4/ A2:
⭐️C.burnetii survives and replicates in acidic environment in monocytes/macrophages➡️which also accounts for the poor action of antibiotics
⭐️HCQ helps by alkalinizing acidic vacuoles and changing the intracellular pH to help doxy work better!
Q4: In one large retrospective series from Germany, T.whipplei infection was the most frequent cause of cx-neg endocarditis. Take a guess at what %age of cases
9/ Speaking of Whipple's, a reminder of this pathognomonic sign with CNS Whipple's:
Oculomasticatory myorhythmia (continuous rhythmic movements of eye convergence with concurrent contractions of masticatory muscles)
40F with myelodysplastic syndrome presents with fever, fatigue, and new rash. There are new tender lesions on left arm and right leg, an example below.
Labs: WBC 15, CRP 150
Biopsy is done, what do you expect to find? Poll next! #IDTwitter#IDMedEd
2/ What do you expect to find on biopsy histopath?
3/ Final dx = Sweet syndrome! The ddx though is quite broad and often includes cutaneous infections (bacterial, fungal, mycobact), pyoderma gangrenosum, drug reaction to name a few
1/ 55M prev healthy developed gait instability and tremor about 2 months ago. He later starting dropping items due to jerking movements and had word-finding difficulties. Family brought him in due to falls and worsening mood changes.
EEG with periodic sharp wave complexes
2/ An LP is done ➡️ Which of these studies will be most helpful for diagnosis?
More images demonstrating multiple smaller cysts in the periphery of the dominant cyst
This distinct appearance gives the dx!
⭐️Cystic echinococcosis⭐️
3/ 🔹Dx was initially made radiographically ➡️ Started on albendazole
🔹Later +Echinococcus Ab to confirm dx
🔹While admitted, ERCP stent of obstructed biliary tree led to improved LFTs
🔹Several wks later, had excision of hydatic cyst and L hepatic lobectomy 👇
2/ Dx: Pneumonic tularemia!
🔸May be a difficult dx. Unlike some forms of tularemia, there are not classic distinguishing features to separate it from CAP/atypicals.
🔸Might see lack of improvement on routine abxs, neg cxs
🔸Inhalation or hematogen spread from other forms (2ary)
3/ Francisella spp, usu tularensis (others in humans: philomiragia, hispaniensis)
🦠GN coccobacillus
🧫Most require cysteine or cystine for growth, so usually doesn’t grow on most routine media
🚨Notify your lab if you suspect as needs special biosafety lab procedures
1/ 45F p/w months of jaw swelling. Initially 1 nontender nodule, briefly improved after course of abxs-but she has been using makeup bc appeared bluish.
Now jaw feels "lumpy", one area draining, +trismus
2/ Cervicofacial swelling (esp jaw) might bring ddx: cancer, TB, NTM, nocardia, and actinomyces.🔵color, brief abx response, sinus tract were clues for Actinomycosis!
Sulfur granules=classic but can be mis-ID'd as nocardia!
Tip:Nocardia+mycobact = acid fast, but actino are not
3/ Actinomycosis
🔹Branching anaerobic GP
🔹Most common A.israelii but >40 spp
🔹Often polymicrobial inf: Aggregatibacter, Eikenella coordens, Fusobacterium, and more
🔹Nl flora: oral, GI, pulm, female GU tracts
🔹As always, great pics via @richdavisphd !