#M5S ha istruito i suoi parlamentari ad andare tra la gente a spiegare il Referendum.
Dato che #IoVotoNO , sono ENTUSIASTA della loro iniziativa. Ho già le domande: 1. "Dato che avete votato 3,5 mld di EUR ad #Alitalia, cos'è questa ossessione per il risparmio?" (1/n)
2. "Dato che si parla di miglioramento perchè sarete di meno, mi fate vedere l'ordine di preferenza ORA dal più capace a quello meno? così poi controllo chi ha perso la sedia." 3. "Mi fate vedere COME il parlamento diventa più efficiente?"
And yet, the cognoscenti should really start a positive thread on #debanking , but not in the way the authorities think it means. Just the opposite.(/)
@pmarca @Halsrethink @INArteCarloDoss @BaldingsWorld @petunianelsole @jeuasommenulle @dlacalle_IA
People may forget now (especially since that part was repudiated to all practical purposes) that EU #MIFID1 had an approach where what clients could demand and what banks could sell were VERY different kettles of fish.(/)
Clients money in that framework had two, non compatible treatments: under "execution only" accounts, the custodian institution would be barred from calling you, evaluating what you wanted to do, or generally steer you.
In the "consultancy" mode, they could sell things.(/)
Germany’s net-zero bills never shrink and the promised boom in green industries and jobs never materializes. via @WSJopinion There's a rookie mistake in the article.(/) @degiorgiod @MeredithAngwin @MarcoCantamessa @petunianelsole @moutetwsj.com/articles/germa…
"[...]plugging the hole will require either higher electricity rates or more taxpayer subsidies."
No, they are not different things: they are DESIGNED to look like different things, and one is meant to be harsher.(/)
If the whole "let's add an elaborate #Wind and #Solar scheme over the existing grid to emit less during the hours those actually produce electricity" was entirely falling on general taxation, those costs would distort the economy by lowering productivity and general demand.(/)
If our hapless western politicians weren't well, hapless, they'd know that THIS is the time to "Show the Israeli flag on buildings". And not for Jews.(/)
@GemmaTognini @AlessandroPonz4 @AndreaVenanzoni @Curini @michaeltanchum @ardigiorgio @BaldingsWorld @moutet @GrayConnolly
Because by not making it abundantly clear that in free country you can express your views, collectively as well, but every citizen is responsible for its opinions and pays for their consequences, and ABOVE ALL there is the same fair treatment for all, (/)
/ governments are destroying both the moral base of our society AND our social contract. Think of it this way:
You are a lower middle class father of two married in church. You join the Truckers in Canada 🇨🇦.
Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets point blank at you.(/)
Since the pro-palestinian framing on main stream media has started in earnest (I am watching a press program now here in #Italy), allow me to give you a vaccine dose. At all times, ask yourself: 1. Is (insert bigwig here) asking for hostage release by Hamas as a precondition?(/)
2. In your opinion, what keeps Hamas from releasing them on their own accord, considering that their official position is that atrocities were tag alongs not at their order?
3. Why is that no whistleblowing on hostage position is going on by Gaza civilians whose houses are under threat? Israel is affer all composed by a sizeable muslim population, who hold passports, vote. They'd happily give one for those lives.(/)
Deposit insurance is there to avoid runs on banks, where depositors all want to cash in all at once. But the key word is "cash", i.e. the number each of us sees at the #ATM machine or on the bank site as his own cash balance. However that's not cash. (/)
I have seen grandiose public plans about financial education, and deposit insurance is an ex post measure.. non one vaccinated citizens by telling them the truth: "when you deposit cash at a bank, you are LENDING them the money (which ceases to be yours). The bank invests it."(/)
Eric, we've been through a decade of easy money, finance centric solutions of 2008 which was the key to the deindustrialization of the west. Now to some extent is better and to some is worse.(/)
The better part is that goods producing companies have NEVER returned to the blind trust in the banking system they had before. Less leverage, and slamming the door in bank salesmen's faces helped. (/)
Of course there is a whole section of equities which are more financial than Casino chips, but with #Zirp and #NIRP that couldn't be helped. I am not so pessimistic about the industrial base in the #US (#Europe is a different Bedlam). (/)