public Inquiry!