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I’ll tell the good people of #MontereyCounty this tidbit from local politics - but I’m an open book in total - re/ politics. NO BULLSHIT

When I was THE senior policy advisor to Sheriff Scott Miller and working hard FOR THE PEOPLE on the jail issues, CCW, police reforms - all
the topics @TinaforSheriff has on her plate now after 8 fucking years of Deputy Steve Bernal running the @MCoSheriff I was on my phone 14/16 hours a day.

In the evening myself and several others had the Jameson hour. Usually at 11pm to 1am. By 1am it would get a little wild.
There were three of us, myself and two cops, one an internationally recognized DEA agent, another a retired STRAIGHT (uncorrupted) narcotics officer and we would talk about the serious money laundering and corruption issues IN THIS COUNTY, of Monterey

But, as I told this fine
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Two races are going to go to November in #MontereyCounty. The Sheriff's race and the D2 County Supervisor Race.

A number of people are making money and enabling to corrupt/sleazy candidates - Joe Moses and Kimbley Craig. They are functionaries of the Panetta machine. I gave

Leon Panetta a lot of wiggle room over the years as he slowly revealed that he isn't into Monterey County politics for the greater good. Leon is into MoCo for the benefit of a select few and those interests reach DC and, unfortunately, beyond.

Moses and Craig are

obviously benefactors of the Panetta net. Look at their donors - it's the same people every time. The same people who backed Steve Bernal - a 12 year deputy with an apple pie look. He even plays guitar on the weekends. Dennis Donohue, in his sordid run to unseat Jane Parker.
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FLRish Inc. The company is backed by investors from Silicon Valley, and its board members include Willie Brown, the former San Francisco mayor and speaker of the California Assembly.

"Commercial marijuana production booming in the Salinas Valley"…

Friend of @RepJimmyPanetta and Plasha Will.

1, 2, 3 ...


... right @AGRobBonta?

What is the relationship between Willie Brown and the Panettas, @cmarinucci?

And Jeff Brothers.
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Let's compare @RepJimmyPanetta's feel good PR to #PPP money that went to guys like Clint Eastwood, Jimmy's Brothers firm Fenton & Keller, Don Chapin Co. and so on.

First, a $6,000 battery bicycle. Still a luxury:

Clint Eastwood a fellow Carmelite like Jimmy, and a hundred millionaire - millions in #PPP:

When Jimmy Panetta says he is working for his constituents in #MontereyCounty he isn't really talking about individuals. He is talking about big corporations.

After all. The majority of Jimmy's donors are Political Action Committees.

"Suggested contribution $2,700"
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Ricky Cabrera. A labor contractor whose brother was convicted of murdering a woman for insurance money so he could fund a stolen car ring - founding member of @SVLGroup

The Salinas Valley Leadership Group is under @FBI investigation for money laundering, bribery and RICO style conduct. They have also been under multi-year investigations into campaign finance crimes by the @CA_FPPC (a division of the Franchise Tax Board).

Plasha Will was

on the near permanent payroll as an advisor to this group, a PAC that land use attorney Brian Finegan started.

Brian Finegan had a relative who wasn't able to get into the exclusive charter school. Plasha Will fixed that issue.

That's corruption. That's inequity.
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... anyone locally wonder why @RepJimmyPanetta isn't an impeachment manager?

He is a lawyer.

He was a District Attorney.

He acts like he knows what he is talking about.

Second time he was frosted out by leadership to make a larger name for "Panetta".

Maybe it's this:

or maybe it's this:

(Jimmy has never been asked a question about his cousin stinking up MoCo with his dope, his. guns, his bombs.

That's strange)
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Plasha Fielding Will (Jimmy Panetta's crooked consultant) and Cate Goldslirch Lee.

Plasha Will is taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in private compensation from questionable vertically integrated marijuana entities in #MontereyCounty. It's corrupt.

Carmel Mayor

Dave Potter is deeply involved.

This is Carmel Mayor Dave Potter's buddy:

This is Carmel Mayor Dave Potter.

How did the often broke public official get so rich?

Anyone? Anyone?
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2022 Campaign Committees setting up:

Anna Caballero
(CA State Senator)

Jeannine Pacioni
(District Attorney)
β€’ fmr police chief Phil Penko, treasurer

Glenn Church (new, running for County Supervisor)

Chris Lopez
(current County Supervisor)
β€’ claim pending for 🧺

Luis Alejo
(current County Supervisor)
β€’ currently under State and Federal criminal investigation for bribery and money laundering.

Regina Gage
(second run for County Supervisor)
β€’ED for local Meals on Wheels

Steve Bernal
(Sheriff since 2015)
β€’ currently under State

Steve Bernal (continued)
/ and federal investigation for bribery and money laundering and election fraud.

Steve Snodgrass
(new, running for County Supervisor)

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This is a #coup. I don't care what the lame stream media people are calling it this is a coup, encouraged by Trump.

These are also the bulk of your DONORS Congressman.

* Panetta takes a lot of money from rich, right-wing autocrats who helped install

A 12 year deputy as Sheriff of Monterey County. Why?


Here are two of @RepJimmyPanetta's close associates and major funders of @AdeleFrese's @SalinasPD - Don Chapin's buddies and Jimmy Panetta doers. #MontereyCounty

It take a long time to get to the crisis point the US finds herself in today and at every local level you will find elected officials that led to this point - and make no mistake - it's a very dangerous time.
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.@MCoSheriff has the same problem x10.

Run by a crooked Deputy turned Sheriff in 2015, @SheriffBernal should be deported. πŸ˜‚

"The state Fair Political Practices Commission this month agreed to open investigations into two complaints filed by Schneider. One accuses the Monterey County Counsel’s Office of improper partisanship. We’ll get to that one in a bit."…

"Over the past year, his research has revealed an apparent pattern of campaign law violations throughout Monterey County and an unwillingness by local authorities to take action"…
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Yup. Royal Calkins is correct here. All the crap the local media dumped on Christian Schneider is because he was getting "home-town'd". Schneider is the consultant who is driving many of the #corruption probes, unlike anything I've seen before, in #MontereyCounty.

Dan Miller is former Sheriff Scott Miller's brother. He is right about one thing, the Bernal - Miller campaign was the dirtiest campaign in MoCo in my memory. Outrageously so.

Brandon Gesicki and Plasha Will were the two moving heaven and earth to get a deputy elected.
3/ The Gesicki / Will combo is especially odd because Brandon Gesicki typically only works for Republicans.

Plasha Will, @RepJimmyPanetta's consultant will work with anyone who pays her.

The @mcweekly loves to jab Gesicki while leaving Plasha Will in a protective bubble.

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This is #Salinas' new mayor @kimbleycraig. Craig was endorsed by the so-called "left" @mcweekly in #MontereyCounty. Craig's biggest backers are Trump supporters or non-voters who still give $1,000s.

Craig received 95% of fmr. Salinas Mayor Joe Gunter and @SalinasPD's


.@SalinasPolice's money.

Ricky Cabrera not only endorsed Craig but he gave her πŸ’°.

Ricky Cabrera's brother, Victor Cabrera, murdered a single mom for insurance money to fund a stolen car ring in Monterey & San Benito County, Mexico. #BelieveWomen

Ricky's other bro


is a doctor, gives money to Salinas Police and was a named Executive Director of #MontereyDowns - a failed @PotterForMayor pushed horse park, betting and residential real estate project.

County Supervisor @PhillipsForSup (John Phillips) has a special interest in Craig.

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How hard is it to push against corruption and the enablers of it, in #MontereyCounty?

Sponsor of @mcweekly is the Blue Zone Project. Speaking for the project is Katy Castagna She slipped into the United Way ED job after her predecessor Mary Adams was elected County Supe.

Castagna's husband, Gary Ray, is the primary local attorney for Salinas Valley Medical Hospital. That attorney, and former media person Karina Rusk, peddled misinformation that was carried by local media as true - in a discussion about a golden parachute former SVMH CEO Sam

Downing awarded himself. The pension spiking occurred at a time the hospital was seeking a half billion dollar bond measure so tax payers could give SVMH some heavy cash.
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Political consultant - charged with rape in Monterey County, at a local fmr. @CityofSalinas council-members house (who now works as a political consultant).

The case is grinding its way through the MoCo judicial system with a jury trial scheduled for February 2021.

This trial should prove to be interesting for two reasons. @SalinasPD's role in the investigation. @MCoSheriff Sgt. Bryan Hoskins digging in and pushing the case forward - as he is supposed to do (well done).

The second reason is an @FBI investigation into Fickas' role in

a wide ranging, public corruption investigation. Information revealed during the rape investigation led to leads which allegedly implicated multiple public officials - including county supervisors John Phillips & Louie Alejo receiving cash money from Fickas associates
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It's Thanksgiving week. What are you planning on doing in 2021 that will:

1️⃣. Ensure the @MCoSheriff department mandates the wearing of Body Cams and in vehicle cameras as @SalinasPD and every other MoCo agency has?

2️⃣. Encourage and remind our District Attorney, Jeannine Pacioni, that we need a public corruption unit which is local and above reproach?

3️⃣. Establish a countywide Campaign Contribution limit that is rational rather than non-existent?

Folks, if our local elected officials can't answer key questions to the health and security of our community, they are not their to serve us. They are there to serve special interests and special interests alone.

These are easy questions to answer for anyone with integrity.
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Congressman @RepJimmyPanetta,

Can you explain your relationship with Plasha Will and her relationship to Chris Marohn, his wife Megan, John Fickas & others?

What was their relationship to the Democrats in Monterey County, the Republicans in San Luis Obispo County and the RW?

What was Plasha Will and John Phillips' role with "Californians for Law and Order PAC" which registered in San Benito County to hide their role in the Miller/Bernal 2014 Sheriff's race?

Did John Fickas, @SupervisorAlejo and Sergio Sanchez run phone banks using disposable

cell phones (as they were known to do for fmr. Supe. Lou Calcagno & fmr. #Salinas Mayor Dennis Donohue) later claiming they knew nothing about nada?

Do you see?

What was the CFLO PAC's relationship with G. Amber Johnson, once a political consultant to Congressman ISSA?
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Salinas Police high speed chase ends badly with multiple injuries at Gino's at Highway 68 and Stephanie Drive.

#Salinas #MontereyCounty
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With #MontereyCounty awash in corruption it's important to know the political ties to the area - Billionaire Tom Siebel has interests here and he is @GavinNewsom's father-in-law.

"The previous record for a home sale in Monterey County is just three doors down from the new Panattoni home. In 2000, it was sold by Pebble Beach CEO Bill Perocchi to Silicon Valley billionaire Tom Siebel"
3/"for $28 million. After real estate values plummeted, Seibel sold the house for $17 million in 2010, when it was subsequently torn down and is being replaced with a large new home."

Siebel's dabbling in MoCo real estate for "vacay" doesn't end there. Just like @Schwarzenegger
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How many millions of dollars in civil settlements will the unchecked abuses by the @MCoSheriff create for the County of Monterey - @WendyRootAskew? I would urge you to show some early leadership and get ahead of this thing.

And it isn't just high ranking personnel at the S.O.

Charles McKee, who @AdamsSupervisor & @JaneParkerMC also supported in his climb to Chief Administration Officer from his prior gig as County Counsel - yes McKee is a CalBar licensed attorney - has created huge liabilities for the County.

Throw Supervisor John Phillips

into the mix with his performances as a DA (13 years), Judge (21 years) and the County is in jeopardy.

Who is on the line for this possible big liability?

The community - who pay taxes via all sorts of revenue generators for the COM. Yes, on the hook again - for tortious
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The details of just a fraction of the #corruption here in @GavinNewsom's #MontereyCounty did not develop because one grifter real estate salesman from NYC was elected president.

It also is NOT a surprise to some local #journalists in my insular area. I've been helping

journalists in my area and elsewhere when they asked for help understanding something they didn't understand for years - or when I was backing a certain political candidate. In 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 I was on the phone daily and in 2014 two or three times a day.


knew, they cannot say they were never told.

When you hear or read journalism it doesn't mean journalists are the end-all-be-all of information - that they know it all. No one does. They rely on a cadre of behind the scenes "experts" and sometimes those experts have
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A bribe taking Monterey County Supervisor posting about what his buddy, @CSAC_Counties ED #GrahamKnaus, asked @GavinNewsom while in the @CAgovernor office - which of the 296 County Supervisors he should appt. to the US Senate?

Gov. Newsom called Supervisors the doers.

Three Monterey County Supervisors are under criminal investigation by the @FBI, State and Local Police and the @CA_FPPC for wrongdoing:

1. "Judge" John Phillips @PhillipsForSup

2. Chris Lopez @SupervisorLopez

3. Luis Alejo @SupervisorAlejo.

A majority of this board is

under criminal investigation and Luis Alejo is making jokes and pushing his messages to Gov. Newsom as the locals are left to wonder what is wrong with #MontereyCounty government.

This is the absence of leadership.

@KTVU @Amy_Chance @sacbee_news @latimes @mcgreevy99
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#corruption at a glance

... @bradleyzeve just doesn’t want to give up his losing position. Support of Mike Hackett.

They endorsed Kimbley Craig. A public official doxxer, who received $10,001 dollars from Salinas Police and $30,000+ from retired (and under investigation)

former Mayor Joe Gunter. Joe Gunter is a retired @SalinasPD detective who wrote a glowing letter of support for Dave Drew, a multiple-time convicted Narco Trafficker, recently pardoned by @JerryBrownGov, yet suspected of maintaining relationships with his Narco partners - by

some ethical Monterey County law enforcement.

Kimbley Craig has the backing of a number of @realDonaldTrump donors in #MontereyCounty who have donated thousands to his platform.

The @mcweekly knowingly endorses Craig.
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People were calling the Farr a communist going back to the 1950’s.

Sam Farr’s lawyer dad sued several men for libel.

In the 1980’s LAPD’s public corruption unit showed a local law enforcement detective that a communist organization in Southern California was making a number

of calls to a law office associated with Farr.

Not a lot of this is talked about in my community. Just a lot of blanket praise.

In my county progress has been relatively slow.

I wonder why? ImageImage

Sam Farr came from privilege. Nothing in his life was a struggle.

He barely moved the needle in #MontereyCounty.

Now he is knee deep, and center perfect in the corruption probe taking place in the most corrupt county of all the 58 counties in California.

Steve Bernal πŸ‘‡ ImageImage
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#MontereyCounty is the most corrupt county in all of California’s 58 counties.

A lawyer from @DLAPiperFinland Bay Area told me the courts are so corrupt, here, it reminded him of when he first started practicing law in Santa Clara, in the late 1980’s. (That was ten years ago)

DLA Piper represented Mike Carona - pro-bono. That Orange County Sheriff was sent to prison for 5 years.

They know corruption well. Some of their attorneys are former United States Attorneys.

Monterey County is currently under @FBI investigation for public corruption.

Many local politicians are suspected of taking cash bribes, including @SupervisorAlejo, from major players in the legal and illegal cannabis space.

John Phillips is under investigation.

MoCo Elections, however, will absolutely perform well in Nov.

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