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Jun 5th 2023
📢 Thread: WWDC 2023 Live 🚀

🕗 8:19 am: We've arrived on site and going through the check-in process. Excitement is in the air! #WWDC2023 #AppleEvent
🕗 8:48 am: Take a glimpse of the main seating area with the new shade structure, preparing for an incredible event. The stage is set for something amazing! #WWDC2023 #AppleEvent
🕘 9:39 am: Apple's live stream is now available on the TV app. Stay tuned for the start of the event. Watch it wherever you are! #WWDC2023 #AppleEvent
Read 158 tweets
May 24th 2023
Reviewing some #NorthDakota information surrounding #prescribed #opioids.
#OpioidPrescriptions #declined 34% from 2006 to 2020

Statement in poster ➡️ ‘Since 2007 every state has been working to address the #opioid epidemic & best practices are now understood’

Are they? 1
In the #Conclusion
➡️ nothing that addresses the #harm of #patients that struggled with #chronicpain. #Nothing re #outcomes of those #abandoned by #physicians & removed from #prescribed #opioids. Nothing about the looming disaster of last #physicians that #prescribe in 2 Image
#NorthDakota leaving. #Patients having no recourse. #NorthDakota absolutely has growth in area of serving those w #SUD yet in their pursuit to do this, they have #harmed those w #chronicpain & continue to exclude them in discussions or acknowledge these #harms. @hhsndgov 3
Read 5 tweets
May 17th 2023
#FlashBack Thread.

17th May 2004 - #BlackMonday LowerCircuit Day.

Started learning Technicals from @nsfidai just a week or two before this event.

Remember him and his friend discussing how markets are heading lower irrespective of results.

Let's see what happened.
#IndianElections & the Impact.

#Nifty fell almost 20% in a single day. Closed 12-13 % lower.

Down 32% from April to May. Peak to Bottom.

On Close 24% fall.

#BJP lost elections.

Remember the "India is Shining " Campaign.

Learnt Lower Top Lower Bottom Pattern ImageImage
#Global Impact of Indian Elections.

#US Markets fell by 6-7% in April-May 2004.

Was down 1% on 17th May 2004. Image
Read 11 tweets
May 5th 2023
🧵Selon le droit international, les seuls étrangers à #Mayotte sont les français métropolitains.

Derrière l’opération coloniale et xénophobe #Wuambushu, c’est le droit du peuple comorien à la terre, à la libre circulation et à l’autodétermination qui est en jeu.

📸 @LouisWitter Image
L’archipel des Comores (≈ 1,1million d’hab.) est composé de 4 îles :

-Grande Comore (Ngazidja)
-Mohéli (Mwali)
-Anjouan (Ndzuwani)
-Mayotte (Maoré)

Ces 4 îles abritent un seul et même peuple, le peuple comorien. ImageImage
Les comoriens circulent sur ces 4 îles et se marient entre eux depuis des siècles, ils partagent la même langue, la même organisation sociale (matrilocale), la même histoire qui débute au VIe siècle avec les migrations bantoues, la même culture animiste et islamique (chaféïte).
Read 26 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
🚨 #SOSPatrimonio 🚨
#MalaNoticiaDelDía @mireiafreixa

Enfrente de @GH_UB @HistoriaArtUB #AtentadoContraElPatrimonio

El cura d iglesia de Montalegre #ElRaval #Barcelona ha decidido repintar sobre pinturas originales d 1908, ante la falta de financiación para restaurarlas...🧵… Image
... en vez de dejarlas como están a la espera de mejores tiempos y financiacion. #Tristeza.

Si antes era caro restaurar las pinturas, ahora lo será más.


La decisión demuestra una falta de sensibilidad hacia el patrimonio... ImageImageImage
La #conclusión es que queda mucho trabajo por hacer en la educación y valorización de nuestro patrimonio cultural.

@MariaPalau75 @joseangelmb @matesemo @NataliaFarreEP @antoniribas @arrizabalaga11 @ElenaVozmediano @caleroje @jdguardiola @PeioHR @MadridTrc @AvvRaval @vinyetp
Read 3 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
🔵 #Thread - Sécheresse Usage de l'eau 💧

L'enjeu de l'eau en 🇫🇷 concerne bien plus les conflits d'usages que l'accès à l'eau potable.

✧ Rappel des secteurs de consommations d'eau.
- 48% irrigations 🌾
- 24% Eau potable à usage domestique 💦
- 22% Énergie ⚡️
- 6% Industrie 📡 Image
⚠️ Petite Alerte : Il est assez compliqué de se représenter la "consommation" de l'eau. Une eau consommée a subi une altération et/ou a été utilisé, mais ça ne la détruit pas pour aller vers d'autres usages.⚠️
🔵 La sous-répartition des 48% irrigations 🌾

- 41% Maïs
- 24% Céréales & Protéagineux
- 15% Légumes, fruits, vignes
- 11% Cultures fourragères & herbes
- 7% Pommes de terres & betteraves
- 1% Autres
Read 22 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
A continuación, viene un hilo [🧵] sobre la #automatización del trabajo, los #robots y una serie de #ideas💡a tomar en cuenta ➡️... Image
Probablemente, te preguntarás, ¿Por qué la #automatización del #trabajo 🦾ha llamado tu atención?

¿Es acaso debido a las películas de #Terminator, o tal vez, #Robocop, #WALL·E o Nueve de #ShaneAcker? ⬇️
La verdad es que, todo esto se deriva de una muy particular #pasión por no morirme de hambre 😂 en un #mundo 🌎 cada vez más #competitivo, automatizado y #tecnológico. ⬇️ Image
Read 40 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
Detailed analysis of #Nifty based on Quant and Technical parameters. Covered COC, COI, PCR, IVs, Breadth and Price Action on monthly, weekly, daily and hourly time frames.
#Nifty50 #NiftyBank #BankNifty #optionstrader #OptionsTrading #StocksToBuy #StockMarket #Stocks
COC analysis on #Nifty. Data Courtesy : @quantsapp
COC analysis on #Nifty. Data Courtesy : @quantsapp
Read 16 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Finally, the #GoldacreReview is published! (During Parliamentary Easter holidays, mid-ping-pong on the #HealthAndCareBill...)

It's 221 pages - each PDF page is a double page spread - so this could be a lo-o-o-ong [Thread].

Here goes...
First point to note, in the Terms of Reference (p5), is that this is about "access to #NHSdata by #researchers, #commissioners, and #innovators" - i.e. #Planning and #CommercialReUse - so it is directly relevant to the operation of millions of people's #NationalDataOptOuts... Terms of reference for the review  1. How do we facilitate a
"185 wide-ranging recommendations for us to explore", says @sajidjavid (p6). Gulp! Time for some coffee...

"systems that ensure #underrepresented groups are well represented" may (partly) refer to this "landmark review", which got off to a slow start:… The far-reaching independent review into potential ethnic bi
Read 159 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
1] As MDC-T splits..

Truth is, the ructions & consequent split of the judicial construct comes as no surprise.

From the get to, faulty lines where always there for all to see.
The MDC-T never had an ideology foundation nor identifiable political constituency to build on. Image
2] #ReasonsForSplit

MDC-T was reconstructed by the regime for the sole purpose of disrupting MDC-A political programs

ZanuPF attempted different ideas aimed at dismantling MDC-A & isolating NC.
Reconstructing MDC-T was part of those efforts to leave the MDC-A internally focused
3] On their part, those who jumped to the reconstructed MDC-T had two things in common.

Firstly, they had all lost different positions (save for Mupariwa), at the Gweru Congress.

Secondly, they all wanted the puppet party Presidency.

The 2nd issue especially, was a faulty line ImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
Des fans de Johnny qui se réunissent tous les mois dans une église pour chanter en chœur ? C’est ce que nous avons regardé cette semaine sur Canal+. Intitulé “Retiens Johnny”, ce documentaire est un bon exemple pour tester nos réflexes en #Educmediasinfo. Thread ⤵️
Vous pouvez le voir en replay sur Mycanal, dans la rubrique “documentaires”
Dès le début, les images sont fascinantes. C’est tourné à l’église de la Madeleine, devenue lieu de pèlerinage plusieurs fois par an depuis l'enterrement de l’idole en 2017. La bande annonce est ici :
Read 11 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
#Thread I had asked people to share 3 good things that they did/happened to them in #2020 on @Facebook @Twitter and @instagram. Totally more than a 1000 people replied, of different ages, different professions, different regions. The comments were full of insights for me.
Lesson 1. The responses were very diverse, but some common things stood out. Most people mentioned ‘spending time with the family’ as one of the top positives of this year. And indeed, #WFH as well as the forced lockdown has made us all look at family togetherness in a new light.
Lesson 2. Most respondents also mentioned focus on wellness and health as a key area saw improvement. Many people shared inspiring stories of weight loss, of starting an exercise regimen, yoga, meditation, practices that helped improve both physical as well as mental health.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
Trend Facts of "SendBackRangersFromSindh"
*Total tweets Posted: 28,231
sums of tweets and retweets
(Tweets: 3,306 & retweets: 24,925)
* Trend created by on 22 Oct

*2,184 no of distinct accounts participated in this trend and more than 861 accounts (39%) have a foreign location
including India, US, Germany, Canada and others
*107 accounts have 0 followers,
*639 accounts have followers between 1 to 5.
*473 accounts created between 25 Sep to 20 oct 2020
Read 6 tweets
Oct 18th 2020
#உஷார்_அய்யா_உஷாரு 😊
#Online_Offers_உஷாரு 😊

ஆன்லைன் ஷாப்பிங் வலை தளங்களான #Amazon #Flipkart இவற்றில் Offer களை அள்ளி கொடுக்கிறார்களே உண்மையான மார்க்கெட் கள நிலவரம் தான் என்ன.!

அது பற்றிய #இழை #Thread
வாங்க ஜாலியா Shopping பண்ணலாம்..!🧞

#MarketSurvey #OnlineShopping #Offers
எனக்கும் நண்பருக்கும் சில எலக்ட்ரானிக்ஸ் & வீட்டு உபயோக பொருட்கள் வாங்க வேண்டி இருந்ததால், தற்சமயம்
#Amazon & #Flipkart இவற்றில் Offer களை அள்ளி கொடுக்கிறார்களே..
எனவே, Online ல் Order செய்யலாமா அல்லது கடைகளிலேயே சென்று வாங்கலாமா என்பதை அறிய ஒரு Mini Market Survey செய்தோம்.!😊
🔥Home Appliances கடைகள் உள்ள சாலை ரோடு,
🔥பர்னிச்சர் & எலக்ட்ரிக்கல் கடைகள் உள்ள மதுரை ரோடு,
🔥திருச்சியின் Commercial Hubஆன NSB Road & Super Bazarல் உள்ள கடைகள்
🔥 மொபைல் ஷோரூம்கள்,

என, இவற்றில் அவர்கள் தரும் ஆஃபர்கள் மற்றும் விலை நிலவரங்களை கேட்டறிந்தோம்..!😊
Read 26 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
Followers' Analysis of Hamid Mir Twitter account
(@HamidMirPAK )

*Total Followers 6,052,986

*1,322,955 (more than 1 million followers have 0 followers)
*951,733 followers have 1 follower
*1,839,946 followers have 2 to 5 followers
By followers' Account Age
*2,291 accounts created today
*3,549 accounts created on 17 Oct 2020
* 406,241 accounts created in between 15 Sep to 15 Oct 2020
By No of tweets
* 2,607,876 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*376,221 followers account posted 1 tweet
*1,347,311 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet
Read 10 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
Follower's Analysis of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Twitter account

*Total Followers 3,976,842

*887,832 followers have 0 followers
*499,219 followers have 1 follower
*992,878 followers have 2 to 5 followers
By followers Account Age
*1,462 accounts created today
*2,743 accounts created last day
* 87,211 accounts created between1st to 9oct 2020
By No of tweets
* 1,464,590 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*453,972 followers account posted 1 tweet
*918,545 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet
Read 10 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020
Follower's Analysis of Maryam Nawaz Sharif Twitter account
(@MaryamNSharif )

*Total Followers 5,592,493

*1,071,309 (1 million followers have 0 followers)
*743,906 followers have 1 follower
*1,439,946 followers have 2 to 5 followers
By followers Account Age
*1898 account created today
*37,204 accounts created last day
* 297,537 accounts created in SEP 2020.
By No of tweets
* 2,031,918 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*685,416 followers account posted 1 tweet
*1,006,024 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2020

Precisamente para eso SÍ hay que consumir carbohidratos, para no caer en hipoglucemia y estar diciendo que con magia se pierde peso.

Abro hilo
Desmintiendo a #TikTokers

Es una propuesta dietoterapueútica para el tratamiento del sobrepeso/obesidad, cuyo contenido de hidratos de carbono es menor a 60g/día, incrementando el consumo de proteína y lípidos.

Su fundamento es el cambio metabólico glucolítico a lipolítico
Este tipo dietas están asociadas a una pérdida rápida de peso y “sin efectos secundarios” en apariencia, por eso su popularidad en los últimos años.
Read 22 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020

#FightForFreedom #CCP_is_EvilCult ImageImageImageImage
🚨Hawaii Businesswoman Pleads Guilty to Facilitating Back-channel Lobbying Campaign to Drop 1MDB Investigation & Remove a Foreign National to #China🚨

Then DOJ will soon reveal documents 91 & 94, and arrest related Chinese officials e.g. Mr. Xi Jinping… ImageImageImage

POMPEO said a serious of action to the #CCP will be announced in the next few days & weeks.
Read 124 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
#roamcult who's got a template for grappling with journal articles? Let's exchange notes!

Here's a first draft based on this resource from @JoelChan86

1. Skim (focus on focus on title, abstract, figures, and conclusion)

2. List related pages in Roam

3. Prioritization:
🔹probability of usefulness
🔹impact on my work
🔹score (I create a hashtag of the product of p and i, eg #readscore9)

4. Read now, assign to future self (page ref a date), or archive

5. Reading
🔹Create the top level structure for nested blocks
🔹Skim and write questions
🔹Find the answers
🔹Copy important sections and tag
Idea tags #claim #conclusion #proof #application
PM tags #cost #integration #scope #risk etc
(example screenshots)

Read 5 tweets
Jun 26th 2020


1. Sex is one of the natural instincts created by Allāh in all His living creatures. For human beings, the urge to mate is aroused as soon as they attained puberty. Being an inevitable natural instinct,
2. Islām has neither placed a total ban on sex by promoting monasticism, nor has it permitted sexual indulgence without restrictions, thereby promoting adultery, fornication and prostitution. Rather, it has designed certain mechanisms to check the abuse of sex in order to
3. protect man's chastity against unholy acts such as bestiality and homosexuality.

Islām advocates الوَسَطِيَّة (moderation) in everything so much that it condemns both الإِفْراط (extremism) and التَّفْرِيط (laxity). If one studies the injunctions of the Sharī'ah carefully,
Read 52 tweets
Dec 17th 2019
#Straddles vs #Strangles ( Sell only )

These are the most common #Options strategies when one would start with #OptionsTrading.

Let’s understand from a broader perspective what’s the difference between these two.
Would not like to discuss the construction difference between them if you don’t know stop trading #options


You get higher premium so pnl would be higher compared to #strangles

But from where are you getting higher premiums is that your selling 0.5 #delta.
So probability of one going wrong is always 50% so to simply put one side is goin to get stuck in a #straddle but then market tends to #flucuate a lot so there is always the case of #meanreversion if you have selected the #strike rightly.
Read 14 tweets
Dec 13th 2019
#Options vs #Futures

Although both are #derivatives, Futures and Options are entirely different in terms of their potential #risk and #return , #leverage and how they work.

How different are futures and options?
#Rights vs #Obligations

In #Futures Trading, both the buyer & the seller are #obligated to settle the contracts on or before expiry ie cover shorts or longs or rollover to next contract, regardless of how the underlying asset price moves.
With #Options the buyer has the #Right, but not the #Obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) on underlying asset. The option seller is #passive and must comply with whatever the option buyer does.
Read 13 tweets

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