We no longer have news, just media.
Citizen journalism is what is breaking news. My advice: stick to politicians and public figures. They are the problem. Not your neighbor on NextDoor.
Who paid @JerryBrownGov? @GavinNewsom?

the dude got $1.7 million in #PPP #ppploans from the Government while little mom and pop’s didn’t qualify for anything.
What’s wrong with this picture @mcgreevy99 ?
1. Multiple felonies
2. CA Supreme Court approval required
3. Continued on a negative path in community

literally has it done ... “thug style”. This is Mike Richards.
@SalinasPD - someone is in deep shit boys.

During @Kelly_McMillin’s brief reign over the @CityofSalinas he worked magic - because the @FBIWFO never got the Fox Theater allegations of federal bankruptcy fraud, wire fraud and bank fraud, conspiracy.
Google #CedarFunding - it started there with a cover-up.

... there is a lot of 💰 💰 💰 at stake and it’s the California corrupt #marijuana business.
and the joke has been on the community.
until now.

... the governor’s pardon office has teams of lawyers, cops and staff to weed through tens of thousands of requests. they pick up everything.
What can override their reports?
Look at the language of the Governors office.
‘The pardon for David Drew comes after a number of drug related convictions for Drew in the eighties and nineties. But in his pardon statement, Governor Brown writes, " (Drew) has lived an honest and upright life,
exhibited good moral character, and conducted himself as a law abiding citizen....Additionally, Mr. Drew is well respected among those in his community and is regarded as a man of great moral values...
who has worked tirelessly to better himself and become an asset to society."’
So what happened @CNN?
What happened @sfexaminer? @sfchronicle?
How does this happen in California? @philmatier?
... well, there is a history in insular #MontereyCounty - mob county?