🇨🇦People have been asking me how long they have to submit a brief on #billc8 on conversion therapy. The short answer is I don't know but my best guess is at least 4 - 6 weeks. A longer answer requires an explanation of the process of passing a law in Canada. /2
Every bill goes through 3 readings in the House of Commons and Senate. First reading is the introduction of the Bill. It took place on Thursday. At second reading the bill is debated in principle. This could start as early as Oct 7 but probably won't for at least a week. /3
If you have concerns you want raised at second reading, write or call MPs. @GenderReportCA has a template letter you can use as a starting point. The bill is going to pass second reading. The Liberals can combine with the NDP and Bloc to pass it. /4
After second reading a bill is referred to a committee. In this case it will likely be the Justice Committee. This is a crucial stage because if the government is willing to make amendments to the bill, they will be worked out here. Committees can hear witnesses and the public /5
can submit briefs. Witnesses are selected by the committee at its first meeting on the bill. Anyone can submit a brief. Once the bill is referred, there will be a portal to submit briefs on the committee website. The committees members for this session have /6
not been chosen yet so it will take a week or two before the committees can even start work. There is also a controversial bill on medically assisted death that the government needs to deal with by December 18. It is therefore possible that #billc6 will not get to committee /7
before the new year. The House considers the committee report, votes on any amendments and gives the bill third reading. The Bill then goes to the Senate where the process is repeated. The Senate almost never rejects a bill but may make amendments.
🇨🇦 Note to those following #billc6 on conversion therapy. The members of the justice committee have been chosen. They now have to meet to chose a chair and vice-chair. The committee is likely to deal with 1 or 2 other bills before Bill C6. List of members: ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/…
🇨🇦 #Billc6 update. The House of Commons is still debating Bill C-3 and does not sit next week. The Justice Committee will be meeting on October 15 to select a chair.
🇨🇦 #Billc6 update. The House has started debate on Bill C-7 on medical assistance in dying, which will take some time. It does not sit next week so Bill C-6 won't come up before Oct 26. Time to write your MP @GenderReportCA is working on a template letter.
🇨🇦 #Billc6 update. The House has been debating Bill C-7 on medically assisted death. It is possible that second reading debate on Bill C-6 might start later next week. Time to write your MP. Stories from parents and detransitioners will be effective.
While the debate on #billc6 to ban conversion therapy is being presented as a fight for the LGBTQ community, many LGBT people, and lesbians in particular, have serious concerns about the legislation. @artymortyarty explains in this video. /2
This site, created by a group of LGBT people, explores the issue in more detail. The basic concern is that conversion therapy laws will lead many children who would otherwise grow up to be lesbian or gay to misdiagnosed as transgender. /3 genderhq.org/conversion-the…
This is an acute concern for the lesbian community. Young lesbians often do not fully realize their identity until they are in their 20s. By that time they may have had at least a double mastectomy. /4 4thwavenow.com/2016/01/25/the…
@DavidLametti@MinJusticeEn It sounds like your latest talking point on #Billc6 is that parents don't have to worry because the bill does not prohibit exploratory psychotherapy for gender dysphoria. The text of the bill does not support this. /2
The language of the bill is vague. @JamesCantorPhD describes the terminology as "incomprehensible" and is concerned that it will restrict therapists from helping patients become comfortable with their original gender . /3 sexologytoday.org/2020/10/bill-c…
The effects of the bill can be judged from the effects of existing conversion therapy bans. Parents are having difficulty finding therapists who will perform a proper mental health assessment before approving transition. /4 genderreport.ca/gender-dysphor…
🇨🇦 Getting needed changes to #BillC6 on conversion therapy is going to require an unlikely alliance. The only elected officials who are willing to criticize the bill are members of the social conservative wing of the Conservative party. They are a minority and need allies. /2
The potential allies are a diverse group I will loosely describe as "gender critical" whose main concern is the treatment of gender identity. This group includes doctors, psychologists, feminists, parents of dysphoric kids and de-transitioners. Many are LGB or LGB supporters. /3
In order to make this alliance work, both sides need to accept some hard facts. The social conservatives need to accept that therapy cannot change sexual orientation. Many gays and lesbians have suffered serious abuse at the hands of conservative religious leaders. /4
🇨🇦 @MinJusticeEn, has your department done a Charter review of #Billc6? The applicable law is here. The key requirement is that the means that the law employs must be proportionate to the objective. One element of this test is /2 justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rf…
minimum restriction of protected rights. Instead of attempting to follow this principle, the drafters of Bill C-6 have aimed for maximum reach. There is no attempt whatsoever to respect the rights of religious groups to promote their teachings and the language of the bill /3
even extends to activities which are necessary and desirable. For example, it would be a crime to try to stop a 14 year old boy from having sex with older men or to help a 17 year old repress his attraction to younger children. The bill should be withdrawn and redrafted.
🇨🇦 You can follow the progress of #billc6 to ban 'conversion therapy' at this link. parl.ca/LegisInfo/Bill…
The bill is the same wording as Bill C8 from the last session with all the multiple drafting flaws. While Minister of Justice @MinJusticeEn David Lametti has been /2
that the bill is not intended to criminalize private conversations or expressions of opinions, he has not been very clear on what it does ban. Everyone is agreeing that certain forms of conversion therapy' very band and should be banned but nobody can say what they are. /3
This is not acceptable when you are talking about criminal laws which carry a maximum penalty of give years in prison. Is there anyone in the government who can give a concrete example of a practice that the bill will ban or an example of a practice that is permitted? /4
🇨🇦The Minister of Justice has reintroduced a bill of ban conversion therapy as #billc6. Text is not yet available but it is said to be the same as #billc8. The bill is only at first reading so debate was very short. @BardishKW spoke for the govt using the slogan @freetobeme_ca /2
Opposition leader @erinotoole emphasized his support for the LGBT community but spoke about the need for changes to the bill so it will not criminalize private conversations between parents, teachers etc. He did not specifically refer to therapy or gender identity issues /3
@r_garrison for the NDP supported the bill but said that his party would be looked for amendments to expand the restrictions on "conversion therapy" for gender identity. The Bloc and Green speakers supported the govt without adding anything new. /4