"This poll is highly CLASSIFIED and is only intended for a small group of hand-picked Patriots."

"Do you agree that Slow Joe and Phony Kamala would DESTROY our Nation?"

"Do you agree that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are just Trojan Horses being used by the Radical Left?" ImageImage
Trump selling "face coverings" for a $50 donation. Image
"...they’ve been attacking my father with a viciousness we’ve never seen before. We, the American People, need to be ready to defend him." Image
"I emailed you. The Vice President emailed you. My son, Don Jr., emailed you. Lara emailed you. Diamond and Silk emailed you. And now I’m emailing you. Again." Image
"Every attack against President Trump is really an attack on YOU."

Convincing group members they are persecuted by outside world is key factor in achieving cult solidarity. ImageImage
Trying to acquaint criticism of the leader with persecution of the group is a key strategy, too. Trump emails do that pretty much daily.

This characteristic is listed in this cult psychology website list, from: culteducation.com/warningsigns.h… Image
They were going for a spit take on the moon one. Image
"Register with Trump Talk TODAY and start making calls[...]"

Link to register: trumpvictory.com/trumptalk/ Image
Sick how many emails Trump campaign is sending out these days. This is just from this morning and yesterday. Image
At 800% match. Why not 1 million % match? Image
"The Liberal Mob will come after you on the streets simply for not agreeing with them. They hate our country and they hate YOU, Zachary."

"America's Defenders" Image
New Trump slogan: Make America Safe Again.

The instructions to 'make sure your community is prepared' are on surface about getting out vote but seem ominous in context. Image
Example of how GOP is making use of protests/riots. ImageImage
"Nancy Pelosi [...] CAUGHT on camera WITHOUT a mask"

A terrifying example of liberal privilege, brought to you by the people who have entire convention parties with no masks or distancing! Image
Trump campaign sending out emails at a crazy rate, as has been case last few months.

Here are all the emails they sent Friday and Saturday. Image
"The Radical Left hates you, Zachary. FOUR YEARS AGO, Hillary called you DEPLORABLE. Then, Joe Biden said we aren’t good people. NOW, Nancy is calling you a DOMESTIC ENEMY." Image
I signed up for this 'volunteer for Trump' thing, curious what happens. ImageImageImage
“Melania gave $45”: a rousing, inspiring call to action. Image
Such gross people.

"Everyone remembers what happened with Crooked Hillary in 2016 - my father wiped the floor with her - and Joe Biden, the Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp, will be no different." Image
New mafia-esque touch: "You're part of the family."

The latest bullshit "you're part of a special group with a name" thing in the long string of them: the "Official First Family's Circle." Image
They're going crazy with the bullshit groups: "The Trump 1000 Club", for "Real Patriots Only." You can get a "limited edition Trump 1000 Dollar Bill." Image
Another one from today: the "Donor Hall of Fame," which you can get on by donating any amount. Obviously a very elite club. Image
"Contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to support President Trump as a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee."

I admittedly don't know much about Nobel Peace Prize nominations, but you don't win them by asking for money from people, do you?

And I don't think they look like that either. Image
“They’ll attack your homes”

Antifa-related fear mongering from last few days of Trump tweets ImageImage
"Remember, Zachary, when they come after the President, they’re really coming after YOU and everything YOU stand for."

One of key cult characteristics is convincing group that an attack on the leader is an attack on the group. Image
Trump marketing team seems chaotic, like there are multiple people working on it.

One indicator of this is that they'll send out "6x match", "7x match", & "8x match" emails within minutes of each other, which you'd think would tend to make potential donators confused. Image
Trump wine glasses and pint glasses. ImageImage
"The future of America is in jeopardy, Zachary. I know you don’t want to live in a dark socialist Nation any more than I do [...]" Image
Next level of Idiocracy close to being unlocked. Image
I “won” a set of Trump pint glasses that I have to pay $35 for. Image
This stuff sounding increasingly desperate and unhinged.

Never seen one before where they promise to win the election if money is donated. Image
"Defend the White House"

"...Joe Biden would set America on a path of socialism and decline. The future of America is in jeopardy... I know you don’t want to live in a dark socialist Nation any more than I do." Image
Trump text just now Image
“The President is right, we have an obligation to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, without delay!” Image
Language is creepy/threatening.

"Defend the Republican Party"
"if we just sit back and do nothing, the Democrats will take over our Nation [...] We absolutely cannot let that happen"

You can sign up to see what they send out at trumpvictory.com/volunteers Image
Trump/GOP mailing.

“At stake in this fight is the survival of our Democracy.”

“capturing control of our nation so they can force their Lawless Big Government Socialist Agenda on us all.” ImageImage
One of today's Trump emails.

"The Radical Socialist Democrats want to destroy our economy and our military." Image
Trump email:

"It is about rigging this election [...] We won’t let the Democrats steal this election for Slow Joe..." Image
'Join the fight' button links to this page: donaldjtrump.com/events/

Which includes events labeled 'Trump Army'. ImageImage
Trump email.

"They laugh at you for wanting to Make America Great Again. They call you racist for loving your Country. They verbally abuse you in the streets for disagreeing with them. They want to silence your vote, eliminate your voice, and DESTROY your American Dream." Image
"President Trump fights for YOU. Will you fight for him?" Image
What is the deal with the Trumps having weird, nonsensical signatures?

Her “signature” looks like a fucking EKG reading. ImageImage
More violent phrasings in Trump emails.

"an all-out POLITICAL WAR with the Radical Left"

"I won’t go down without a fight" Image
Latest bullshit club: Trump Diamond Club. Image
Trump propaganda throws in mention of KKK to try to give "fair and balanced" appearance to the antifa hate/fear-mongering.

They lose the thread farther down in solely focusing on the "radical actions of these left-wing radical extremists". Image
Trump email.

"The Democrats would DESTROY all of the President’s great accomplishments if their radical puppet was elected, and honestly, you have got to be out of your mind if that’s what you want." Image
Trump text implying Biden will be getting help from earpiece.

Which was same fake news used right before 2016 by liar and felon @true_pundit (Mike Moore of Pennsylvania), who created fake news stories about Clinton using earpiece. Image
Here are screenshots from the Sept 2016 True Pundit fake news article, replete w/ bullshit fake sources (often used by Mike Moore of Pennsylvania, aka True Pundit).

TP's fake news was RTed by Don Trump Jr, Michael Flynn, others. Very influential domestic fake news producer. ImageImage
Here's the main tweet professional liar/propagandist True Pundit (aka Mike Moore of Pennsylvania) where he shared the fake Clinton-wearing-earbud story, and you can see how popular a tweet it was.

Trump propaganda email about Biden wearing an earpiece from before the #Debates2020 Image
Story by @alexwoodward about the 'Democrats wearing earpiece' propaganda independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
From mailed GOP poll Image
Creepiest Trump email I've seen.

"Democrats know they can’t win without these illegal schemes. But President Trump [is] fighting every day in court and on the ground to prevent this kind of shenanigans [...]."

'Join the Fight' button goes here: donaldjtrump.com/events Image
More violent language from Trump team. Use of 'fight' several times, and 'defend' and 'protect'.

"I’m calling on YOU to join in our fight to Defend America" ImageImage
Aggressive language is more and more frequent. Another email from today.

Uses 'fight' couple times, 'destroy' several times, 'steal your vote'. ImageImage
Interesting: usually by this time of day, I would have gotten like 8 Trump emails; there have been a massive amount lately.

Today so far only have gotten 1. Image
Today's Trump email. "President Trump is a warrior."

#TrumpCovid Image
Today's Trump email. "NO ONE is tougher than President Trump, and I know he will beat this thing fast."

A weird thing to say. The certainty part. Image
Trump propaganda email includes a strange diss of the weakness of humans who aren’t Trump. Image
Man, maybe I should get covid. Sounds great.

"Best I've felt in 20 years!" Image

"We have the best medical equipment, we have the best medicines - all developed very recently under President Trump’s administration." Image
The Trump propaganda/lie machine is very chaotic. They go from regularly offering 8x matches, even 8.5x recently, and then will act like a 7x match is something special. They do this a lot.

Imagine the chaos and incoherence Trump brought to his casino marketing strategies. Image
You don't say.

"As Chair of the Coronavirus White House Task Force, Vice President Pence knows firsthand the challenges our Nation has faced battling the Coronavirus." Image
"They want you to be AFRAID of the coronavirus, because that's how they MANIPULATE you into voting for their liberal puppets."

"FIGHT BACK. We can't be the Liberal Billionaires trying to steal this Election unless every Patriot takes action." Image
"We must stop them. With your help, WE WILL STOP THEM FROM STEALING THE ELECTION."

"We are training thousands of volunteers to legally observe throughout Early Voting"

"The Democrats will be up to their old tricks" Image
Trump emails about the #VPDebate

"Kamala rambled and refused to answer a single question honestly."
"Joe Biden’s mental state is DECLINING"
"It’s clear they cannot be trusted." ImageImage
Trump team attacking a lot of "enemies" at once.


"These power-hungry COASTAL ELITES don’t believe in the freedom of speech."

"We can’t let them get away with this" Image

"Biden shouldn't be allowed to run. He got CAUGHT and now he needs to pay the price." "a treasonous plot"

WaPo piece about how Trump is pressuring his admin to charge his political enemies: washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/… Image
What an honor. I've been identified as an official "Trump MVP":

Most Valuable Patriot. ImageImage
GOP referring to “coup” Image
Operation MAGA.

"You’ve been identified as one of President Trump’s fiercest and most loyal defenders, and according to your donor file, you’d make an excellent addition to Operation MAGA." ImageImage
The 2020 Trump Diamond Club.

"Out of all of his supporters, the President selected YOU to be a part of this exclusive group, so he was really surprised when we told him you STILL hadn’t stepped up." Image
Piece by @badler about Trump emails washingtonpost.com/outlook/trumps… Image
"This email is for REAL PATRIOTS ONLY!"

"the President's OFFICIAL Trump 1000 Dollar Bills." Image
Lot of selling of Trump swag last few days ImageImageImageImage
"Join our exclusive group of supporters who recently became the largest grassroots operation in presidential history surpassing Barack Obama’s campaign!"

Trump supporter sign up: trumpvictory.com/trumptalk Image
Trump saved college football and, to celebrate, he wants to give me a football. Image
.@DonaldJTrumpJr admits Trump campaign is in dire shape.

I’m getting mixed messaging because I’m also being told they are DEFINITELY going to win.

Also, I’m getting 9x match offers from Trump. Why would I choose your measly 6x match, Donald Jr? Image
So weird. They go from 9x “matches” back to 6x matches then to 8.25.

Can’t even bullshit in a coherent way. Maybe someone told them non-even numbers seemed more legit. Image
Trump email on Biden stuff Image
An extremely rare 8x match, only seen 5 times a day, or a larger amount. Image
I get sense some of these Trump emails from non-regular people are tit-for-tats, like "If you go on Fox News and praise Trump, we'll let you hype your book to our list."

No idea if that's likely in this case, as I have no idea how often Cruz goes on TV to defend Trump. ImageImage
Our records show that you are not a Patriot.

"Do you not care about the future of your Country?" ImageImage
Mitch is in shock. Image
“America vs Socialism”
“Everything is at stake”
“If we don’t win, the Radical Left will destroy our Nation.” ImageImageImage
The tone of Trump propaganda is Chicken Little “sky is falling” mixed with “Santa knows you’ve been bad, don’t you wanna get on the good list?”

Trumpism is for the young at heart.
Trump campaign presents: the Grim Fundraising Tales.


• Little Red Biden Hood
• Goldilocks and the Three Antifa
• And more
If @tedcruz seems more Trump-boot-licking than normal, it's because they probably made some deal letting Cruz promote his book often to Trump's list. Many emails lately about it. Image
Lot of crying today Image
"My father and I agreed that a Patriot like YOU would make an excellent addition to the Trump 1000 Club. When you become a member, the President will come to YOU when he needs help making important campaign strategy decisions."

"OFFICIAL Trump 1000 Dollar Bills" Image
We are certain we will win.*

* but we need some help please. Image
Trump YouTube ad “Joe Biden Wants Your Money” Image
With Radical Leftist Hollywood Billionaire Antifas threatening to take over the country, Melania only gave $45.

#confirmedbusto Image
"All Biden does is lie"
"We can’t let them get away with this." Image
Post-debate Trump emails.

#Debates2020 ImageImageImageImage
The Presidential Pledge of Support.

"I am asking that you publicly pledge your support for President Trump and join my husband as he fights for our Nation."

Because it's not enough to vote for Trump to show those pesky liberals how many people support Trump. ImageImage
Trump email with subject line: "Where's Hunter. The whole Country's wondering".

"my father was CLEARLY the winner of last night’s debate"

#Debates2020 ImageImageImage
Another Trump email about Biden "scandal."

"The truth is, Joe Biden is totally and completely compromised. Many witnesses say what his son, Hunter, did is a crime against our Country."

The old "many people are saying" ambiguous smear tactic. ImageImage
Trump email about 60 Minutes thing.

"...my interview on 60 Minutes with Lesley Stahl - who wasn’t wearing a mask while she was in the White House - so I released an unedited preview of it so the American People could get the FACTS." ImageImage
Trump email.

"BIDEN CALLS TRUMP SUPPORTERS “CHUMPS”. Wow, Zachary. That’s what the Left thinks of you."

"The Liberals HATE President Trump. They HATE you. And they HATE everything YOU stand for." Image
Trump email about Barrett confirmation:

"America 3 | Democrats 0" Image
Two Trump emails from today about Barrett confirmation. ImageImage
Oh shit. We've reached 950% match.

Do I hear 1000%? Image
.@tedcruz shilling frequently for Trump in order to reach Trump's list and promote his book. ImageImage

"THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO STEAL THIS ELECTION! There will be FRAUD like you've never seen, plain and simple."

"Don't wait, step up NOW to DEFEND the integrity of the Election!" Image

"Joe Biden is a corrupt politician. He wants to send YOUR jobs to China, while his family rakes in millions from the Chinese Communist Party. If Biden wins, China will OWN the USA." ImageImage
Latest Trump emails.


"We can't let the Democrats STEAL it." ImageImageImageImage
Lot of violent wording in most recent ones.

"I’m asking my fiercest and most loyal defenders, like YOU, to FIGHT BACK!"

"Can I count on you to step up and FIGHT BACK?" ImageImage
This one from last night.

"They're not going to call the race."

"They will try to do whatever it takes to KEEP US FROM WINNING, and that’s why I need YOU to step up."

"NOW I’m calling on YOU to defend me AGAIN" Image
"If you vote for the Left, your kids will not be in school, there will be no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, and no Fourth of July."

This stuff would be so fucking comical if it weren't such an obvious danger. Image
Look at how many emails Trump propaganda team sends out. First one is just from so far today. Second screenshot is from yesterday. ImageImage
"It’s only a matter of time before the Democrats try to steal the Election and manipulate the results. [...] they'd rather destroy our Nation than have four more years of our President’s incredible leadership."

"Will you step up and FIGHT for your President?" ImageImage
Latest Trump email.

"They are finding Biden votes all over the place."

"We must DEFEND the integration of the Election" Image
"The Left-Wing MOB is up to no good. It's up to American Patriots like YOU to stop them." Image
Latest Trump email.

"Trump was leading, often solidly, in many key States - in almost all instances Democrat-run and controlled [...] his lead started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted."

"They will try to STEAL THE ELECTION from the American People." Image
Trump emails from just today. Image
Trump emails seeming more desperate and unhinged than usual. This one doesn't even make sense, seems to be missing a phrase.

"Based on actual math- and not gamesmanship like the Democrats are attempting." ImageImage
Another Trump email.

"We’ve seen it from Day ONE:
- We’ve found ballots in drainage ditches
- They’re not letting our poll watchers inside
- There are videos of them passing out collateral material in polling sites all over Philadelphia" Image
Subject line: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP Image
"We can’t let America be disgraced by this. I need YOU to FIGHT BACK."

"If you count the LEGAL votes, I easily win the Election. If you count the ILLEGAL and LATE votes, the Radical Left can steal this Election from us." Image
Trump team is shaming Trump supporters, which they've done before but this is prob on more extreme end of what I've seen via email.

"You’ve ignored Team Trump, Eric, Lara, Don, the Vice President AND you’ve even ignored the President of the United States." Image
All the emails I got from Trump team yesterday, November 5th. Only slightly more than average. Image
Couple Trump emails just now.

"Detroit and Philadelphia, two of the most politically corrupt places in America, cannot be responsible for deciding the outcome of this race."

"they’re not only trying to STEAL the Election from me - they’re also trying to steal it from YOU." ImageImage
This is like the dirty phone call of political fundraising. Image
"This is no longer about any single Election. This is about the integrity of our entire Election process." Image
"We are keeping up the fight against the Democrats’ attacks on a fair Election, but we can’t do it without YOU."

"We have lawyers working hard to make sure every legally cast vote is counted, and we are confident that President Trump is going to WIN!" Image
All the Trump emails I received yesterday, Nov 6th. Image

• • •

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5 Nov
A look at what people are saying in a 'Deplorables for Trump' Facebook group.

Note the shit welovetrump "news" URL.

#ElectionResults2020 ImageImageImageImage
More from same thread.

#ElectionNight ImageImageImageImage
A look at some of the Facebook groups that come up when searching for 'steal election'. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
17 Oct
Some beliefs associated w/ US political parties make sense, while some might seem rather arbitrary and based on “opinion cascades” (see below).

Can u think of some group-associated politicized views that you could imagine either group having if things had gone a different way?
The paper on "opinion cascades" by Michael Macy of @CornellSoc advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/8/ea…
Read 4 tweets
17 Oct
Has anyone called @JamesOKeefeIII Slippin’ Jimmy O’Keefe yet?

Getting his start pretending to be a pimp and making deceptively edited videos going on to becoming a prominent GOP con artist seems like a dumber, less ethical Saul Goodman plot line.
For my new conservative friends, you might enjoy my podcast, where I talk about how we've gone too far, on the left & right, w/ political anger and polarization.

In this one, I talk to a Portland protester who defends violent protest (badly IMO): readingpokertells.video/blog/understan…
If you want to learn more about @JamesOKeefeIII's deceptions and opinions of his work by some smart people, including conservatives, recommend reading his Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_O%2…

If you aren't wikipedia fan, it has many links to other places where you can learn more.
Read 4 tweets
16 Oct
Thread about tips for more psychologically healthy use of Twitter (and other social media).
Turn off notifications. This is key for emotional well being. If important to get some messages, leave message in your bio to contact you another way if something is important.
When arguing/debating, do not feel the need to respond to everything people say. You can make your point and then leave the thread, or even mute the thread.

A lot of anxiety comes up around feeling the need to reply, but you just don't have to.
Read 4 tweets
30 Sep
To the narcissist’s mind, all criticism or questions are attacks. Trump telling Chris Wallace “I guess I’m debating you” is a good example. Anything less than complete obedience is an attack.

Watching Trump debate a normal human being is like watching a kindergartner who’s somehow taken control of a classroom debate the teacher. It’s so fucking sad.

Debate format is atrocious and shameful. Choosing this debate format with someone like Trump, you could predict it would be pure chaos. Why choose this format? Pure idiocy.

Read 5 tweets
24 Sep
I saw 'Social Dilemma', about social media effects.

Keep expecting these shows to point out what is IMO root cause: this media radicalizes & divides us because it works on some of our social/psych weaknesses. Isn't about the algorithms (although obv those can accelerate).
Psych factor #1: We believe more strongly in things we write down (see Deutsch & Gerard study). Writing things down even secretly makes us commit more to those ideas.

But writing things down publicly is whole other level: we feel committed, we double down, we're defensive.
Psych factor #2: Being in group of like-minded people makes us more extreme (shown by several studies & intuitively obvious).

Social media creates bubbles. People in those bubbles tend to get more extreme through not being questioned, & through sharing of biased or false news.
Read 7 tweets

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