#uxaustralia #uxaustralia2020
Seeing how her parents navigate the world and how US people navigate the world has opened given her a huge amount of context
Privilege informs design.
She saw was disaster occurred and what wins occurred.
Instead of leading with empathy, we should lead with perspective.
When you're in a position of privilege you create solutions without considering the explicit and implicit bias, patting ourselves on the back and aren't necessarily helpful for the world.
While buildings were still down.
It's when help becomes charity, and not help.
We have to ask questions instead of overing harmful solutions.
Nancy is showing a picture of a father changing his babies nappies on the floor of a bathroom, because the design of bathrooms has not considered the perspective.
In about 6 hours the AI Tay started tweeting anti-semtic tweets, targeting women on twitter and took them 16 hours to take it down.
How could they not find this problem in testing?
At Uber, one design release lost 30% of users in one country because it was designed and testing in silicon valley.
In the US, India, Europe, Latin America
Nancy wanted a global checkpoint to get some insights globally before launching products.
She started with an optional place in just two teams in the PRD.
It triggered a lot of questions from the teams.
Most of it was for validating the ideas they already had, and requested for testing.
Ask a question
Participate in a debrief
Incorporate some of these questions into research that already was scheduled in the locations.
In a week it was raw high level results
The following week they filled out the final report and provided them with suggestions and decided if they needed to test again.
Submission request form
15 minute office hours debrief
HQ prioritised product
Regional priority
Commitment to impact product
Readiness (research plan, localised prototype)
Strategic Long Term Relationships
Feedback provided
There was a commitment from people working with Nancy's team that they would act on the insights even if different from the answer they wanted
1. Design a platform or participation ladder that provides 2+ underrepresented group checkpoints
2. Test your learning for marginalised communities in your immediate or primary markets.
The folks who asked what was needed after the Haiti earthquake Nancy and her friends built 200+ wells for water.
4. Hire, retain & be accountable for diverse talent.
A: Sometimes we've had to build out teams that are different in these places. You need to identify where there is something unique enough to work on
A: It's hard when you start at a company to make the case for how much earning potential a location has. You can show the scale of influence through a small study to build your case.
Great way to get the PM's and engineering teams onside
is what Nancy heard a lot!
If you take insights from an underrepresented group you are creating opportunity to get more customers than you think.