1/ $CRV is by far the most extreme juxtaposition of being both an amazing investment with huge addressable markets and not being investable at the same time
2/ In less than 6 months, it dominated the stablecoin swap market
And it will play a central role in the two strongest emerging themes in DeFi:
3/ In terms of cross chain interop, you will have major asset exist as a pegged asset on every other chain.
Just like we have a dozen different versions of BTC on ETH, Solana, Polkadot, etc will all have multiple versions of BTC on their chains, traded through @CurveFinance
4/ This won't just be limited to BTC. Multiple different versions of XRP, LTC, BCH, etc. will be demanded on each layer 1 building their own DeFi ecosystem
There are already more than a dozen Curve pools on Ethereum, and this proliferation will happen on other chains as well
5/ Right now, the only synthetic assets with meaningful liquidity are DAI, sUSD and sBTC
But there will be demand for synthetics representing assets other than USD and BTC
2/ These AMMs use oracles in many different ways. Some use the prices from the oracles to derive a "Zero Slippage" quote price for any size trade (A). Others use them to "rebalance" to external market prices (B). The last group uses them to determine funding rates (C)
3/ These projects that utilize AMMs can roughly be bucketed into the categories above
1/ There seems to be a common misconception that AMMs won't work because LPs can be constantly arbitraged
Let's clear that up.
2/ First of all, yes LPs constantly get taken by arbitragers. There was rough analysis pre-DeFi explosion, that 70%+ of Uniswap volume came from arbitrage.
There is a lot more soft flow from directional traders these days, but significant volume still comes from arbitragers
3/ The is one false logical assessment that the misconception threads back to:
- Arbitragers make profit from taking from Uniswap LPs
- Uniswap LPs suffer IL from trades
- Trade volume predominantly come from arbitrageurs
On the drop, we retraced around a month's worth of price action. At the top, futures never were egregiously in contango, compared to being backwardated -50% APR as recently as early Jul
This indicates that market was only slightly overextended via derivs
2/ Short interest in DeFi coins continue to grow on the way down with LINK OI doubling on the drop in the last week.
The implied rate is the rate of return that liquidity providers expect for locking up their capital to provide near-instant settlement (they lock their token X on L2 through the exit gateway for 1 week and provide you some token X which already exists on L1)
Probably starts near 1% fee as opportunity cost in low risk yields are high in crypto currently, but as competition grows and more capital enters this space, this will probably trend lower to 0.2 - 0.4% over the next year or two