Here's a first draft based on this resource from @JoelChan86
1. Skim (focus on focus on title, abstract, figures, and conclusion)
2. List related pages in Roam
🔹probability of usefulness
🔹impact on my work
🔹score (I create a hashtag of the product of p and i, eg #readscore9)
4. Read now, assign to future self (page ref a date), or archive
🔹Create the top level structure for nested blocks
🔹Skim and write questions
🔹Find the answers
🔹Copy important sections and tag
Idea tags #claim #conclusion #proof #application
PM tags #cost #integration #scope #risk etc
(example screenshots)

🔹Search discussions in Twitter
🔹Create a thread if there's some active users on the topic and if it has high readscore