Supreme Court today is scheduled to hear arguments on sentencing in relation to Advocate Prashant Bhushan's conviction for contempt of court.
#SupremeCourt #ContemptOfCourt

#SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt

@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
If that can be reviewed, this(sentencing) can also be reviewed.
@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
Justice Mishra: How?
Justice Gavai: Mr. Dave, in case if Vijay Kurle, such a request was rejected by this Court
@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
Justice Mishra: Don't worry, we will be fair to you... Even if you are not fair to us
@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan
You have not filed until now?
@pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia #SupremeCourt
Dave: Review can be filed within 30 days. Let the impression not go that review will not be filed till justice Mishra retires.
Every order of Justice Mishra can be reviewed but that does not mean that review has to be filed before Justice Mishra retires. There is a statutory limit of 30 days
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia #SupremeCourt
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia #SupremeCourt
Heavens are not going to fall if the sentencing is deferred till the review is decided.
It is not provided in the law that it has to be decided by the same Bench
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia #SupremeCourt
Will it be appropriate if another Bench decides on sentencing?
Suppose I was not demitting office then would it be appropriate for another bench to decide on sentencing?
Dave: We have moved an application (for deferment), you may reject it.
I will bow down to the decision.
All I can do is I can present the law.
#PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt
Dave: there is a statutory provision for 30 days. Dr. Dhavan did not say that we will file review.
I request your Lordships not to hold the counsels for what they say during the heat of the arguments.
#PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt
Justice Gavai: On 17th
Dhavan: on 17th I said I have a point argument.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
Justice Mishra: AG, they have to address us on sentencing.
One thing is clear we are not inclined to defer the hearing
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt
Justice Mishra: don't remind us, we are awake of that.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt
I just want to say, at the Bar, we take our Judges as they come, we don't go Bench hunting.
It is immaterial if a judge is retiring.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1

#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
There is already a lot of public discussion on the working of the judiciary in recent times.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1

"These are the cases that are Prashant Bhushan cases"
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
Fair criticism is welcome (smiles)
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1

You want us to balance, the Court is for balance, if we don't balance the whole institution will be destroyed.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
But if counsel's interest has to be protected, at the same time the institution also has to be protected.
You all are part of this institution, this system.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
Sometimes in zeal, you cross the lakshman rekha.
We appreciate the cases and the work and efforts for good cases
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
In my entire judicial career, I have never held any one person guilty of contempt.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1

Balancing and restraint are the issues and Article 139 must be used sparingly, but now you show the balance
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
"And the words used were Lakshman Rekha"
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt
But, it has to be shown that such statements have a substantial interference in the functioning of the justice delivery system.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan
CJI Bobde and motorbike and asks how can a lawyer's tweet about CJI not wearing a mask affect the functioning of the Court?
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt
Justice Mishra: Cognizance was taken on the tweets, not on the complaint.
Dhavan: Vijay Kurle judgment says that he is entitled to a copy of the complaint
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan
Justice Mishra: Mr. Dave only argued other points
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
Justice Mishra: If you want us to deal with it, we will.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1

Truth is an absolute defence in defamation and contempt cases
Justice Mishra: defence or an aggravation?
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
Justice Mishra: Please don't take any names
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt
Dhavan: But that is the point
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt #SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
Justice Mishra: All this is not necessary.
Let us leave it for the future to see what history shows. Let us not predict, we are not astrologers.
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1 Prashant Bhushan
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1 Prashant Bhushan
AG: My submission would be...
Justice Mishra: No we don't want to hear you on merits right now
#SupremeCourtOfIndia @pbhushan1 Prashant Bhushan
AG says it would be "tremendously good" if Bhushan is given some time @pbhushan1 #PrashantBhushan #SupremeCourt
Statement I made was well thought cout and consideres statement. It is unlikely that there will be substantial change in my statement.
#SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt
Bhushan: I will consult my lawyers also but it is unlikely there will be a change in it.
Justice Mishra: You think over it, we will give you 2-3 days time
#SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
"Are they in contempt too?", Dhavan asks
AG urges the Court not to punish Bhushan.
Justice Mishra asks AG to consider the entire case and then make submissions after 2-3 days. He reiterates that the Benche does not want to be influenced by AG right now
Dhavan: while interpreting your power u/A. 129 it is important to show that the statement in question is mala fide
Justice Mishra: Please don't invite our comments on that. Please don't argue all this
Justice Mishra: But my question is what about the institution part?
Justice Gavai: The judgment has concluded that the tweets affect the entire judicial institution.
Dhavan: Purging of contempt can be done only in civil contempt cases.
AG seeks to be make some brief submissions.
AG: I have a list of five SC judges who said Democracy was under threat which is what Bhushan said
Justice Mishra: We are not hearing you on merita right now, Sir
- Dhavan has concluded his arguments
- Bench suggests purging of contempt
- AG sought to argue in favour of Bhushan and against him being punished.
- Bhushan given 2-3 days to reconsider his statement
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #SupremeCourt #PrashanthBhushan #PrashantBhushan
@pbhushan1 #contemptofcourt…
#PrashantBhushan #contemptofcourt @pbhushan1 #SupremeCourtOfIndia…
- Court reserved its order on sentencing
- Prashant Bhushan granted time till August 24 to submit "unconditional apology"
- In the event apology is made, matter to be considered again on August 25
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #contemptofcourt

#SupremeCourtOfIndia #SupremeCourt #contemptofcourt