#merner4leader#GPC#PVC#Mernercommechef Opening
David: We need Greens in the house of commons. Need to hold the government to account. If not we won't get the changes needed.
David: Canada used to be respected on a world stage - PM Pearson got a nobel peace price. But we have taken the wrong path. Largest per capita supporter of O&G. Outsized contribution to climate change.
David: It is essential that we have a bilingual leader - someone who can compete in Quebec, New Brunswick and francophone communities across the country.
David: I'm the only candidate that can win the seat I ran in in 2019 next election. Winning Elizabeth's seat took many years. We need the next leader to be able to win out the door.
David: 2019 election was difficult. We don't have enough empowered EDAs. We have effective EDAs in 15-20 ridings. I'm a builder. I've been an EDA president in 3 different EDAs. Need to listen and build teams together.
David: organizing is not a difficult problem - the other parties have more effective EDAs. We need to catch up, and I have the experience to lead that change.
David: I would like to be the uniter in this race. Each candidate has different skills, and I believe I'm the only one who can unite them all as a team. These are people who would be fantastic parts of a fully functional team.
Q1: PR
David: Served on Fair Vote Canada board for 7 years, handed out thousands of flyers in my riding during BC referendum. If party members agree, I would make PR an essential component of any deal if we had balance of power in ottawa
Q2: How you build a unified team given problems in the party
David: we have a diverse group of candidates yes. I've written two masters theses on negotation. I believe we have common interests in this group of leadership candidates.
Q2: Unified team given problems in the party
David: Climate change is the #1 issue followed by electability. We can't make Palestine-Israel be the #1 issue of debates. We are a social justice party, more progressive than the NDP.
Q2: How you build a unified team given problems in the party
David: Need to stand for the full diversity of Canadians. Need to pull together on our commonalities. Fine for everyone to have different interests, but we can unit and build.
Q3: COVID19, Fiscal deficit, priorities for economic plan
David: We have to provide a positive strong vision. Need to get the economy rolling without leaving anyone behind. Need to grow away from O&G to renewables. Focus on success.
Q3: COVID19, Fiscal deficit, priorities for economic plan
David: T'So-uke nation is entirely off diesel and on Solar, Hinton AB is exploring geothermal. We can build on these successes. People are looking for a hopeful transformation.
Q3: COVID19, Fiscal deficit, priorities for economic plan
David: We've costed our platforms and put our plans repeatedly to the PBO. In 2019, we said we'd balance in 5 years. COVID has changed that, but likely would need to be 8-10 years.
Q3: Social recovery from COVID19
David: Best message on connecting health care and pandemic and climate change is coming from @courtghoward She says we need to be prepared to address the causes and be ready for the next one.
Q4: Social recovery from COVID19
David: The GLI is a primary part of our platform. I believe that covers the social aspects of recovering from COVID 19. Free tuition will help give actual equality of opportunity.
Q4: Social recovery from COVID19
David: Need to expand our focus on human rights. We were first to support equal marriage, and we need to continue to be first to fight for all human rights. With a team a rivals, we can reach out.
Q4: Social recovery from COVID19
David: Need to build a movement of movements, not just historical environmental groups, but also Black Lives Matter, wet'su'weten etc
Q5: Two candidates from QC identified as ecosocialists, how would you unify?
David: I'm not an ecosocialist or a socialist. HOwever, I believe that the GPC has been the most socially progressive party in Canada, and we must keep that.
Q5: Two candidates from QC identified as ecosocialists, how would you unify?
David: Focus on the policies not labels. Need to think about how we will win seats? I believe a socialist or ecosocialist will impair our election prosects.
Q5: Two candidates from QC identified as ecosocialists, how would you unify?
David: We have been the most progressive party, and need to stay that way. But we need to pay attention to policies not rhetoric. I want them to join and help.
Q5: 5G issue
David: I'm driven by science. Latest science says risks are unexplored. Several states have said they need more evidence. The evidence I have seen say it is safe but we need to listen to the latest peer reviewed science.
Q5: Robocalls as listening?
David: Many have been using robocalls. Robocalls are a way to facilitate the listening. Some see it as old style. The problem we face is we have many values. Some rely on mailouts, but then you are using paper.
Q7: BC Fisheries
David: The federal government should implement the recommendations of the Cohen Commision. We are looking at decades of recovery time if the federal government continues to delay. Most important is no in-water fish farms.
Q8: Ontario (& QC) campaign:
David: Yes, I'm concerned about coastal seats only. We need to win seats accross our country. I've heard from many candidates that the problems are that we aren't organized between elections.
Q8: Ontario (& QC) campaign:
David: First thing we need to do is get EDAs functional between elections so the hard work can be done keeping people engaged, increase membership. It isn't happening, and many people don't know it needs doing
Q8: Ontario (& QC) campaign:
David: Need a leader with country wide campaigning experience. We need to tap into youths, indigenous people, and people that aren't connected to politics. I have not just academic French but hockey French
Q10: How to disengage from lobbyists and the USA
David: tough question, deeply embedded in our government. Elizabeth May as the sole Green MP at the time, was the ONLY MP to vote against the bombing of Libya. The NDP all voted for it.
Q10: How to disengage from lobbyists and the USA
David: We must hold true to our core 6 values. Not just in how we vote on critical votes, but also in how we organize and behave towards each other. Must be a particaptory democracry
Q10: How to disengage from lobbyists and the USA
David: Need to maintain the values everyday, in person and online, on facebook etc.
Q11: Legalization vs Decriminalization
David: I'm advocating legalization - specifically the Portugal model - take the drugs out of crime and into public health. We are completely mishandling this "war on drugs" swamping justice system.
Q11: Legalization vs Decriminalization
David: This is a tragedy. More people are dying from opioids in BC every day than COVID. We know the solutions - Portugal, Switzerland etc. The only thing lacking is political will. Especially BC NDP
Q11: Legalization vs Decriminalization
David: Just need to follow Dr Bonnie Henry's recommendations. We know what to do, need to just do.
Q11: Legalization vs Decriminalization
David: Decriminalization doesn't go far enough. Need to get all addictions to health system to provide a holistic solution that works for everyone. A tyranny of small steps isn't enough.
Q11: Legalization vs Decriminalization
David: These things aren't easy. Many conservatives are against legalization. But with the right political leadership we can move public opinion like Portugal did. Need to look at successes & emulate
Q11: Legalization vs Decriminalization
David: Need to fight for human rights. Even with hard core conservative, show them the evidence, and work from there.
Q12: GPC unification (more ecosocialism)
David: Discussed with Meryam & Dimitri already. If I'm leader we won't use "socialist" terminology, but we will be the most progressive party in Canada. We are progressive but we need discipline
Q12: GPC unification (more ecosocialism)
David: Terminology matters in politics. socialism will alienate many. We value the vision of the ecosocialists who have joined. We do have to change as how we act as consumers and citizens.
Q12: GPC unification (more ecosocialism)
David: We have to be careful with how we communicate with the majority of Canadians, can't do that. We are united in substance - climate is first priority. Focus on those not the small differences.
Q13: affordable housing
David: I think our government has a solid national housing strategy. However they have not put any money behind it. If the Trudeau Liberals followed through on the plans it would actually be a huge solution.
Q13: affordable housing
David: Need to put money back into CMHC. Need to add co-operative housing, but the answer is relatively simple. Need to use gov spending power - with dialogue with municipalities and indigenous nations
Q14 personal seat
David: I believe we can win the next election. We were close - second place. People don't know this but we lost 21 candidates due to insufficent vetting. This led to exhaustion.
Q14 personal seat
David: Political science shows that riding campaigns account for 5-15% of the vote. National campaign when it has problems drags everyone down. We spent days talking about abortion when it is a core agreed upon policy.
Q14 personal seat
David: Fundraising is a core issue, but not the key problem. We don't have sufficient organization, nor a strong enough national campaign. Last election ESS had plenty of funds.
Q14 personal seat
David: My home is here and I have a real love for this part of the country. It is a decision of both the local EDA and the party, but I would run here for sure. I believe VI is a hug growth opportunity.
Q14 personal seat
David: Same as Quebec and NB. Huge potential in Ontario. Need a leader ready to travel the country, but I would want to run here if possible. We raised a lot of money last election, and can do that again.
Q14 personal seat - Glen Murray election history
David: Yes, I'm careful to say that I'm the only one who ran in the 2019 election. Glen is a major ally and I would never attack him but he has never run for the Greens.
Q15 Leadership helping fundraising
David: Another thing is you can send your volunteers elsewhere when you have a stable EDA like SGI. SGI has really shown the way. If we're confident in ESS we could put our team onto phoning.
Q15 Leadership helping fundraising
David: SGI is also a great example of stable EDAs being able to spread knowledge and mentorship.
Q16 Reconciliation - specifically MMIWG
David: That is a serious question. As I said earlier, I went into law specifically to deal with injustices that are not just centuries old, but ongoing. 50% of kids in care are indigenous in BC
Q16 Reconciliation - specifically MMIWG
David: We are facing an ongoing human tragedy. The core issue is a lack of action by governments. If we don't have more greens in the HOC holding the government to account it won't change.
Q16 Reconciliation - specifically MMIWG
David: Friday I will be releasing news about an indigenous advisory circle. Also looking to restructure the party to include more indigenous representation. Our interests connect a lot already.
Q16 Reconciliation - specifically MMIWG
David: Party members set policy, but leaders can do a lot to reach out to ensure that members can raise their voices
David: As leader I can build and win my seat. I'm the only candidate who speaks hockey French. Can build in Quebec & NB. I'm the only person on this race who has campaigned from coast to coast on winning Green campaigns.
Closing: Lets not agree we are a single ideology party. We need to include everybody. I'm the candidate that is most clearly campaigning on forming a team. 8 fantastic rivals who should be able to build a fantastic team.
Harald Hommel (one of the moderators tonight), wants to highlight the ranked ballot and ask that people rank more than just their first or second choices. As Anita Nickerson said, ranking provides valuable information on priorities.
#BCPoli#yyj#metchosin#esquimalt Q1: Ferry to Victoria
RJ: Would very much support ferry service. Would need co-operation between DND, transit, local governments and private interests. Also work with Island Corridor foundation. DND used to run a ferry there.
#BCPoli While Karen is introducing the candidates, my conflict of interest statement....
This election I'm @GordBaird_LJDF's Volunteer Coordinator. So obviously biased. However, for the first section I will be #livetweeting as accurately and fairly as possible.
#BCPoli#AllCandidates#LDJF Q1 Homelessness/Mental Health/addiction
Gord: Deeply intertwined. Homelessness causes alienation from society. Housing has become unattainable. Green party supports a means tested rental support. GLI would provide security so no one is left behind.
#BCPoli#yyj Oak Bay Gordon head's online all candidates meeting on now. facebook.com/VictoriaChambe…
I was a couple minutes late, so not going to report introductions since I missed Murray Rankins'
#BCPoli#leadership debate well I ran into ISSUES. flat tire and had to walk a bunch and then no power at home. ah well watching now on cellphone wifi. So extremely late start to #livetweeting.
#BCpoli My normal second tweet... conflict of interest statement. But a more serious statement this time... I'm serving as the @BCGreens' @GordBaird_LJDF's Volunteer Co-ordinator. Also as normal, will attempt to be impartial, until judgy time at the end.
#BCPoli Q: Reconcilation and resources. @SoniaFurstenau : We have to respect first nations and work in a government to government relationship. Words have to be followed with actions that match.