Round 1 starts now!
AGRICULTURE: The most common labeling convention for fertilizers uses what three letters to indicate the mass fraction of macronutrients in the fertilizer?
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GEOGRAPHY: The second largest agricultural county and the first largest oil producing county in the United States are the same county in California. What is this county’s name?
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MATERIALS: Phonograph records were originally made from shellac, a resin secreted by the female lac bug on trees in the forests of India and Thailand. What common material are records commonly made from now? Give the full name or abbrev.
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CURRENT EVENTS: The City of Beirut was rocked today by a kiloton explosion when 2,750 tons of chemical fertilizer in a port warehouse was ignited. One-half ton of this same fertilizer was used in the 1995 OK City bombing. What is its name?
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TIME: This word in the English language is a noun meaning “a period of two weeks.” What is this word?
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SPORTS: In April 1919, the NHL’s Stanley Cup was never awarded, because the deciding game of the championship series was canceled hours before game time. Why was the game canceled?
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TELEVISION: On August 1st 1981, the MTV channel broadcasted for the first time. In this opening animation sequence, where in space was the “MTV flag” planted?
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SOCIAL MEDIA: One year ago, this epic tweet came into our lives: "Legit question for rural Americans - How do I kill the 30-50 _________ that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?" Fill in the blank! We want two words.
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R1 Q1 Answer
The three macronutrients in fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium—or N-P-K. Dividing the number associated with each letter into 100 tells you how many lbs of fertilizer it takes to add 1lb of that nutrient to the ground.
R1 Q2 Answer
This is KERN county, which enjoyed a classic oil boom from it’s discovery in 1899 until the Great Depression in 1929. The North Slope in Alaska may produce more oil than Kern County, but it is organized as a borough, not a county.
R1 Q3 Answer
Records are now made from POLYVINYLCHLORIDE, or PVC. Most records are made from 30% recycled PVC, but sound purists prefer records made from 100% virgin PVC, which contain fewer impurities.
R1 Q4 Answer
AMMONIUM NITRATE is not an explosive in the form commonly sold. However it readily forms explosive mixtures when combined with primary explosives such as the fireworks seen exploding before the large explosion in Beirut occurred.
R1 Q5 Answer
The word is FORTNIGHT, which stems from the Old English word “fēowertyne niht”—literally fourteen nights.
R1 Q6 Answer
The game between the @CanadiensMTL and the Seattle Metropolitans was canceled when five players fell ill with the FLU of 1918-19. One player, Joe Hall, died days later.
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THE ‘RONA: Although there had been no reports of COVID-19 in Yosemite National Park, in July, county health officials confirmed the presence of the novel coronavirus after they tested samples of what in the park?
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WOMEN IN STEM: Born 100 years ago on July 21st, this scientist is best remembered for her X-ray crystallography images that revealed the DNA double helix structure. Name this famous woman in science.
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MUSIC: This satirical band hailing from Akron, Ohio, is known for their yellow costumes and “Energy Dome” helmets—which you can now order as PPE face shields. Name this band.
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GEOGRAPHY: Last week, a limited number of Muslims completed the Hajj pilgrimage. Their ultimate destination is the Kaaba, a cube-shaped structure located in this city on the Arabian Peninsula. Name this city.
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GERMAN FOOD: On 1963-06-26, President Kennedy announced, “Ich bin ein Berliner.” If you were to order a Berliner in Germany, what would you be served?
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TYPOGRAPHY: Which two lowercase letters of the English alphabet have “tittles”? A tittle is spelled T-I-T-T-L-E.
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The 2013 California Senate Bill 743 requires that VMT be considered in CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act, which evaluates new projects in CA), replacing Level of Service as a metric to evaluate roads. What does VMT stand for?
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The WHO recommends regular exposure to fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) to no more than 10 μg/m^3. What percentage of the world’s population is chronically exposed to levels above that?
A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
E. 90%
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R2 Q1 Answer
They detected coronavirus in samples of POOP (WASTEWATER/SEWAGE) collected in Yosemite from June 30 to July 6. Extrapolating the results, around 170 people may be infected in Yosemite Valley :(
R2 Q2 Answer
The one and only ROSALIND FRANKLIN, whose body of work was so much more, including studies on the structure of agricultural and human viruses, including polio. She died at age 37 of ovarian cancer.
R2 Q3 Answer
They are DEVO, best known for their single “Whip It”, released August 13, 1980.
R2 Q4 Answer
It is the holiest city in Islam: MECCA, located in modern-day Saudi Arabia. The Hajj is undertaken during the final month of the Islamic lunar calendar, overlapping with the #EidAlAdha holiday. #EidMubarak
R2 Q5 Answer
A Berliner is a DOUGHNUT filled with jam. That Kennedy declared himself a doughnut is an urban legend: both meanings are possible, the crowd understood what he meant, and in Berlin, Berliners are called “Pfannkuchen.”
R2 Q6 Answer
A tittle is a small mark, such as the dot on the lowercase letters of i and j. A tittle is a type of diacritic, which are glyphs added to letters, such as accent marks. The biblical phrase “jot and tittle” is akin to “p’s and q’s.”
R2 Q7 Answer
VMT stands for VEHICLE MILES TRAVELLED. The transportation sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in California, and reducing VMT is a major goal of the State.
R2 Q8 Answer
E. 90% of the world's population is chronically exposed to PM2.5 levels above WHO guidelines. Fine particulate matter triggers an inflammatory response in humans that may cause brain damage.
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WOMEN IN STEM: In 1965, Bettye Washington Greene earned a PhD in physical chemistry at Wayne State University and became the first Black woman Ph.D. chemist to work at what major chemical company headquartered in that state?
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STAR TREK: In Star Trek, the Martian shipyard where the starships Enterprise-D and Voyager was built is called Utopia Planitia. On Mars, what kind of geographic feature is Utopia Planitia?
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FUEL: The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments require the inclusion of an oxygenator in reformulated gasoline. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) was popular until it was found to pollute groundwater; what common chemical is now used instead?
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SPORTS: The name of the National Hockey League team in Tennessee is the Nashville Predators. But what kind of extinct animal is their actual mascot? Name this animal.
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METEOROLOGY: According to the NOAA National Hurricane Center’s list of names for Atlantic tropical cyclones—e.g. depressions, hurricanes—what traditionally male name will be cyclone “K” for the 2020 season?
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THE INTERNET: In the letters HTTP, what do the first two letters “HT” stand for? Spelling counts.
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TELEVISION: The story of Henrietta Lacks, the African American woman whose cancer cells were harvested and sold without her permission, was adapted into an episode of this NBC crime drama in 2010. Name this TV show and be specific.
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R3 Q1 Answer
The DOW Chemical Company is headquartered in Midland, Michigan. (Wayne State is in Detroit, MI.) Dr. Greene researched colloid and latex chemistry, including interactions between latex and paper.
R3 Q2 Answer
Each face is equal in a platonic solid, as are all sides, and all angles. There are only five Platonic solids: TETRAHEDRON, CUBE, OCTAHEDRON, DODECAHEDRON, and ICOSAHEDRON.
R3 Q3 Answer
Utopia Planitia is an impact CRATER. In fact, it is the largest impact crater in the Solar System! Underground ice equal in volume to Lake Superior is located there. The shipyards were attacked and destroyed by rogue synths in 2385.
R3 Q4 Answer
ETHANOL is now used as an oxygenator, used to improve complete combustion of fuel. Ethanol also boosts the octane content of fuel.
R3 Q5 Answer
The mascot of @PredsNHL is the SABER-TOOTHED CAT/TIGER, or more accurately by its Western science name, SMILODON. Partial remains of this extinct predator were found at a Nashville construction site in 1971
R3 Q6 Answer
For this year, cyclone “K” will be called KYLE.
R3 Q7 Answer
HTTP stands for HYPERTEXT Transfer Protocol. It forms the start of the URL instructions from a client browser to request files from a website server.
R3 Q8 Answer
That would be LAW & ORDER—the original. It was one of the final three episodes of this iconic TV series. #HeLa100 was celebrated on August 1st, Lacks’ birthday.
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SPORTS: In 2014 and 2017, the National Hockey League dealt with a different viral outbreak that sidelined multiple players on multiple teams, even refs. Name this virus, which leads to swollen saliva glands.
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GOVERNMENT: Who is the current Chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board?
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TECHNOLOGY: The Chinese smartphone app “Dou-Yin” is known everywhere else in the world as what app?
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GEOGRAPHY: The term “Negus” was an honorific title for monarchs and governors in a particular region of Africa. Name one of the two modern-day countries whose culture once used this title.
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MATH: An Icosahedron is the Platonic solid with most faces. How many faces does it have?
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MOVIES: The climactic scene of Close Encounters of the Third Kind occurs at the first United States National Monument, designated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1916. What is the name of the Monument?
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ZOOS: Located on the grounds of the Habsburg summer palace, the Tiergarten (Animal Garden) Schönbrunn is the world’s oldest continuously operating zoo. In what country is it located?
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DESIGN: Based on the British Nissen Hut, the U.S. built over 150,000 of these steel, semi-circular prefab structures in WWII. Many remain standing throughout the USA as outbuildings, businesses, or even homes. What are these huts called?
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R4 Q1 Answer
That virus was MUMPS. Even @NHL star Sidney Crosby was infected. Both outbreaks were eventually contained.
R4 Q2 Answer
The current Chair of the California @AirResources Board is MARY NICHOLS. It’s her second time as CARB Chair, first appointed by Governor Brown in 1979, and again by Governor Schwarzenegger in 2007.
R4 Q3 Answer
Dou-Yin, which in literal translation means “Shake Music” or “Shake Sound”, is marketed outside of China as TIK TOK.
R4 Q4 Answer
The title “Negus” is from the language of ETHIOPIA and ERITREA.
R4 Q5 Answer
In Dungeons and Dragons, an icosahedron die is called a d20, because it is a dice with TWENTY faces.
R4 Q6 Answer
DEVIL’S TOWER was the first US national monument. The butte stands 867 feet from summit to base. It also showed up in the 2011 movie “Paul.”
R4 Q7 Answer
Founded as an imperial menagerie in 1752, the Tiergarten Schönbrunn is located in Vienna, AUSTRIA. In 1906, the zoo bred the first elephant in captivity. It is 17 hectares, has 700 different kinds of animals, including giant pandas.
R4 Q8 Answer
QUONSET HUTS. The flexible interior space was open, allowing use as barracks, latrines, medical and dental offices, isolation wards, housing, bakeries. The name comes from the site of first manufacture at Quonset Point—Davisville, RI
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