First up: Props to #CHEST2020 learning partners for that amazing wait music. Ne'er been a fan of wait music. But this is ... well .. peppy. Am in the mood to learn about #AirwayManagement!
.@J_Mendelson_MD: HFNC and proning in severe hypoxic resp failure:
- Can reduce dead space ventilation, assist with WOB, improved resp mechanics
- Pre-COVID data: Can be successful in potentially preventing invasive ventilation vs NIV and low flow O2
.@Chaeface: The "intubating box":
- Increase intubation times, exposed patients to hypoxia, esp being critically ill from #COVID19
- Breached PPE
- Increased cognitive load
- Not advised
.@KDoerschug: In #COVID19, advised intubating practices:
- Use videolaryngoscopy
- Avoid flexible / direct laryngoscopy
- Use HME filter on the bag-mask apparatus
Tips to airway success:
- Have plan A, B, C and D
- Clearly assigning roles and close looped communication
- Basics: OPA/NPA use, BMV: Revert to safety with them
- #COVID19: Use most experienced provider to ensure first-pass success
.@J_Mendelson_MD: Failed difficult airway algorithm
- Stop further attempts, just work to ventilate (BMV!)
- Supraglottic airways: Can be inserted successfully in < 30 sec in > 90% times
- Refer to and know the failed algorithm
And comparison of COVID-19 VTE and historical ICU co-horts. Thrombosis in COVID higher in well matched ARDS patients and also higher than in patients with flu. @accpchest#CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
At 12 months only 44% of ICU survivors are PICS-free, being cognitive a significative part of the post-ICU impairment. With more ICU survivors, we will likely be seeing more PICS. #CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
The lack of visitors in the COVID-19 era, will likely contribute to higher number of survivors with PICS #CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
Here are the competitors:
Dr. Bowton: The Real Deal Tarheel @KristinBurkart3: The Beat of the Northeast @SMHollenberg: The Heartless Cardiologist @ammo_uw: Dr. "Who Can Ask for Anything" Morris
Role of glucocorticoids in CAP:
Dr. Bowton: No mortality benefit @SMHollenberg: Loses points 4 trying to get points. "It's a toss-up" @ammo_uw: "Depends": How do you define severe" They help for severe! @KristinBurkart3: Do the "boys" never find indication? ... burn!
@mnarasimhan highlights that as we know more about the natural course of COVID-19 we have seen that #PPE works! Also, that we should try non-invasive ventilation in COVID-19 patients as long as we have appropriate PPE #CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
@RMavesMd highlighted that several countries in the South Hemisphere didn't have as much flu this season as in previous years, and hopefully we will see the same phenomenon in the US now that flu season is coming #CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare