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Aug 3rd 2022
On the second commemoration of the #August4Explosion, the families of the #PortExplosion victims and the families of the fire brigade martyrs will start two marches tomorrow, Thursday at 4 pm,
one from in front of the #Karantina and the other from the An-Nahar building, while a third march will begin at the Palace of Justice at 3 pm.

In their last press conference, the families’ committees announced that the second commemoration will include
“an oath to ceaselessly seek to achieve truth and #justice.” They also insisted on the need to raise nooses and display coffins, in accordance with the painful occasion and to demand justice.
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May 15th 2022
My thoughts are with the brave people of Lebanon voting in the first election since #BeirutExplosion.
They deserve change.
They deserve not be ruled by an Iran-backed militia
They deserve a better future.
And yes, #Hezbollah is fighting for survival.
For the first time, I saw his followers on Twitter asking people to turn up and vote.
God forbid, are you worried guys?
Sadly, but not surprising, reports of chaos and corruption dominating #LebaneseElections
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Oct 27th 2021
.@FoECoalition, @IjCoalition & several independent civil society groups, held a press conference to “stress the importance of an independent judiciary and its role in ensuring accountability, promoting the rule of law and defending human rights.”…
“Since the #BeirutExplosion, the judicial investigation has been faced with endless obstacles. Some journalists, media figures & politicians even sought to undermine the truth & establish a culture of impunity under different pretexts." - @IldaGhssain from @NakabaBadila
“Only freedoms can guarantee that each citizen is able to voice their own concerns and proclaim their rights. We reject the equation of ‘stability versus freedom.’ Stability can only be achieved through freedom.” - @Jadshahrour from @SK_Eyes
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Aug 3rd 2021
Alguns pensamentos/confissões, se quiserem vir nesta mini viagem comigo: há um ano, a baixa de Beirute, o centro histórico, os bairros boémios dos remediados, os arranha-céus dos ricos e as casas ilegais e mal construídas dos pobres ficaram submersos numa quantidade tal de pó e
… entulho que quem passasse pela primeira vez não saberia distinguir entre o restaurante onde na noite anterior ceara o Presidente e o prédio de mil beliches onde dormira o indocumentado sírio. A maior explosão não-nuclear de que há registo já foi há um ano e lembro-me de não
entender bem o que é que se estava a passar quando vi aquela mancha cor-de-rosa, densa, a subir pelo céu de uma cidade que eu adoro, e já adorava e agora só adoro mais. Quem estava lá entendeu ainda menos que eu, porque eu, nós todos, pudemos ver que tinha sido uma explosão, não
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Jan 4th 2021
#Lebanon #Beirut #Port #BeirutExplosion

New acid containers have recently been found at the Port of Beirut, as work continues to eliminate toxic chemicals from the port's warehouses.
The total number of containers to be disposed of is now 52, following the recent discovery of 3 new containers of dangerous substances, Beirut Port Chief Bassem Al-Kaissi said on Sunday.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
#Lebanon #Beirut #BeirutExplosion #crises

In response to the blast that destroyed Lebanon's grain silos, Iraq donated thousands of tons of flour to the Lebanese government. The flour was poorly and unhygienically stored under stadium bleachers.
Lebanon is in the midst of the worst economic crisis and was recently at risk of removal of subsidy on flour. No official response has been issued as of the time of writing, explaining that remarkable negligence. ImageImageImage
The only response came from Nehme, who responded to the allegations against him stating that the flour was placed there on a "temporary basis" until being distributed by the Lebanese army, and that it was stored with "preventive measures " to preserve it.
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Oct 17th 2020
Wir behandeln #Corona-Schwurbler und Ernährungs-Schwurbler völlig ungleich.

Die einen erfahren mediale/gesellschaftliche Ächtung. Die anderen sind gern gesehene Gäste in höchsten Kreisen.

Warum das ein Problem ist? Thread. 👇

#VandanaShiva Image
Gestern war #Welternaehrungstag. Bei diesem Thema argumentieren einige, ebenso wie bei Corona, mit Menschenleben. #Impfgegner etwa erfahren weitgehende Missachtung, weil ihre Thesen wissenschaftlich eindeutig widerlegt sind und, so die Argumentation, am Ende Leben gefährden.
Man muss dabei nicht mal zu den VÖLLIG Durchgeknallten wie #Naidoo oder #Hildmann gehören, um Ächtung zu erfahren. Es genügt beim Thema Corona schon, wissenschaftlich mehrfach widerlegt worden zu sein, bzw. unhaltbare Thesen in die Welt zu setzen. Bsp. #Bhakdi.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
#Lebanon #Beirut #BeirutExplosion #GarbishCrise

Beirut’s port explosion, which killed 212 people and obliterated large parts of the city on August 4, has put additional strains on Lebanon’s already compromised ability to manage its waste.
Image of a beach inKeserwan, north of Beirut, Lebanon, on 23 January 2018. The rubble and demolition debris alone vastly increased the daily volume of generated waste.
Additionally, the blast severely damaged two key sorting, recycling, and composting facilities in Karantina and Bourj Hammoud, as well as waste collection vehicles.
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Sep 9th 2020
If #France Prsdnt @EmmanuelMacron was angry coz @Malbrunot shared correct info that sanctions r hitting Lebanese officials it means either
1 Was not informed, therefore the #US is not coordinating
2 Was informed and feared the failure of his initiative

In both cases, we known that further sanctions will soon be hitting the Lebanese President @General_Aoun allies and party members. These sanctions undermine the French initiative because the #US admin is burning the ground under any other initiative, including a new #US admin +
The #US ignorance in handling Middle Eastern countries is also due to Lebanese politicians' wishful thinking and lack of understanding on where the country could head in case these encourage the #US to impose further sanctions:
1. No normalisation with #Israel by #Lebanon +
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
As #RESCUE #workers in #BeirutExplosion hope to find life one month on, I was reminded of Omayra Sánchez Garzón the 13 year old Colombian girl who died after 3 days efforts to rescue her in 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Armero, Tolima…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020
BEIRUT: One month since the #BeirutBlast killed over 180 people, injured more than 6,500 and displaced some 300,000 residents... and still thousands of people simply can’t afford a front door.

#COVID19 #Inequality #Lebanon Image
In fact, a single front door in #Beirut currently costs 2 months’ worth of a minimum-wage salary...

Lebanon's longstanding inequality, massive inflation & now #COVID19 have compounded this humanitarian disaster.
#BeirutExplosion Image
You are powering Oxfam’s partner-led response in #Beirut, providing over 9,000 people with support ranging from emergency cash & food, medical services, mental health support, legal assistance and help to repair and rebuild homes and businesses.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020

Local media @ALJADEEDNEWS 's reporter is sharing preliminary news about the Chili rescue team finding a victim in one of the Gemayze buildings 1 month after the #Beirutexplosion. News is surreal, it says 'Person may be alive'. ImageImage
The breaking news we got from @ALJADEEDNEWS - it says trained dogs were able to pick up survivor's signs in a collapsed building after 1 month (30 days) after the #Beirutexplosions. The Rescue team from Chili is supposedly the one handling this mission.…
PLEASE, everyone, be very careful when circulating this news. This is a "Maybe" - based on 1 reporter and 1 contact. Now, @iPr1ncess is on the scene triple checking. Layal was the first to break the news for us, then we started reading it on @ALJADEEDNEWS.
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Aug 22nd 2020
For everyone concerned about my mental health post #Beirutexplosion - I have been into therapy for exactly a year now due to an accumulation of hostile coverages in addition to my repetitive anxiety attacks since 2016. I am very transparent about my mental health 🤍
Mental health is a priority for me, I always had a strong support network, some of my closest friends are mental health professionals, but I spent so much time looking for a therapist whom I can relate to. I finally committed to therapy last year.
That being said, I have been working with my therapist on processing the events of the Beirut explosion due to my continuous coverage, since I have interviewed so many survivors, their trauma indirectly affects us as journalists (AKA secondary trauma).
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Aug 21st 2020
Follow the money, it often leads to the explosives, illegal arms deals, corrupt banks, & Swampy politicians. #BeirutExplosion #ButNothingsHappening
A Russian operator, explosives from George, heading to Mozambique, a British middleman working for some Ukrainians...

You almost couldn't make this up! Image
The entire operation hidden behind shell companies, of course...

Like so many cases, you must spend significant time deciphering the shell companies & secret bank accounts in off shore havens. ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
NEW INVESTIGATION: OCCRP and a global partnership of over two dozen journalists unearthed new details about the August 4 explosion in Beirut, which killed 182 and injured over 6,000. #BeirutExplosion 1/…
Reporters uncovered that the owner of the ship that brought the ammonium nitrate to Beirut, the MV Rhosus, was a Cypriot businessman, Charalambos Manoli. He owned companies that also certified and flagged the vessel, despite defects. 2/
At the time, the ship owner was also in $4 million debt to FBME, a Lebanese-owned bank later sanctioned by the U.S. for links to organized crime and financing of groups including Hezbollah. 3/
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Aug 21st 2020
#Lebanon - 52 people remain missing, 17 days after the #BeirutExplosion.
Sources: Skynews and reliefweb - around 5 days ago the number was 60, however, a number of remains/bodies were identified, so still estimating because no official numbers on the Ministry of Health ..…
Until August 11th, the Ministry of health has been estimating numbers of missing between 30 and 40 - but today new numbers are emerging and the number goes all the way up to 52. Image
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Aug 21st 2020
Curation of Beirut Explosion stories that will forever remain imprinted in our hearts and minds.

I will keep adding to it because we should not and will not forget.

Pamela, young nurse carried 3 newborns for 5 km out of a completely damaged hospital to save their lives.
Isaac and Alexandra, 2 years and 3 years, the youngest victims of the explosion.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Tomorrow, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will accuse #Hezbollah Salim Ayyash, Hassan mer'e, Hussein 'Onaisi and Asaad Sabra of the assassination of Rafic Hariri and 21 other in the 2005 explosion in #Beirut.

Nothing special because the verdict is already known and prepared.
Ex-PM @saadhariri said he is not concerned about pushing the street towards manifestations against #Hezbollah or similar requests. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL)' verdict is known and will change nothing.

However, his brother Bahaa' (#SaudiArabia) doesn't think the same.
Bahaa Hariri and Ashraf Rifi are not expected to miss this opportunity and are due to ask for manifestation with little results.

The announcement of the known verdict is expected this afternoon, accusing 4 #Hezbollah of the assassination of Rafic Hariri. The STL cost $1 billion.
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Aug 14th 2020
1) This week #Macron warned Iran not to interfere in #BeirutBlast - but this may be too late

IRGC Gen Salami:

“All [#IRGC] capacities have been mobilised to help the Lebanese people…we will be them until the end of this crisis”

Thread: #BeirutBlast view from #Iran
2) Last week’s explosion in #Beirut has put significant pressure on #Iran’s activities in Lebanon, which are carried out by #Hezbollah –a Shia Islamist militia Iran’s IRGC helped create in 80s to export Islamic Revolution to #Lebanon & destroy the “Zionist regime”(#Israel) Image
3)Hezbollah's been 1 of Iran’s most valuable assets. Together with IRGC it's undertaken Iran’s strategic/ideological goals via terrorism, hostage-takings,assassinations, Syria + it's entrenched itself in political institutions.For Hez actions @Levitt_Matt…
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Aug 12th 2020

#Hezbollah al-Manar TV: Following the investigation, No attack (from #Israel) by air or the sea against the Harbour of #Beirut that caused the explosion. #Lebanon
"No missile hit the harbour," of #Beirut said #Hezbollah TV al-Manar quoting the investigation officers.

"The explosion at the Harbour of Beirut was due to a fire that reached an inflammable material and a large firework of firework in the hanger n. 12" said al-Manar #Hezbollah TV. #BeirutExplosion #Lebanon…
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Aug 11th 2020
Back from a long break, but still heartbroken about the #BeirutExplosion.

What is the history of Beirut in classical and late antiquity? What impact did it have on Roman, Christendom and Islamic Law?

Check it out!

@Tweetistorian @IslamScienceNet @iqsaweb @ArabAmericanMus
Beirut (Lt. Berytus) was a city was settled thousands of years ago, serving as a port for generations of Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans. The Severan dynasty sowed the seeds of Roman jurisprudence, a Semitic tradition which thrived along the Levantine coast of Syria, ...
and which flowed seamlessly into late antique church canon law (Syr. namosa) and medieval Islamic law and jurisprudence (Arab. fiqh).
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Aug 11th 2020
No one is really rejoicing the the government of Hassan Diab resigned, because no one really expected Diab to alter the status quo. He was appointed to absorb people's rage, and eventually be blamed as a scapegoat for when the economy completely collapses.
Then the #BeirutExplosion happened and threw the entire establishment into disarray. Diab was pressured to resign, or risk taking the blame for the explosion. #Macron's visit sent a signal that change will inevitably come. Elites are now scrambling to hedge their positions.
President Aoun & FPM will likely double down on their alliance with #Hezbollah and March-8 alliance, but it will bring their demise. The Christian street isn't as wedded to the resistance axis as its Shiite counterpart. International isolation of Lebanon will cause FPM to implode
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Aug 10th 2020


The Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab wants to resign after the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut. Health Minister Hassan Hamad announced.
Hassan also added that Prime Minister Hassan Diab will head to the presidential palace to hand over the resignation in the name of all the ministers.
Diab is set to deliver an address to the nation at 7.30 pm local time - or 5.30pm UTC time.
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Aug 10th 2020
[THREAD] Some thoughts on the horrendous #BeirutBlast and recent protests.

Many of my friends lost their homes. They can never return 2 their apartments or collect their personal items. Others have minor physical injuries and mostly material damages. 1/18
Some of my friends’ relatives died days after the explosion. Other friends are severely injured & are still at the hospital. Many are still figuring out ways 2 raise money (bcos banks aren’t giving us our $) 2 repair their homes & donate to help out many displaced families. 2/18
We only have shattered glass and material damages. @sanatkaram & I are ok. No injuries. Thanks to friends around the world for your texts, calls, & emails. It means a lot to us. 3/18
Read 18 tweets

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