a. Take extra precautions
b. Check blood sugar levels regularly and increase the frequency in case of an active COVID-19 infection since any symptom can possibly flare up blood glucose levels.
c. Low carb diet, less stress
It's like a flu virus. 80-85% have mild symptoms and treated at home. Mortality is only 2.5 to 3%. Deaths are majorly reported in older population and with comorbid conditions like hypertension, diabetes etc.
there is currently no evidence that food can transmit the virus or a determinant of any form of infection. So eating non-vegetarian food is perfectly safe. Make sure any meat is washed and cooked thoroughly.
Pregnant is at an increased risk of suffering from viral respiratory infections such as the flu and can impact their health severely. Pregnant women have weaker immunity that make them more susceptible to the virus.
a. Stay away from that person
b. Maintaining a distance of 6 meters from an infected person can safeguard you
c. Also, stop shaking hands and go back to the traditional ‘Namaste’. It is one of the best ways.
It is very important to maintain respiratory hygiene. Whenever you have a cough, don’t cough on your hands or handkerchief, either use a tissue paper or cough on your sleeve. (1/2)...
It is a big no. Alcohol cannot protect you from any infection. You must use hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol, not drink it!