#UXAustralia #uxaustralia2020
Jamie Oliver has an autoplay video with no captions over the entire screen when you arrive on page.
Amazon had such low contrast between items that when they bumped up the contrast they improved sales by 30%.
You may never experience what it's like to actually engaged in your experience and miss obvious issues.
Devices — Mobile site + Native App
Devices with assistive technologies — Mobile site + Native App
Responsive window — Mobile site
Desktop — Mobile site
Each variation MUST be tested, and every variation of the page should have the same content available.
Highlighting particular content
Hiding particular content
Hiding functionality that doesn't work
You can't really have one variation of a page that has less content functionality than another.
Define the application functionality.
They're different from websites because they have a narrow purpose. Be aware of the workflows for users.
1. Identify Devices
2. Identify Site type and variations
3. Test Critical Issues
4. Test mobile specific issues
5. Test mobile assistive technology and feature issues
1. Identify Devices
2. Define application functionality
3. Test Critical Issues
4. Test mobile specific issues
5. Test mobile assistive technology and feature issues
It means that a user cannot 'escape' a part of the experience without closing the app.
Swipe / Scroll trap — can't move the map without zooming
Text-to-speech trap — once activated, screen reader users cannot stop the text-to-speech with their screenreader
Headset traps — can't pause audio through your headphones
— I'm unable to capture them all 😅 they're extremely helpful though so please check out the recording —