More intel from #SiteC that you won't hear in the media because no one will go on the record (& if I worked at the dam I wouldn't risk facing BC Hydro's $1500/hr lawyers either): the huge concrete buttress they've poured is moving at the rate of ~1mm per day.. #bcpoli#BCelxn2020
If @bchydro disagrees, perhaps it can rebut this intel by providing the public with detailed info including any LIDAR measurements they have taken at #SiteC? Their tardy reports of July 31 which admit to serious foundation problems seem deliberately vague. So please, correct me.
@bchydro ..The overwhelming secrecy around #SiteC - which has been remarked on by international dam experts - starts to look quite suspicious in itself & doesn't breed public confidence. This is OUR project after all; the billions being spent are ours. #bcpoli
@bchydro I ran this intel past my engineer friend: "If anything is moving at this stage of construction, serious problems are likely developing from water pressure building up behind the buttresses & seeping underneath toward the river, weakening the shale foundation.." #siteC
@bchydro .."As we know, water causes the shale to revert to its original structure, which is soft clay, and not a foundation material for a dam. If it's moving over the shale, the foundation is already failing."
The reports of "cracks everywhere" at #SiteC are thus unsurprising. #bcpoli
@bchydro ..So I throw it back to you, @BCHydro. If the intel from the #SiteC site is unfounded, please go on the record and deny it. And British Columbians might want to push Hydro, the BC govt & Energy Ministry to start practicing transparency more generally. This is our money. #bcpoli
@bchydro PS another tidbit from #SiteC: when the concrete batch plant (produces concrete for the site) was built they needed to excavate a basement for it, right into the shale "bedrock"; the backhoe got stuck down there in shale mud. Perhaps @BCHydro would like to comment on this too?
@bchydro .. If 1mm/per day doesn't seem like a lot of movement in the #SiteC structures to you, add it up. Remember, this is the buttress supporting a generating station & turbines - turbines that are finely calibrated & can't tolerate any significant movement at all. #BCelxn2020#bcpoli
@bchydro ..What say you about these alarming accounts of #SiteC slipping, @BCHydro? What about you, Energy Minister @BruceRalson? Comments, @jjhorgan? Why did you allow billions to be poured into the mud since you found out about this in December 2019 but said nothing? #bcpoli#BCelxn2020
@bchydro@jjhorgan .Final Q: if many of us knew in 2017 that #SiteC was unbuildable - the most experienced living BC dam engineer Vern Ruskin knew, the eng. reports themselves were full of red flags & alarm bells & even civilians like me knew - why did lead engineer John Nunn sign off on this?
@bchydro@jjhorgan Here are some of the numbers for the weight of #SiteC structures & the forces on them:
There at least 1.2 million cubic metres (m3) of concrete in the south bank buttress, all sitting on shale whose shear & compression strength goes to zero when saturated with water. No bedrock..
@bchydro@jjhorgan 1 m3 of concrete weighs 3 tons. (That's more than 2x the weight of my old VW Beetle.) Multiply that by 1.2 million (or much more as there's more concrete to come at Site C). This sits on shale whose shear & compression strength goes to zero when saturated with water. No bedrock.
@bchydro@jjhorgan This weak shale is in a state of rebound already; heavy concrete will compress it down & cause settling, but worse than that, the more serious problem is water pressure in the shale bank the buttress is resting on, likely swelling the shale & pushing the buttress toward the river
@bchydro@jjhorgan This is before reservoir is filled. Behind this buttress will be a 26m deep "approach channel" whose pressure at the bottom metre alone will be ~216,000 tons. Engineer: ""Where in the world do you find a dam with 1/2 its reservoir height sitting on a terrace above the river bed?"
@bchydro@jjhorgan Engineer: "If we can get the #SiteC approach channel size, the water weight on top of that shale terrace will shock everybody."
So come on, @bchydro, if you argue with our numbers, please give us yours.
Been taking a daily walk to check for new graffiti on the new Tesla service centre being built in East Vancouver. They washed off the old "Future home of the Incel Camino," but someone's added "FUK MUSK" in the shape of the old East Van cross, & now more... #swasticars #elonmusk
Meanwhile, over at the Vancouver Tesla dealership on 4th Avenue, "FUCK ELON" is accompanied by a really quite well-drawn gunsight symbol.
Update: This graffiti has apparently been painted over with non-matching red paint. Good work, #swasticars
Chasing the far-right by making cowardly concessions and U-turns is generally a losing strategy. Nice race to the far-right corner of the bottom of the barrel, Dave.
If you were in any doubt as to who Dave Eby really is, I hope today made things clear #bcpoli #carbontax
BC Greens should be explicitly campaigning up the left side of the NDP now and yanking this ever-rightward-shifting Overton window back. To do that they're going to have to abandon this kind of talk immediately.
#bcpoli insider on NDP nixing carbon tax: "people get more in personal carbon rebate cheques than they pay in fuel tax costs. I don't get why they did this; it's political insanity. They're literally scrapping a version of UBI, plus it'll put trade/ climate agreements in jeopardy
Quite a bizarre performance by BC Conservatives leader John Rustad on CBC Radio today. For a populist demagogue he's very wooden - he just kept repeating “we have to get rid of the BC NDP with their radical agenda/policies” over & over, like a broken droid. 1/x #bcpoli
Frustratingly CBC's @BellePuri never asked Rustad which BC NDP policies he thinks are "radical." The BC NDP are so captured by the corporations at the trough - arguably more than the BC Liberals before them - that I'd be astonished to find anything really "radical" there...
@BellePuri The only difference is that the BC NDP are doing right-wing corporate capture with a veneer of rainbow crosswalks, while the Cons are corporate capture with social conservatism & toxic masculinity. Which flavour do you want your trickle-up of wealth to come in?
Important WSJ article on Canada's rivers drying up while we keep building dams anyway, including #SiteC. It's paywalled so I'll include the whole article in this 🧵
Diversify into renewables now! BC can't until it ditches the deceptively named Clean Energy Act.#bcpoli #cdnpoli
Had Bing Thom not died prematurely, he would have gone after @AIBCconnected for its gentleman's agreement rule that architects can't criticize other projects. Reportedly a certain major arch'l firm in Vancouver reported Bing to AIBC for his letter opposing #105Keefer. #vanpoli
@AIBCconnected Bing Thom intended to go after AIBC's muzzling rule & publicly ask them:
"What is the point of architecture if there's no discourse? What is the role of the architect in society? Do we have a public responsibility or are we just hired guns?"
@AIBCconnected Bing's death was a terrible loss for public discourse in Vancouver. BTW he also helped us with a fight I co-founded against the proposed downtown casino expansion (we beat the expansion partly thx to him). You could count on him to do the right thing. AIBC tries to block this.
My elderly family member, whom I kept free of Covid for 3+ years but who finally caught in in an unmasked BC hospital last week, is very sick on Day 9. Rapid test still shows a bright red line. For health issues she can't take Paxlovid. She's in a rage at you, @adriandix. #bcpoli
@adriandix "I'm furious at the hospital and at all the unmasked healthcare workers, but I'm more outraged by @adriandix and Bonnie Henry. The govt is ultimately to blame."
@adriandix She asks: "Why aren't they following science?"
"They kept taking my mask off for tests and procedures - and they weren't even wearing masks when they did it."