Two useless Trump tools.
Their next arson? 🔥
High caseloads in schools.
UNC Chapel Hill illustrates
why their swill violates
well-known public health rules.
@bturque @PhyllisMarion7
@MOEducation @clairecmc
@MO_HouseDems @nicolergalloway
the #TrumpVirus won’t soon disappear.
As Mike plays it both ways,
folks their eyebrows must raise.
His mixed messages ring insincere.
😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
@gayleasher1 @BrotherIsaacG
@denenloe44 @EnglishTeach07
@jzikah @BryanLowry3 @charlesjaco1

but his record on COVID is crap.
This onetime lieutenant*
is winning no pennant.
His rush to reopen — a trap.
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
@FacesofCOVID @Trump_Regrets
@EricGreitens* @BluebirdsofMO
@FoFannaDiana @StormMela
@KCStarOpinion @HealthyLivingMo

Yet with COVID, Mike still fails to study
how the public health levee is
breached by each bevy of cases.
Mike’s hands are now bloody.
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
@SteveVockrodt @raygunshirts @RandyAlberhasky @odanu @Jeremy_Danner @RepSamGraves @CoriBush

speeds faster on Mike’s watch.
A pathetic disaster way up from
Tarkio … down to Cape Girardeau.
In Missouri he’s Donald’s ringmaster.
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
@1964Chick @debbiezeke
@stltoday @MOEdChange
@MORuralHealth @JasonKander
from his sickening COVID inaction
because Eric’s lieutenant
is winning no pennant
for citizen health satisfaction.
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
@aida__ade @cjtravis @dcstl @dubbledutched @Multizord
@MWife75 @prmurp @GovJayNixon
as explained by the gov after Greitens?
Show me incompetence:
Parson’s claims make no sense. His
feigned ignorance surely enlightens.
@cathy_proffer @classEIreand
@emzorbit @JesseLawder
@KCStar @KMOV @MWife75 @wwhjazz
took a backseat to antics dramatic.
With “just” 😢 two hundred dead,
not a great deal was said about
Trump’s preparation sporadic. 🏌🏻
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
#200dead — March 20, 2020
@PeterAlexander 👏🏾👏🏼👏 @whca
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ #mogov
#ShowMeCOVID19 un-@realdrbirx 👀
Three birds of a feather. Each
pretends any storm we can weather.
Though they promise safe schools,
each of these put-in tools on high
caseloads is in this together.
Increased death tolls Missourians face after Parson met up w/ ScarfAce.
@nicolergalloway ⌛🗳️🇺🇸🗽⚖️
#LIBERTY ☝🏼 #ShowMe 👇🏼 #COVID19
🚨😷📈🏥⚰️ @mikeparson
@gayleasher1 @FoFannaDiana
@StormMela @BryanLowry3
@Brianontheair @JasonKander
@MO_HouseDems @GovJayNixon
@clairecmc 🗽 @SpeakerPelosi ⚖️ @KamalaHarris 🇺🇸
wherein Greitens’ lieutenant was read
his deserved act of riot.
Always masked? He should try it!
Unless he wants more schoolkids dead.
Y’all can vote 🗽 or vote ⚰️ but
please VOTE, for it impacts your breath.
🗽 @nicolergalloway
⚰️ @mikeparson
derives from an Angry Orange God.
Seems to me — either/or.
Yet this governance chore is
a duty no one would applaud.
What’s the shortcut?
Just pile on more lies.
Simply shrug then if somebody dies.
@MO_HouseDems 🗽

”Some will die for the Dow.
Trump screwed up;
sacrifice anyhow!
He claimed it disappears;
we’ll ignore all your fears. At
his altar you too now must bow.
If folks perish? No need to explain.
They’re disposable …
like Herman Cain.”
back to school to ignore
any public health rule?
It’s Trump’s classic device:
❶ simply shrug; 🤷♂️
❷ roll the dice! 🎲
Risking born children’s lives is uncool.
Not to mention other nonsurvivors!
Teachers, librarians & bus drivers.
Deranged housewives?
All his to “console.”
Innocent kids take sick w/
his part-time mask trick.
On the whole I would vote for Nicole. Y’all can vote 🗽 or vote ⚰️ so please vote like it impacts your breath.