2. The truth is, a lot of food is lost between the farm and the retailer for different reasons, and the notorious banana rules are specifically to do with correct storage and aesthetics.
3. I believe some of the banana legislation derives from rules set in 1969 by the Comité interprofessionnel de la banane française, but the origin of the regulations we actually use is a bit more complicated than that.
4. In 1988, France was supporting an international standard for Bananas at the Codex Committee on tropical fresh fruits and vegetables.
It didn't make any progress because the International Banana Committee claimed the bananas were already good quality.
5. But that was going to change, and it is no surprise to find a French company pushing for banana regulation in March 1993.
7. Because in February 1993 the Codex Committee changed their position and gave the go ahead to begin working on banana regulation.
8. It is not, as you’d expect, a French proposal that they begin with, it’s a Mexican proposal. This has discussion of shape, but no reference to abnormal curvature.
(Although this may have been inspired by the original 1980s French proposal)
9. I don’t know if the EU French proposal had size requirements
10. But I do know that the international standard had both sizes and tolerances.
11. And after passing the regulation in 1995, the EU were in a position to push through changes, including a simplification of the sizing and the abnormal curvature requirements.
12. Why are they needed? Well each box has to be packed a certain way to ensure the fruit doesn’t get damaged.
Abnormal curvature effects how the bananas fit in their box, and can result in damage to the bananas in transit.
13. Here is the Mexico proposal quality requirements, the Codex standard quality section and the EU standard quality regulation side by side.
Shape was always considered, it was just more precisely defined now.
14. Banana curvature concerns are not just an EU thing or a packing thing. There are curvature guidelines in the US and this tends to determine if the bananas end up in retail.
15. I suspect that is because the US and the UK have something in common.
Their citizens have historically been quite picky about what their fruit and vegetable look like.
16. Quality standards in the UK mean that strawberries can be rejected for reason of size, and Apples can be rejected because they are not red enough.
17. This has improved in recent years, with the government requesting that supermarkets reduce their cosmetic standards and campaigns to encourage people to buy ugly fruit.
18. So, let’s be clear, there were already quality standards in the supply chain before there was ever any regulation.
19. Standard sizing and curvature is important in terms of ensuring the fruit arrives undamaged.
20. And had the regulation not been passed, the supermarkets would have had standards to ensure that ugly fruit wasn’t left rotting on the shelf.
21. Getting ugly and damaged fruit back into our shops isn’t going to be as easy as some would have you believe.
22. Because the problem with international standards is…well…they are international.
23. The fact remains, nobody had a problem with our cosmetically perfect Apples, or Onions, but once we got together with some Europeans and tried to set a better definition of the Mexican shape proposal, suddenly the loss of bent bananas became a major issue.
24. Because that's what our partisan press wanted when they pushed their agenda.
25. It was a convenient line for the intellectually lazy careerists.
26. Ironically, in 2020 the European Union is the most powerful entity in the Codex Alimentarius, and the way they were able to shape the banana rule was an example of that influence.
Judging by the number of newspapers that have started editorialising for EU membership in Norway this year, added to the fact the Liberals have come out of it and the Green's aren't against, we could see another referendum this decade.
Furthermore, Hulda Holtvedt, the influential national spokesperson for the Greens Party’s youth organization has also said "We must be willing to give up a bit of sovereignty in order to achieve committed climate policies. For Norway, that means joining the EU.”
Last year the youth wing of the Conservative Party passed a motion (or whatever the equivalent is) suggesting the party actively work towards EU membership in the next parliamentary term.
1. I think some people are about to find out that we didn’t join the Common Market for the trade. (Thread)
2. The truth is, as the curtain on the British Empire began to fall, the UK were not quite ready to step down from the main stage of world affairs.
3. The neutrality of some of the EFTA and Commonwealth countries meant that neither could provide a solution to our loss of influence, and it was felt that the economic draw of superpowers could further undermine it.
When they said we would have a "British Model" where we decided "what bits we keep, which parts we lose", and it would be "tailored to our own needs", they forgot to mention it would be tailored entirely to the ideological needs of politicians and sod our businesses.
The problem is both political and legal: the failure of the UK to sign it in good faith and the legal implications.
There is clear evidence of the UK's bad faith. Steve Baker is on the record saying he was convinced to vote for it by being told they could change it later.
I've opened up the UK description of the benefits of the Japan FTA, and the first thing on the list looks very much like the UK signed away rights that the EU recognised and protected.
I'll have to wait to see the text, but it's almost guaranteed.
They were part of the provisions Japan brought to the EU.
I don't see them being a good thing or a bad thing, but as with the way they present CPTPP, they are jumping up and down and not really explaining the facts.
Would an extension be breaching the WA in a very specific and limited way?
I only ask because if I had decided to arrogantly and stupidly declare I didn't need an extension until the deadline for requesting was gone, what could I do?
I could manufacture some "unforeseen" issue with the original deal that would limit progress. Something I could blame the other party for...