Dr. Mathews: ARMA supported LTVV in ARDS with significantly improved mortality. LTVV has been since found to be beneficial in non ARDS situations. #CHEST2020
PReVENT trial: Low vs intermediate TV strategy in patients with non ARDS. No diff in vent free days.
However, limitations:
- No diff in sedation use
- Poor separation in terms of TV b/w groups
- Low enrollment
In LUNG-SAFE: Looks like driving DP and Pplat down is where the answer is. However, at some point, oxygenation and ventilation becomes mutually exclusive in resp failure esp with that increased dead space. (esp in #COVID19)
.@roeckler@GallodeMoraesMD and their trainees presented at #CHEST2020: The relationship of lung volume to pulm vascular resistance. This could explain why there are PEEP "responders" and "non responders". We don't have a great way to assessing PVR continuously
Their poster right here is available to review where they are using speckled tracking and RV #POCUS to get a sense of the PVR at bedside. This might be the missing piece in ARDS care!
.@DavidBowton will now rebut the idea of LOW DP pressures being beneficial.
CXR and P/F can't distinguish involvement of lungs in #ARDS. So balancing recruitment and overinflation HARD to do without CT scans. Though EIT could change this at bedside.
.@DavidBowton: opening up new lung units can hide overdistention of open lung units. However, per studies quoted by Dr. Gallo, DP IS good. But what's the "right" DP?
Dr. Bowton shares that there are no good prospective trials to find the "cutoffs" for benefit.
How we measure DP also needs to be standardized. Changing insp pause from 0.5 to 2 sec could change DP by 2 - 3 CMW and that is a big deal when making clinical changes to vent.
@DavidBowton: Esp in obese patients (esp abdominal obesity), DP not associated with improved outcomes, likely due to miscalculation of the DP. So the DP < 15 can't be extrapolated across the board.
So basically @DavidBowton agrees with @GallodeMoraesMD that DP < 15 is likely beneficial but reminds us to keep caveats in mind:
- divergence with stress index
- special patient populations
OK folks, heading to my own session now. @virenkaul out!
Link to the The Clinical Effect of an Early, Protocolized Approach to Mechanical Ventilation for Severe and Refractory Hypoxemia
And comparison of COVID-19 VTE and historical ICU co-horts. Thrombosis in COVID higher in well matched ARDS patients and also higher than in patients with flu. @accpchest#CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
At 12 months only 44% of ICU survivors are PICS-free, being cognitive a significative part of the post-ICU impairment. With more ICU survivors, we will likely be seeing more PICS. #CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
The lack of visitors in the COVID-19 era, will likely contribute to higher number of survivors with PICS #CHEST2020#CHESTCritCare
First up: Props to #CHEST2020 learning partners for that amazing wait music. Ne'er been a fan of wait music. But this is ... well .. peppy. Am in the mood to learn about #AirwayManagement!
.@J_Mendelson_MD: HFNC and proning in severe hypoxic resp failure:
- Can reduce dead space ventilation, assist with WOB, improved resp mechanics
- Pre-COVID data: Can be successful in potentially preventing invasive ventilation vs NIV and low flow O2