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It is Sunday. Second service has just ended. The preaching pastor and his wife are greeting the peoples. A decently looking man and woman stay at the back of the line


#IKnowAGuy Season IV
The Real ***kboys of Nairobi,
Episode 3A: The Preacher's Wife
Disclaimer: This story may trigger emotions for some harm is outrightly intended. Similarity of names and situation purely coincidental.
When they almost get to the pastor, several people other people join the cue. Some are even jumping the cue. They are very patient.
They let everyone go through.

Finally it's their turn. The pastor is tired, but has handshake obligations. His tired face smiles.

Small pleasantries.

Woman: We wanted to ask you to say a prayer quick for us.
Pastor: OK. Anything in particular?
Woman: We want to dedicate a new car we just bought, and it is simply a blessing from above.

The man is not talking.

The pastor is weary from 2 services. He asks if he can ask an associate pastor to do the dedication.

He also doesn’t like to be bothered by menial things.
The man seems to agree with the suggestion. His wife insists it has to be the pastor.

He asks them to give him a few minutes to just finish something at his office.

They take about fifteen minutes domeing, but the couple is patient.

They come out, pastor just wanting to leave.
He’d almost forgotten these guys are there. He heads for their family Tuk Tuk. Their housie is in the car with the 2-year-old adopted son, tired of this Sunday waiting ritual. She just wants it to end because her boyfriend is taking her to Uhuru Park.

They wave at him smiling.
They are standing in front of a brand new Range Rover Sport. Pyuwa white.


Even the pastor is shook. Coz the Range Rover Sport those days was the mother of all cars.

Wakakuja, they say prayers of dedication, bless the car, the owners of the car, the manufactures, kila mtu.
They are obviously wowed. They turn to leave, and the lady speaks.

'Pastor, my husband and I are blessed. We just want to bless you and your family, too.'

She goes into her bag, chomoas some car keys from her purse and says, we could have sold this car but we thought maybe not.
You might need it more than us.

Akawaambia the car is insured and already serviced, and when you are ready we can do the transfer on the logbook. Almost new Toyota Mark X. Ze new model.

Pastor na Bibi hawaamini.

They are shook, excited at the same time. Received with dhenks.
The woman gestures to husband, and he hands over an envelope.

‘This is 15,000.00. This will help fuel for this month, as I am sure you did not have such a plan.’

Bibi ya pastor sasa ni machozi ana produce.

They exchange numbers. Pastor asks them their names. Jackie, and Mike.
Word spreads fast. At the pastoral staff meeting on Wednesday, it is just thanksgiving. On Thursday, the Pastor makes a follow up call of the one he made on Sunday and Tuesday and just say thank you. They talk about the transfer details, and then they say to touch base on Sunday.
Bibi ya Pastor akapigia Jackie simu, wakabonga, and then she tells Jackie that Pastor would like to acknowledge and celebrate them in the service.

Jackie: That’s not necessary. We do not like attention. Msiseme jina zetu.

Sunday ikafika. Services zimeshika. Pastor na testimony.
There is an eruption of celebration. He says he has only heard people are given cars. Hajawahi ona.

Of course he doesn't say who it is. People clap, dance and jump. They even pray for the couple that they'll be blessed even more.

Waka stretch hands waka dediket gari ya Pastor.
But... Tell your neighbor, #SafeIsSmart
In the back of his mind, the pastor really wants to know who this is and what is it they do, and how can they tap into that generosity towards Church projects and programs.

Pastor is doesn't speak much, but this investigation is on.
The Pastor’s wife, though, tumwite Cate, she admires how Jackie and is so simple and yet so content and happy. She sees in Jackie something that she desires, but she can’t put her finger on it.

She deliberately goes out and forms a special genuine friendship with Jackie.
It’s conversation almost weekly. And teas. And coffees and visiting each other. And shopping.

She tells Jackie, she really admires her and how her family is, and how they look so together. Jackie on the other hand says, she'd love Cate's life, with all the drama that is there.
‘We are both housewives. But I’d give up everything for your brand of housewife.’ They laugh.

Cate can’t believe how humble Jackie is.

They bond properly; especially because they are both stay at home mums. They hang out for a good while.

Cate asks, Jackie says she's a giver.
She says she gives coz she has, and that her generosity is not directed because of anything. It's is human duty to care and help, and share.

And she felt the pastor's family might use a car.

They bond over being wives of busy men. Both building kingdoms, even though different.
One day, more than 6 months into this new relationship. Cate akasema aende akatembelee Jackie. She arrives at the house, but Jackie refuses to see her.

She insists.

Maid, not housie, tells her, ‘Mzee ametoka na mama hasikii vizuri. Yuko upstairs, lakini amelala.’
She pleads, ‘wacha nimsalimie tu, nimuombee alafu niende.’

Maid refuses, ‘Ai, hapana. Atanikasirikia. Mpigie simu kwanza.’

Cate removes her phone in the living room while her tea is being poured. She calls Jackie. She can hear Jackie’s phone ring from upstairs. Haichukuliwi.
She says, ‘Anyway sitakunywa chai. Ilikuwa tu nisalamu. Nitampigia baadaye.’

She gets up, and goes to the door. At the door, there are several suitcases packed as if for travel. She looks at the maid.

She gestures to her with her finger on her lips, whispers a quick, ‘Shhh!’
She gets out of the house and into the Mark X gift.

When she gets to the gate, the guard tells her to wait.

The maid is running after her, with bananas and apples. She rolls down her window. She hands over the fruits, alafu the maid says, ‘Pastor, aki jaribu upigie Mama simu.'
'Pengine ata sikia wewe ukimuongelesha.’

Cate asks, ‘Mary, si uniambie ni nini inaendelea?’
Maid: Mimi ni mfaninyi kazi tu. Sipendi kuingilia nyumba ya watu. Lakini wewe muongeleshe. Akikuambia, sawa.’

Cate, now very concerned, looks back as the Maid heads back to the house.
Imagine she clearly sees Jackie looking at her from the bedroom window.

She waves at her, but Jackie just stares. Not even attempting to hide.

Cate akaskia ako na symptoms za corona.

She drives away, heavily disturbed. She drives to the Church and speaks to husband about it.
He is like, ‘Ai. You think Jackie would do that? Are you sure?’

Cate is sure she saw what she saw. Cate tells him not to call Mike first.

That same night, Mary the maid calls Cate, and tells her not to tell Jackie that she had said anything to her. 'Sitaki kupoteza hii kazi.'
On Sunday, they don’t show up in church. A couple of days later, Jackie shows up to Cate’s apartment. She insists she wont go in, but wants to go somewhere to talk. They drive to the Junction from Jamu.

They sit and talk awkwardly for 3 hours. Cate finally asks, about that day.
Jackie says she really doesn’t want to talk about it.

They keep quiet.

She calls the waiter, asks for a pack of cigarettes, an ashtray, and some really expensive whiskey on the rocks.


Her mouth is open wide, as Jackie lights up to smoke. She's staring.
Jackie asks, ‘You didn’t know I smoke?’ She chuckles. ‘Gosh. And the way you have really pretty eyes. Si uzifungue uone?’

Haya. Jackie removes her sweater, and shows Cate body marks that she claims were procured from Mike. She distinguishes the drugs spots and the beating spots.
Jackie starts tearing, and tells Cate, that Mike had beaten her up, for the ‘nth’ time, about an hour before she came visiting on that day a week before.

Cate. Cannot. Believe. It.

But she had decided she would henceforth pursue this relationship with Jackie with great caution.
She has been piling a million questions since Cate refused to see her.

She says she really loves the guy, and she has really loved him. Lakini she can’t take it anymore. She feels this 6-year-old marriage has ended.

Cate defences are up. She jumps into full bibi ya pastor mode.
She mentions all scriptures she can remember. She tells Jackie they should fast and pray. They should work on restoring the marriage. Oooh, they need to cut generational curses nini nini.

She takes the cigarettes and whisky from her and tells her, she needs to let go of the sin.
Drinking and smoking is a way to let the devil in. Maybe it is Jackie who has set up her family for failure. And they need to deal with the devil head on. Jackie needs to repent.

Jackie akamshow, ‘Smoking, drugs and alcohol has been my only way to deal with the devil himself.’
Jackie takes her paraphernalia back.

Cate anamwangalia tu.

Jackie says, ‘I know what you are thinking. That I am a rebellious woman? Right? Please note, I have a great gift of discernment. Like you won’t believe.’

Cate just stares.

They sit in battle silence. Bill ikakuja.
Cate has spent Ks. 180 on tea. Jackie’s bill is huko Ks 5,400.00.

Cate chomoas 200 bob in 50s, and puts it on the table. Jackie tells her, ‘It’s ok. I’ll pay.’

Cate akamrushia mdomo, ‘Hapana. Wacha tu. I can also pay for my own tea.’

Jackie: Are we fighting?

Kamenuka sasa.
Cate: [Carelessly] No. Why? I can’t pay for myself? Kwani you think me I cannot afford it?

Jackie: [Pissed off as well]. Oya, relax. Ni nini? Mbona umekasirika na sio wewe unakula mangumi. My friend?

Cate: Argh. Tulipe. I just want to go home.

Jackie anashangaa na huyu mama.
Jackie tells her, ‘Listen here, Catherine, the only difference between me and you, is that I was you, six years ago. And six years is sixty whole lifetimes.’

Jackie adds 500, akashow waiter, hiyo akamate nayo smokie pasua extra time akienda home.

She runs her StanChart card.
When they get to the parking, Cate says she will walk home. Jackie tells her to get into the car. She refuses, and walks away with an almost inaudible, bye.

She doesn't want her stories. She gets home around 4pm, goes into her room, and locks herself up.

Sema #SafeIsSmart
She goes into a full on prayer front. She is binding and unbinding things.

Anakata ndimi. Rababosh na shetete zinatiririka ajab.

Tearing things in the heavens and trying to manifest them in the physical. She is like this for two hours, until her husband knocks on the door.
She tells him everything and starts putting things together. The things Jackie gave her. She is going to return the things of this heroine injecting, cigarette smoking and whiskey gobbling sinful woman.

The Pastor is like, ai. Things don’t work like this. There are better ways.
The best we can do for them, is to reach out, and try and help them resolve their issues. Besides, if you start returning these things, we have a lot to return then, some which we have already spent. Na ulipewa hizi vitu roho safi.

Next day, Jackie tries to call. Cate analenga.
The next next day akajaribu tena. Akalenga bado. Anaona tenje ikilia lakini anamkulia Vancouver.

Next Sunday, the lovely couple is in Church. Jackie na Cate wanachekiana kwa 18.

After service Jackie goes and confronts Cate nyuma ya tent. Kwanza kabisa akamwita a female dog.
Jackie: What’s your problem?’
Cate: Look, me I can’t understand how you are leaving your husband. You can’t see how you are living your life is the cause of all this?

Jackie: How does my drinking help him swing a punch? Why is me being with my husband such a dear issue for you?
Cate: I have to go.
Jackie: So we can only be friends if I stay with him until I die?

Jackie tells her, ‘I told you. You are me. And I am you. The difference is just some six years ago. And you are not listening. Get that into your thick head.’

And the she turns and leaves.
In between the week, in the regular weekly home fellowships of this church, some lady share’s a ‘word of wisdom.’

She says, ‘I want to speak a woman here. Some of us women are a hindrance to other women receiving grace. Your calling is to be a friend. And a good friend at that.'
Ikakula Cate vizuri the whole week.

Over the weekend, she drives to her mentor’s house. Her mentor is like the wife of the archbishop or general overseer of a group of churches. They talk, and talk. She shares about Jackie without making mention. A ‘I have a friend’ kinda story.
Mentor says, ‘Just be her friend. But manage your expectations. It is not your work to save that marriage. You can put her in positions and places where she can be impacted, but that marriage is not your responsibility, it is theirs.’

Conviction kidogo.
She relaxes her stance.
On Sunday in church, wakaonana. Cate goes to say hi, all bubbly like nothing had happened.

She asks Jackie if they can hangout sometime during the week. Jackie akamshow akuje kwake. She says no, maybe a café or something like that.

Girls wakakutana pale Sarit. Tension iko juu.
Cate akamjulia hali, they talk and talk and talk.

And then she finally says, she was confused and was scared for her and did not know how to respond, and for that, she is sorry.
Jackie tells her haina noma. Ata isikusumbue sana. She really didn't expected judgement from Cate.
Alafu she says, she really cherishes this friendship, it’s the longest she has had for years. Everyone keeps judging her.

‘I don’t want this awkwardness anymore. If you are going to be my friend, just be my friend.’

Wakarudi default settings. Ubeste sasa inanoga kunoga.
They now meet not so regularly and not for long, but they are constantly in contact.

She knows when she is in danger, and they even plan mitigation.

Cate starts to be comfortable with the fact that maybe Jackie can leave her husband, but she is still against divorce.

Pastor organizes this marriage week event. All couples invited. At whatever stage you are. They bring in really cool speakers. People who have been together for forever, divorcees, widows and widowers, barren couples, couples with disabilities, and people who had even lost kids.
Mpaka couples of different faiths, and those of no faith at all, and those who got married because of pregnancy.

After the week of seminars and talks, the couples will go for a retreat in Limuru for the weekend.

Cate invites bestie and husband.

They come reluctantly, day one.
It kamatas a good one. They come again on Wednesday and agaun on Thursday, and still it is fire bin faya.

On Friday, Mike comes but Jackie doesn’t show up.

Ala? Cate asks what’s up?

Mike says she isn't feeling well.

Cate calls but she does not answer. Usiku Cate chats Jackie.
She says she brought up issues that they learnt and homeboy flipped and hit her. But unlike previous times, it was just a slap.

But she says, at least, the talks are kinda getting through to him. Cate tells her, avumilie. All things work together. She urges her wakuje retreat.
Saturday watu wakaenda retreat ya zati sauzand, ikashika, people bond, womens wakaambiwa waandike shida wako nazo ni nini? Wakaandika foolscaps zao, wanaume wakaandika zao.

Mrs. Pastor akaenda kuongelesha mens on behalf of the womens, and Pastor represents womens issues to men.
Couples recommit themselves to each other. Usiku ikawa bornfire ya mens and tea for womens. Wanaumae wakaongeleshana, wanawake wakasemezana.

Next morning, Jackie and Mike don’t show up for breakfast. Apparently they checked out early. Simu nini, ati Jackie wasn’t feeling well.
My friend. Watu wako Nairobi Hospital.

Cate huyo mbio, akajipeleka hosi akawacha husband afunge sessions. Akifika akapata msichana anawekewa oxygen.

She confronts black man.

Guy says he has anger issues, and he has been stressed lately, and that he wants to get born again.
He adds that the week was good, and he is willing to do couple’s counselling.

Jackie leaves hosi after a week. Counseling ikaanza imijet. They do it successfully for 6 weeks.

Counseling is not addressing the anger issues though, and they are all hepaing the violence part.
Mike is ‘genuinely’ open, and is accepting his mistakes. Jackie anampima tu.

Cate gets the guts to ask what happened that night in Limuru. Jackie says she tried to be honest, and she opened up to the fact that she went to the doctor, and got procedure. She won’t ever have kids.
And that’s why he beat her.

Coz when they went to their room, the guy was like we should get a child.

Man akajirusha kwa sakafu ya ofisi ya pastor akalia for long hours. Makamasi makamasi! Cate now says, that was such a drastic action, and she should have consulted nini nini.
Jackie says yeye aliona mama yake akitandikwa daily, and she was not going to subject her offspring to that nanzenz. But she says, since that was the elephant in the room, and now that it is out, they can make this work.

They continue with counseling.
Mans realizes Cate is #TeamJackie. And she shares and listens more to Cate.

Mike starts to ask Cate what do for Jackie. Mara date, mara flowers, mara gifts, mara sijui what. Kwa process she develops a soft spot for Mike.

Especially, because Mike does not look one bit violent.
Akirudi home anaambia Pastor, ‘Imagine Mike did this and this for Cate.’

Pastor hashikanishi. Alafu Cate get’s frustrated.

Cate naye confides in Mike anamwambia vile angetaka pastor a-operate. But instead, Mike is the one who sends her flowers, the chocolates, and the earrings.
One day, Cate and Mike panga an advance surprise birthday dinner for Jackie. In between the day, Mike na Jackie wakakosana. So Cate is there waiting with the cake at the hotel, but hajui Jackie hakuji.

Mike shows up and tells her surprise is off, coz of a fight about money.
And that Jackie is not coming, coz amesema hataki kumuona. He says it’s ok, Cate can go, the cake will be take home. Yeye atalala kwa hoteli.

Cate feels so bad. She begs him to go home, and just sort things out.

He agrees. He goes to the room, picks his stuff and checks out.
He agrees to drop Cate home.

Wakaenda, story story, when they get to her gate, as they are hugging goodbye.

Mike kisses Cate.
On the mouth.
And Cate does not resist.

Ghafla bin vuu, Pastor turns in with the Mark X to get into the gate.

My friend.
Part 2B Next Week.
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