Welcome to the next in our #AcademicintheSpotlight series that promotes social scientists doing innovative & dynamic research that you really ought to be aware of.
This week is the turn of Thomas Sampson @thom_sampson, who works on trade, Brexit & the UK economy.🔻
First, watch this video and find out about his work. 🎦
Thomas has worked with us to produce influential forecasts of the economic implications of both Boris Johnson & Theresa May’s Brexit deals.
Within a fortnight, this analysis of the economic impact of Johnson’s withdrawal agreement was cited on 8 separate occasions during debates in the UK Parliament.
The analysis found that Johnson’s proposals for a free trade agreement with the EU would be substantially more damaging in the long run than May’s deal, although less costly than an exit on WTO terms.
Thomas also studies the ongoing economic effects of Brexit.
He found that the decline in sterling after the referendum increased consumer prices by around 2.9% m, which equates to an £870 pound per year increase in the cost of living for the average household.
Read more about @thom_sampson’s work and his plans for exploring how UK firms adjust to the twin shocks of Covid-19 and new trade barriers with the EU.
Reflecting on lessons from elsewhere in Europe on how to achieve regional economic convergence, @thomasforth@ODILeeds@TheDataCity argues for a commitment to invest more in skills, transport, research and development & culture in cities across the UK👇👇
@michaelkenny_ & @TKelsey915 lay out the evidence that 'a top-down plan for place-based intervention, based upon bilateral negotiations with local areas, runs the risk of enforcing the priorities & orthodoxies of the centre'📝
@fiona_costello's research looks at the impact of Brexit on EU nationals in the UK, and how these problems are being resolved by community advice organisations.
Watch this to find out more ⬇⬇
As well as working as an academic, Fiona works with @GyrosOrg to help EU nationals access legal advice and support – allowing her to understand everyday problems facing EU nationals on the frontline.
.@simonjhix: "In the medium term, Brexit is a challenge to the EU. There will be a UK model of exit."
"At some point, the UK model will seem quite attractive, which could be politically very difficult for the EU."
.@HelenHet20: "The EU's reaction to #Brexit was primarily defensive, but there was an opportunity to face the euro-ins and euro-outs question head on."
"Instead, it was seen as a potential long-term threat to the EU's credibility."
.@BorisJohnson has said that no deal with the EU would be a “good outcome” for the UK.
This report highlights what it would mean in terms of trade, fisheries, connectivity, the impact on citizens, Northern Ireland, economics, security, foreign policy, politics and more.
On #trade, the two sides would revert to #WTO rules.
We’re talking tariffs, customs checks, and regulatory checks. In other words, increased hassle, increased time and increased costs for businesses trading with the EU.
. @jillongovt: "No deal now is not the same as last year because the financial settlement, citizens' rights and Northern Ireland were dealt with in the Withdrawal Agreement."