Giovanni B. Ponzetto - 🇨🇦🇮🇱 Profile picture
independent financial consultant, ex-fund manager, 1997 insurance. history, politics, finance. Italian/English, Rt not endorsement.
Nov 30, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
And yet, the cognoscenti should really start a positive thread on #debanking , but not in the way the authorities think it means. Just the opposite.(/)
@pmarca @Halsrethink @INArteCarloDoss @BaldingsWorld @petunianelsole @jeuasommenulle @dlacalle_IA People may forget now (especially since that part was repudiated to all practical purposes) that EU #MIFID1 had an approach where what clients could demand and what banks could sell were VERY different kettles of fish.(/)
Jan 5, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Germany’s net-zero bills never shrink and the promised boom in green industries and jobs never materializes. via @WSJopinion There's a rookie mistake in the article.(/) @degiorgiod @MeredithAngwin @MarcoCantamessa @petunianelsole… "[...]plugging the hole will require either higher electricity rates or more taxpayer subsidies."
No, they are not different things: they are DESIGNED to look like different things, and one is meant to be harsher.(/)
Oct 22, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
If our hapless western politicians weren't well, hapless, they'd know that THIS is the time to "Show the Israeli flag on buildings". And not for Jews.(/)
@GemmaTognini @AlessandroPonz4 @AndreaVenanzoni @Curini @michaeltanchum @ardigiorgio @BaldingsWorld @moutet @GrayConnolly Because by not making it abundantly clear that in free country you can express your views, collectively as well, but every citizen is responsible for its opinions and pays for their consequences, and ABOVE ALL there is the same fair treatment for all, (/)
Oct 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Since the pro-palestinian framing on main stream media has started in earnest (I am watching a press program now here in #Italy), allow me to give you a vaccine dose. At all times, ask yourself:
1. Is (insert bigwig here) asking for hostage release by Hamas as a precondition?(/) 2. In your opinion, what keeps Hamas from releasing them on their own accord, considering that their official position is that atrocities were tag alongs not at their order?
Mar 12, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
Richard...sorry but I disagree on that. Deposit insurance is the most worthy and LESS costly of banking supervisory features, but it needs to have a maximum, and I will tell you why. (/) @INArteCarloDoss @Banqkys @MarketElf @GrayConnolly @jeuasommenulle @AlessandroPonz4 Deposit insurance is there to avoid runs on banks, where depositors all want to cash in all at once. But the key word is "cash", i.e. the number each of us sees at the #ATM machine or on the bank site as his own cash balance. However that's not cash. (/)
Mar 11, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Eric, we've been through a decade of easy money, finance centric solutions of 2008 which was the key to the deindustrialization of the west. Now to some extent is better and to some is worse.(/) The better part is that goods producing companies have NEVER returned to the blind trust in the banking system they had before. Less leverage, and slamming the door in bank salesmen's faces helped. (/)
Mar 9, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
"you need to have a longer time horizon" roughly translates in my book in "Run for your lives !!".
For one, if you are a final saver... you rarely HAVE a time horizon, nor you need one. Incidentally that's proof of who wrote #MIFID.(/) MIFID questionnaires have a mandatory section on time horizon. Why that measure? because while for an individual saver that concept is basically meaningless, for those meant to be KEPT from pushing unnecessary risk onto savers it's daily bread.(/)
Jan 5, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Actually, the best idea would be a three piece set of similar scale:(/) @Ed___________0 @EdPheil @luisbaram @Nuklearia @Moms4G @CarloStagnaro @andrepaltry @staunovo @INArteCarloDoss piece 1: #Olkiluoto3…, with its yearly production specs, a brief history of its cost overruns etc... and its 60 year design life. (/)
Jan 5, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read… People in the US have no clue at how effed up #EU legal system is. So allow me to tell you the nightmare scenario: (/) @INArteCarloDoss @CNBCJou @moutet @GemmaTognini @Jkylebass @ResearchRonin @eshow1969 @Halsrethink @DukeMarcude It's not the first time that an #EU country imposes an extraordinary, TARGETED tax on energy companies profit. And as always, if there is a way to eff up, you can count on us Italians being the tip of the spear. One was imposed by then minister #Tremonti in June 2008. (/)
Jan 3, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
A mix of desperate need and marketing. It takes a willing suspension of disbelief to think that institutions the size of #Blackrock or #Vanguard actually manage money. To all practical purposes they are barges down a river, they depend on the current. (/) As long as markets are reasonably favorable, that is not readily apparent. Amazingly, even events like 2022, with BOTH bonds and stocks falling more or less equally, are not a problem. That changes if one of two things happen:(/)
Nov 20, 2022 7 tweets 8 min read
#Italy DECLARES, according to #Eurostat principles, an higher GDP etc.
Yet, as @michaelxpettis asserted today about #China;
1. Most of it is "directed" by the government;
2. "Government" GDP measures activity, not value added, and it's usually one for one with debt. (/) As such, just google "Italian GDP and Debt to GDP" , and see what happens; #Italy has lost two decades vs. The rest of the #EU , in a "the tortoise and the SLOWER tortoise" parody of "the Tortoise and the hare". (/)
Oct 12, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
mmmm... my views may be skewed by my long frequentation and love for the UK, but there is no way in Heaven or Hell that it might even come close to Italy in financial risk and political terms. Having said that, oversight has gone down the drain everywhere.(/) As to Pension funds and such, I had the privilege to become acquainted and friend with a well placed expert. We are still in contact, and I have no doubt he is as appalled as I am at the total miss in risk assessment. But that's the nature of the beast.(/)
Sep 12, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
The #Italy angle: (/) (H/t @Danjsalt)
@jeuasommenulle @GrayConnolly @CaroDiRusso @GemmaTognini @AvidCommentator @nglinsman @AlessandroPonz4 @moutet @CNBCJou @aciapparoni @Capezzone @galietti82 @Halsrethink While pollsters and pundits gave an advantage to the center-left sitting government in #Sweden's elections, results have edged to the right, irrespective of the final count. This is not a surprise to an Italian, but frankly it should surprise no one.… (/)
Sep 11, 2022 4 tweets 6 min read
Yet, there are TWO wars. One, is in #Ukraine, and Ukraine has consistently "punched above its weight". One is in #Europe, where the main Russian weapon has been #Germany./ @Halsrethink @TomekDeptuch @RobertMCutler @pietercleppe @nglinsman @pmakela1 @ResearchRonin @BaldingsWorld While there are undoubted successes on the ground in #Ukraine, #Russia is still playing its card much better on #Europe. Keeping tensions high about #ZaporizhzhiaNuclearPowerPlant played into keeping #Germany from restarting its #NuclearPower plants.(/)
Sep 10, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
This interests my friend @MarcoCantamessa , since we were chatting about that the other day: #BUMF kills. (/)…
@ResearchRonin @ektrit @pietercleppe @RobertMCutler @petunianelsole @galietti82 @moutet for personal reasons, I was checking on an interesting site maintained by the…
Apparently, there has been a drive to make it simple to register for business in any EU country. But check what I wrote against the official wording: (/)
Sep 9, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
Well... that requires a clarification. Lest people think the #German government hadn't spent two decades working on the country's demise.(/) @Halsrethink @ektrit @jeuasommenulle @nglinsman @Ed___________0 @petunianelsole @LorenaLuVi @andrepaltry @AlessandroPonz4 @eshow1969 "Competitive advantage" comes from "Competition", i.e. trying to be on average better or at least adequate in a game where may players are involved and where everyone sees everyone else. Think "bicycle race". (/)
Feb 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The weapon the three Police officers in the back hold is probably a Milkor grenade launcher, six round capacity, 40mm grenades. @eshow1969 @RebelNewsOnline @FoxNews (/) Those can use crowd control rounds, like "bean bags", rubber balls, or sponge. Yet, even given the reduces charge of those rounds, those policemen have been incorrectly deployed (/)
Feb 12, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
They are trying to build ONE plant, which is way over budget and behind schedule (Flamanville);
They "persuaded" #GE to sell back to a French company a plant which builds the steam turbine component. (/) That technology has nothing to do with the ability to build #NUCLEAR plants, that component might as well be part of a coal based generator. Yet, the media sold that news as relevant.
Nothing has been done in order to make the bureaucratic/approval process more streamlined.(/)
Feb 12, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Their only hope to have it fail spontaneously would be that.
Incidentally, one of my "pregnancy tests" of men and ideas is "would this happen without coercion, and if so, what would it take?" (/)
@chigrl @nglinsman @RobertMCutler @BaldingsWorld @DukeMarcude That gives a clearer perspective, imho. On #Canada, the point now is NOT vaccinations. If vaccines don't work with rates over 85%, they never reliably will. Also, no one asks how many protesters ARE vaccinated. But authorities avoid checking that like the plague(/)
Feb 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Just so you know: I served my conscription in a "Carabinieri" batallion, which as a corp is technically part of the Military but whose main duty is policing Italy , mainly outside the main cities ("Territoriale") and provide men from the Batallions for public order.(/) After a 3 month training I served 9 in one of those batallions. Soccer games, guard duties, public protests, Tribunal work etc. Also beef up ordinary patrols like the one depicted here.
It was 1987 so it was another Era and another country, but... this troubles me. (/)
Jan 22, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Just for the foreign crowd, NO lay person in Italy knows that #Germany actually HAS a president of the republic, let alone who the person is. Yet the election for the Italian one makes "Cat on a hot tin roof" an image associated with Xanax. (/) That's because contrary to other countries, in Italy the President wields enormous power and he's not afraid to use it. We have a decent track record of things which are intuitively against our Constitution that are not only signed into law, but are then defended by pundits.(/)