Full Newsletter: tsranet.org/wp-content/upl…

Editors include Drs. @clauden_louis, Watson, @AlexBresciaMD @JordanBloomMD @CoyanGarrett
Purchase your copy here today: amazon.com/TSRA-Clinical-…
Date: Tuesday September 8th 7-8PM EST
Panelists include Drs. Sundt, @medwards_md, Arnold, @AhmetKilicMD, @cllaucll2y, and @VinodThourani
#CTCareers #TSSMN #MedEd #FOAMEd #SoMe #Match2021

These include:
1. Call for @TSRA_official Podcast Authors - Email coyangn@upmc.edu
2. Apply for @TSRA_official membership - tsranet.org/wp-content/upl…

3. Apply for the Kirklin/Ashburn Fellowship at the Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society (deadline August 31, 2020) - data-center.chss.org/Fellowship.cgi
4. Attend the virtual Foundational Mitral and Tricuspid Skills
Course - Email: mary.kay.k.keers@medtronic.com.

5. Apply for the @TSRA_official @STS_CTsurgery Traveling Fellowship in #CTsurgery (deadline Dec 15, 2020) - tsranet.org/education/tsra…
6. Apply for the TSRA/STS Global Outreach Fellowship in #CTSurgery (deadline Dec 15, 2020) - tsranet.org/education/tsra…

Apply for:
1. @AATSHQ scholarships - aats.org/aatsimis/AATSW…
2. @STS_CTsurgery scholarships - sts.org/resources/awar…
3. @OfficialSTSA scholarships - stsa.org/category/stsa-…
4. @CTSurgeryFdn scholarships - thoracicsurgeryfoundation.org/awards/
August 24, 2020 6:30pm-8pm CST
Link -> mdacc.zoom.us/webinar/regist…
The following is the debate topic for the journal club

Read the full paper here: annalsthoracicsurgery.org/article/S0003-…

1. Dr. @MMubashirMD on mediastinal staging with Dr. @Monisha_Sud_MD - soundcloud.com/tsrapodcast/th…
2. Dr. @ankdhamija on #VVECMO with Dr. @jhayanga - soundcloud.com/tsrapodcast/th…
More podcasts here - soundcloud.com/tsrapodcast

1. TSRA Clinical Scenarios in #CTSurgery - amazon.com/TSRA-Clinical-…

2. TSRA Decision Algorithms in #CTSurgery - amazon.com/TSRA-Decision-…
3. TSRA Review of #CTSurgery - amazon.com/TSRA-Review-Ca…
4. TSRA Operative Dictations in #CTSurgery - amazon.com/TSRA-Operative…
5. TSRA MCQs - candidate.speedexam.net/signin.aspx?si…

For more questions - register here candidate.speedexam.net/signin.aspx?si…

Drs @clauden_louis, @JasonHanMD, @JessicaLuc1, @YihanLinMD, @FWilder9, @CoyanGarrett, @AlexBresciaMD, @hunter_mehaffey, @abmozer, @XLOU_12, @JordanBloomMD and more!

Website: tsranet.org
Instagram: instagram.com/tsra_official/…
Twitter: @TSRA_official
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tsra-thorac…
Facebook: facebook.com/thoracicsurger…
Youtube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCyjU4…