Those who fear & hate the truth seek to censor & suppress it by designating it as #HateSpeech.
An example: The #NationState is an Orwellian construct based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
This is true, but in many it incites fear & hatred.
The fear & hatred it incites is especially strong when one names a particular nation state - say Britain, France or America - but it is true for ALL nation states.
Notwithstanding their Orwellian nature, the UK, France & America are still 3 of the best states in the world to be citizens of, as attested to by the millions of migrants & refugees who want to settle in these countries.
We're ALL dependent on the state, no matter how Orwellian.
We cannot do away with the state, as anarchists naively believe. We need it, at the very least, to enforce the rule of law & non-violence, within the framework of which we must radically reform it.
However, existing political parties are incapable of truly radical reform.
One important reason for existing political parties being incapable of truly radical reform is that they are all beholden to the ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY, which goes to the opposite but equally insane extremes of Nazi racial ideology.
DIVERSITY being Orwellian newspeak for a global #MeltingPot, I suggest the creation of new, anti-Orwellian party called #ContraPot, in which different races work respectfully together without the pretence that race doesn't matter.
If Constantine had known anything of jesus's teachings he would called the battle off & sought to negotiate a peaceful settlement with his enemy.
But while on the subject of dreams, I recently had one that made a strong impression on me & which I will now relate.
I awoke from it last Tuesday morning, having spent the night at my sister's place:
Two cars in a chase coming towards me, one trying to overtake the other. As they passed one of them hit & slightly dented my car, a white Fiat Panda. They both pulled up a little further on.
"One aspect of wokeness which is overlooked is that it has no stopping point. There is no norm, value, idea, concept, standard, moral, or theory wokeness will not dissolve." @wokal_distance
A society needs a shared moral authority. Otherwise it will just tear itself apart, which is what America & the West in general are currently doing.
The moral authority of the medieval church was imposed on society, which is what others are now also attempting to do.
The most pernicious of these alternatives is the Orwellian & moral-supremacist ideology of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & AntiRacism, which has already come to dominate the West.
#DavidAaronovitch & the media outlets he works for, which includes #TheBBC & @thetimes, have an AGENDA, which they never talk about, at least, not publicly, & I'm pretty sure that if one broached the issue with any of them they would deny it.
Maybe they are not consciously aware of it themselves. I have no way of knowing. Most of what motivates us lies in the subconscious, which censors what it allows to become conscious.
This agenda is the ideology of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
It's an ideology that arose in misconceived, #NeverAgain, response to the evils of Nazi ideology of racial purity & supremacy, which it goes to the opposite but equally insane extremes of. It's a self-destructive ideology of White racial self-denial, self-contempt & self-hatred.
This is bizarre, & quite Orwellian that so little is made of it in the media, by politicians or academics, & not just in America, but everywhere in the West.
Why? because they are all terrified of being called RACIST, like the authorities in Telford & other English towns.
Anti-racist ideology has turned the West into an Orwellian nightmare.
If we don't get a grip on this soon, it will destroy our civilisation as surely as climate change will if we fail to get a grip on that too.
Both represent failure on the part of the social sciences.
It is imperative we understand how & why the social sciences are failing us, themselves & society at large, & offer the following two threads as starting points:
I usually agree with much of what #DavidAaronovitch says in his Briefing Room on BBC Radio 4, but not in his latest one on the UK's presumed need for "economic growth".
David is also keen on UK "population growth" through immigration, criticism of which he deems to be RACIST.
If I'm right about David's attitude to economic & population growth being genocidal, which I'm pretty sure I am, it is of no small consequence, because his views are pretty much those of Britain's & the West's ruling elites, in journalism, politics & academia.
Societies have always been dominated by their elites via a strategy of divide & rule, & although they pretend to be, Western "democracies" are no different. It is just more subtle than in earlier times & in non-democratic countries.
Allow me to explain HOW we're divided & ruled:
I think it was #WinstonChurchill who famously said that British democracy was deeply flawed, but better than any other system yet devised, or words to that effect.
I agree with him, but while he saw it as a reason for maintaining the status quo, I do not.
Churchill wanted to maintain the status quo because it served him personally extremely well, as it does many others.
However, the status quo is inherently unjust, inhuman & - most importantly - unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, SpaceshipEarth.