Whatever it is, whether a bombing or an attack or an error, it's now high time to unleash all of our rage & power against this criminal ruling class that thinks our lives are worthless.
Communication networks unstable, making it hard for loved ones to check in on one another. Chaos on the streets with a constant stream of ambulance sirens.
Head of Syndicate of Private Hospitals: Al-Roum Hospital badly damaged, asking other hospitals to accommodate its patients.
The ppl who perished today were murdered, they are not martyrs & we know well what "investigations" lead do.
@hassandiabteam, tell him to resign.
The culprits are one and the same, regardless of the explosion's cause.
It's time to turn the page on this dark history. Time for justice has come and we should seize it.
This is Beirut today.
Trending is a call to execute Director General of Lebanese Customs Badri Daher.

The homes of some of these residents are now destroyed.

There is no absolutely no need for such a measure other than to quell people's anger.
Rest assured, we will take to the street and we will seek vengance for those you murdered and injured. #BeirutBlast

But this was also a huge part of my and my twin's childhood. When bombs would start raining down, we would run to Ari's (RIP) bed.
Whatever you do, make sure not one penny goes through the Lebanese government.
To volunteers sweeping: Wear thick gloves, mask & eye covering.
Kids & seniors: Stay in & close doors/windows. #Beirut

The 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate been stored in Hangar 12 since 2013 & while he was in office.

This is not a day for national unity with a murderous ruling class.
This is a day for national vengance.
Find a group & coordinate w/ others bc some of these buildings are at risk of collapse.
#Beirut #انفجار_المرفأ
These people can't even hold a single person at the bottom of the food chain accountable for the smallest of things?
هيدا الشبيح ملكك؟ @saadhariri
The state is absent.
@thawramap is mapping housing needs & availabilities.
Volunteers were setting up a donation station when Hariri thugs attacked them & destroyed the tent. Even during a national tragedy, the political system in Lebanon proves how repulsive and irredeemable it is.
The STL, set up in 2007, has cost us $1 billion & its verdict advances goal of int' power and their local allies, rather than deliver justice.
Few are as skilled in exploiting tragedy.