There's been a name trending on twitter today that I'm not going to amplify but (name) highlights something about how sports news is presented & sports analysts are hired. AfAms face discrimination in hiring & promotion in sports journalism like many other professions
For MANY decades, local sports were dominated by white men, in print and on television and Black people were lucky to get jobs as play by play announcers during games.... IF they were former beloved athletes of that team. That has changed slightly in the last 30 years or so
While @NABJSports and @NABJ have fought to open opportunities for black men and women at the local sports coverage level, national opportunities are still few and far between and reflect a certain hiring pattern that's impossible to miss ......
Retired Black Athlete (almost ALWAYS a Man)
White guy with a background in sports journalism
Then, in the last 15 years
White guy with a "Hot Take", who's supposed to be the 'regular fan' who somehow gets to do analysis despite little or no actual background in sports.
LOTS of people love sports, and have opinions, but only certain men seem to get hired to go on national sports platforms and pontificate on the strength of their skin color and penchant for 'edgy' (ie: Conservative) views on player contracts, etc.
Some of these people are REALLY good. They are excellent writers, they start whole websites & they promote other sports writing and pop culture talent. Some of them are no talent conservative hacks using sports as a shield for their racist retrograde views until the next job
The point being, if you're tired of Conservative racist guy masquerading as passionate Sports Fan, clogging up the airwaves until they next Alt-Right job opens up, there are PLENTY of Black and POC sports analysts out there worth listening to.
Standing in line to get my ballot.... I can't describe to you just how much more practical this is for some people than same day voting. Line is 100% African American as far as I can tell mostly older folks
I requested my ballot online and in my state you can get your ballot EMAILED to you. Print it out and take it back. For some reason the BOE (which I've called a good 4-5 times since my application) had me listed as mail in. I don't trust it'll arrive on time OR that l I'll see it
So I'm standing in line. Do I worry about #covid? Yes but we're outdoors and no closer than you get to people in a grocery store. You do what you gotta do 🤷🏾♂️
If the nominees are simply allowed to lie during hearings, even when the lie is easily proven with documents, recordings or witnesses, then what is the point? #SCOTUShearings
If #BidenHarris2020 somehow manage to get into the White House despite a concerted effort by Republicans to thwart the popular will they will have to start a generations long battle to shore up the constitution when it comes to voting rights and SCOTUS
Trump has exposed the constitution as nothing more than a gentleman's agreement between rich white guys, that isn't worth the paper it's written on when faced with a criminal who just doesn't care about tradition or decorum. It needs to be re-booted for the 21st century
The foiled terrorist attack on #GretchenWhitmer is another example of what's left of our justice system still working despite the best attempts of Trump. He is a terrorist sympathizer and has been for years. He cares nothing for Democracy, but that's not what this thread is about
The co-opting of comic book hemes, names and titles is one of the more disturbing recent trends in America and it's not addressed enough as one of the ways the Alt-Right recruits and targets young disaffected white, Asian and Latino men (Afam men are rarely Alt-Right recruits)
Right Wing groups have been using the gaming world to recruit angry white men for years. It's been covered, and most online systems like Playstation and XBox have done little to stop it, because frankly it's hard to censor…
This weekend I spoke to a black who claimed she wasn't going to vote for Trump, but that he had done a great job "With human trafficking" . I thought this was strange for a lot of reasons, but it ended up exposing yet again Facebook's failure to stop disinformation
First, it's patently not true, Trump has done no better battling "Human trafficking" than previous presidents & that's before you consider children who've gone missing from border interment camps…
But this narrative plays into the conspiracy about #pizzagate & child abuse that bots & hate groups have spread online. Here's the catch though, many of you have probably never actually SEEN any of these memes or stories pop up on your timeline on Facebook. Why?
In class I took all of my @morganstate students to the @StateMaryland website to check on their voter registration status. Several of my students pleasantly surprised me by showing they actually had their paper ballots in hand already. Which brings to mind something
Maryland is a blue state in presidential elections but has bounced btw Dem and GOP governors for the last 20 years or so. Registering to vote is very easy, keeping up w/ your registration is easy and there are several ways you can vote
The state is also 29% African American. I point this out because voter suppression doesn't happen automatically because the GOP is in charge or there's some critical mass of black people. It takes generations of policy and reinforcement
The reflexive X Y axis of being turned off by Trump's behavior being directly correlated to education and class is why so much of the white left is ignored by actual activists and Black organizers.
Trump's behavior is problematic to many "working class people" assuming your definition of working class isn't exclusively white. In fact many white working class people have plenty of bad experiences with rich bosses/landlords who treat then like crap just like Trump
The whole thread above is a fancy grad school way of dressing up economic anxiety, which was NEVER Trump's appeal but an idea that the white left refuses to abandon.