YVCE 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️🧛 - ARCHIVE Profile picture
Archived YVCE account. Antifascists exposing the Yellow Vests Canada movement Dec 2018-Nov 2020. Follow: @tonyyvce @agtbloodrayne @yycantiracist
Eddie Profile picture Dee. ☮️✌️🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈 #WomenAgainstPoilievre Profile picture 3 subscribed
Oct 7, 2020 14 tweets 18 min read
New on @ARCCollective: Peaceful Red Deer Anti-Racist March A Success; Far-Right Narrative At Odds With Reality tinyurl.com/y53qb7h3 1/11 The march in Red Deer on Sunday, Sept 20 was wildly successful. 2/11

Oct 5, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
The Proud Boys/Canada First/whatever and ID Canada claim to have placed stickers and posters in Canadian cities/towns. If seen please remove, and do so safely.

Simcoe, Ontario ImageImage Calgary, AB ImageImage
Oct 5, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Brian Kidder AGAIN attempted to arrest @JustinTrudeau today and AGAIN he was released without charge. This time champion grifter Norman Traversy was present. Some back story on Kidder and Traversy.


Oct 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Media, there is no “Canadian Patriots” *group*

The event in #RedDeer was attended by yellow vests, Soldiers of Odin, Canadian Combat Coalition, World Coalition Against Islam, Urban Infidels, Woke Onez Rebellion - all anti-Muslim.

#cdnmedia #abmedia Image The supposed “patriot” movement is made up of numerous groups and associations, as well as individuals.

It’s characterized by an intense hatred of Trudeau, fear of communism, anti-Muslim rhetoric, pro-Trump sentiments.

At any given event there can be multiple groups present.
Oct 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Pat King says they’re not racist.

He has:

✔️ claimed “Anglo-Saxons have the strongest bloodlines”
✔️ perpetuated the Great Replacement conspiracy
✔️ claimed 6 million did not die in the Holocaust and numbers were altered
✔️ said racist things about Chinese names Receipt #1:

Sep 30, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Alert: Brian Kidder (the man who tried to arrest a journalist and Jagmeet Singh tinyurl.com/y5k9qhqy tinyurl.com/y66qr69o) claims that he was phoned by someone asking him to arrest @KathleenWyne. When he refused he claims the person said he would just stab her.
/1 Brian claims that he doesn't authorize anyone else to make citizen's arrests which is obviously ridiculous as he has no such authority, but this is exactly the type of behaviour that Kidder and the Canadian Revolution crew are inspiring.
Sep 30, 2020 9 tweets 17 min read
New on @ARCCollective: Canadian Proud Boys Embrace "Fashy" Image, Message, and Ideology; POTUS Emboldens American Proud Boys During Debate tinyurl.com/ycom2fk9 1/6 #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #DebateTuesday #2020debate ImageImageImageImage The Canadian chapter of the Proud Boys have dispensed with any pretense they aren't racist anti-Semites. 2/6 ImageImageImage
Sep 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Brian Kidder with the Canadian Revolution members attempted to place Daniel Thibeault @dthibeaultSRC, a parliamentary correspondent with the CBC under citizen's arrest. Kidder was initially arrested. Cody Haller misidentified Thibeault. ImageImage Here is the initial confrontation between Kidder and Thibeault.
Sep 24, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Well gee whiz, another white nationalist group claiming to have had a presence in Red Deer. I'm just shocked. But they were just citizens standing up to actual racists or something something.
/1 Image This comes just after a Ponoka RCMP officer made a 'good people on both sides' type statement. He said that even though Pat King threatened anti-racist protestors before the rally.

Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Someone posted an article about how criticism of George Soros shouldn't be dismissed as antisemitic in the #WEXIT @Facebook group. The article still manages to suggest that Soros is using money to change (ruin) America by funding political races.
/1 Image Obviously funding political campaigns is not something limited to George Soros, but it's the focus on a Jewish billionaire and the conspiracy theories surrounding him that are antisemitic.
Sep 22, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Pat King recorded a livestream after the rally in Red Deer yesterday. As usual it was really lame, although he does hint that he's interested in holocaust denial.
/1 During the livestream one of his followers informed him that @CitytvEdmonton was showing a report about the violence towards the anti-racist protestors.
Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 12 min read

The suspect has been identified as an adherent of satanic neo-Nazi cult Order of the 9 Angles (O9A.) His YouTube channel included a video of him chanting at an O9A altar.

More info on O9A here: hopenothate.org.uk/order-of-nine-… @ricochet_en @pressprogress @EthanCoxMtl @_llebrun @CANADALAND @goldsbie @vicecanada @MackLamoureux @RVAwonk @BMakuch @agtbloodrayne @NatObserver @kylemmorrow @ShannonCarranco @514jon @EmmaMci @ProgressAlberta @UR_Ninja
Sep 15, 2020 6 tweets 14 min read
Our latest on @ARCCollective.

Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights Held a March That Was Attended by Fascists

anti-racistcanada.blogspot.com/2020/09/canadi… The CCFR event was attended by many of the usual far-right actors, including neo-nazis Paul Fromm and Thomas Liko. To be fair to the CCFR, they stuck out like sore thumbs and the messaging of the rally was largely on point. ImageImageImageImage
Sep 13, 2020 4 tweets 14 min read
NEW on @ARCCollective : The Northern Guard: Islamophobia, Antisemitism, and QAnon

An overview of the Northern Guard’s racist history, and how they came to be tied up in the #QAnon conspiracy theory.

LINK: bit.ly/2ZwUnyM ImageImageImageImage @antihateca @ebalgord @ricochet_en @pressprogress @EthanCoxMtl @_llebrun @CANADALAND @goldsbie @vicecanada @MackLamoureux @RVAwonk @BMakuch @agtbloodrayne @NatObserver @kylemmorrow @ShannonCarranco @514jon @EmmaMci @ProgressAlberta @UR_Ninja
Sep 12, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
The anti-Muslim Boomer Brigade Pegida made a sad return the other day in London, "commemorating" 9/11, using it to push their anti-Muslim agenda w/ claims of terror attacks we've been unable to independently verify.

Neo-Nazis regularly attend their rallies. 👇 ImageImage Here's Andre Chiasson, a pro-neo-Nazi supporter:
Sep 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The president of hate group Northern Guard is now threatening anyone who questions him about his new “MAPP” (Mankind Against Pedophiles & Predators) project with being labeled as a pedophile. Image While this seems ridiculous and absurd on its face, it’s important to recognize that this attempt to smear any of their detractors and critics as child abusers has a long history in both anti-Muslim hatred and homophobia.
Sep 10, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1. Yesterday we tweeted about a Tuesday Facebook live by Pat King in Alberta where he threatened his kids’ teacher for making them wear a mask during gym class. 2. We didn’t tweet the entire live, but King mentioned violence against the teachers at least one other time. He planned on going to the school yesterday morning and encouraged his followers to join him.
Sep 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Pat King of Red Deer, AB is now threatening to beat up his sons’ teachers.

His son was upset he had to wear a mask during gym class, and King’s response is to show up this morning and threaten them. He also claims that this is all planned and part of a “world bank” and UN conspiracy, invites his followers to join him this morning, and claims to be “common law” - a form of sovereign citizen.
Sep 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Yellow vest protestor advocates running over protestors.
🤯 Image Informative article on the phenomenon by @YVeilleuxLepage :

Sep 6, 2020 10 tweets 19 min read
1/ NEW on @ARCCollective : More Overt Racism In Calgary Soldiers of Odin Chapter

While the Calgary #BLM rally was harassed by various hate-adjacent actors, the central AB and Calgary SoO engaged in their own nonsense.

LINK: bit.ly/2QYwRpJ 2. Dale Caldwell, the original president, isn’t shy about his racist leanings.

And despite the Canadian SoO desperately trying to convince Canadians they aren’t Nazis like their Finnish counterparts, well...

LINK: bit.ly/2QYwRpJ ImageImageImageImage