Political prisoners across #Iran are in grave danger of being executed.
Navid Afkari's was arrested for protesting in Aug 2018 & viciously tortured to confess to crimes he did not commit.

Reports show Navid, a 27-year old wrestling champion, was tortured, suffocated, brutally beaten & had alcohol poured into his nose.
His two brothers, Vahid & Habib, have been sentenced to a total of 81 years of prison & lashes over protests in 2018.

Abbas Mohammadi is another such case. This was the last time he was permitted to see his children. He & many others remain on death row.
Meet Tiam, the daughter of Abbas Mohammadi
Her father, and four others in the city of Isfahan, central #Iran, remain on death row, for taking part in the country's December 2017 & January 2018 protests.
More here

Alongside Abbas Mohammadi are Hadi Kiani, Mohammad Bastami, Mehdi Salehi & Majid Nazari, all on death row in Isfahan, central #Iran, and all subject to brutal torture in prison to extract confessions.

Amir Hossein Moradi, 26, Saied Tamjidi, 28, and Mohammad Rajabi, 26, were arrested, tortured & sentenced to death for their roles in the Nov 2019 uprising. They were tortured & forced to confess to crimes they did not commit.

Two award-winning students, Amir Hossein Moradi & Ali Younesi, remain behind bars after being arbitrarily detained on April 10. Reports indicate they are under extreme pressure from Iranian authorities.
In December 2017, Mostafa Salehi protested for a better life for #Iran's future generations.
He was arrested, interrogated under torture & executed recently.
Now the regime is confiscating his house, leaving his two children without a father & a home.

Please share this thread for more people to be informed about the atrocious human rights situation in #Iran.
Please contact your representative, and ask them to condemn the mullahs' atrocities and adopt a firm policy vis-a-vis this genocidal regime.