✔️ claimed “Anglo-Saxons have the strongest bloodlines”
✔️ perpetuated the Great Replacement conspiracy
✔️ claimed 6 million did not die in the Holocaust and numbers were altered
✔️ said racist things about Chinese names
Alert: Brian Kidder (the man who tried to arrest a journalist and Jagmeet Singh tinyurl.com/y5k9qhqytinyurl.com/y66qr69o) claims that he was phoned by someone asking him to arrest @KathleenWyne. When he refused he claims the person said he would just stab her.
Brian claims that he doesn't authorize anyone else to make citizen's arrests which is obviously ridiculous as he has no such authority, but this is exactly the type of behaviour that Kidder and the Canadian Revolution crew are inspiring.
After the police refused to act (again) Brian apologizes to Kathleen Wynne if anything happens to her..... but follows that up by saying it's HER fault because she broke the law.
Brian Kidder with the Canadian Revolution members attempted to place Daniel Thibeault @dthibeaultSRC, a parliamentary correspondent with the CBC under citizen's arrest. Kidder was initially arrested. Cody Haller misidentified Thibeault.
Here is the initial confrontation between Kidder and Thibeault.
Tired of being ignored this is where Kidder attempts to manhandle @dthibeaultSRC, and blocked his entrance into the @CBC building.
Well gee whiz, another white nationalist group claiming to have had a presence in Red Deer. I'm just shocked. But they were just citizens standing up to actual racists or something something.
This comes just after a Ponoka RCMP officer made a 'good people on both sides' type statement. He said that even though Pat King threatened anti-racist protestors before the rally.
Speaking of threatening protestors, here's Joey Deluca of the barely existent World Coalition Against Islam saying protestors should be run over. According to @RCMPAlberta his speech is just as equal though.
Someone posted an article about how criticism of George Soros shouldn't be dismissed as antisemitic in the #WEXIT@Facebook group. The article still manages to suggest that Soros is using money to change (ruin) America by funding political races.
Obviously funding political campaigns is not something limited to George Soros, but it's the focus on a Jewish billionaire and the conspiracy theories surrounding him that are antisemitic. adl.org/blog/the-antis…
Let's look through the comments from #WEXIT members, and see whether they understand that nuance.....😳