My thoughts below
For most of us on the frontline including myself, the 100% focus in the last 4 months, rightly so, been on beating the initial sickness
Unaware it may be just the first of many battles
Sometimes we all need perspective (definitely I did)

@NMHheartdoc on challenges where "preventive measures such as ability to isolate in safe home, work remotely with full digital access, sustain monthly income are components of privilege"

OUR LEGACY at @HMethodistMD built on supporting community in the biggest crisis pre covid
came out with flying colors then
have no doubt, together, will triumph again
leaving another legacy for future generations to cherish

showed irrespective of age, AA and Hispanics more likely to be affected by COVID 19
@NMHheartdoc on challenges where "preventive measures such as ability to isolate in safe home, work remotely with full digital access, sustain monthly income are components of privilege"