We begin our webinar with Co-Chair of the Uluru Dialogue Leadership Group & Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute Pat Anderson AO. Aunty Pat begins by emphasising the "gift" of the Uluru Statement to the Australian people. #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Aunty Pat details the long history of reports on constitutional reform over the past decade. Importantly however Indigenous people had not been consoled directly. This was the importance of the Referendum Council #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Aunty Pat emphasises that this webinar series is about sharing the message of the Uluru Statement and detailing the importance of the sequenced reforms of Voice, Treaty and Truth #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Aunty Pat emphasises that we have the people power to make the Uluru Statement a reality. This is up to the Australian people and we can make this happen, a reform whose time has well and truely come. #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Aunty Pat introduces panelists: Professor Megan Davis @mdavisqlder , Dr Dani Larkin @DaniLarkin2 and Noel Pearson. #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis kicks off by emphasising a discussion of the importance of the regional dialogues as a source for the Uluru Statement and reiterates Aunty Pat's point about the journey to where we are today. #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis, explaining as someone part of the Expert Panel that reported in 2012 & the Referendum Council in 2017, says it is important to revisit the issues Indigenous people discussed that informed the Uluru Statement #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the regional dialogues were structured, informed and deliberative. It enabled a space for Indigenous people to discuss the many meanings of 'recognition' #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the policy context is important to understand as to what happened, to the sequenced reform that was agreed to of Voice, Treaty and Truth #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - PM Turnbull and Opp Leader Shorten agreed to particular discussion topics, but Indigenous people informed their own discussions at the regional dialogues #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the defunding of Indigenous communities and the changes to the IAS were a big part of the issues that communities faced and that influenced the dialogue preference for Voice, Treaty and Truth #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the disempowerment that came with funding changes informed the reasons why a First Nations Voice was the highest ranked reform of the regional dialogues #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the regional dialogues included informed decision making, civics education over days; deliberation and difference was recorded and discussed and a consensus was then developed #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - advocacy for political representation and self-determination is core to the regional dialogues and has been for generations for our people #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - our people have a sophisticated understanding of political power, this is central to the regional dialogues and the deliberation that informed the Uluru Statement #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - common problem within liberal democracies is the way that Indigenous peoples are excluded from political power and decision making, and is common around the world to have structures in place to address this #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the regional dialogues distinguished the election of Indigenous people to parliament from a First Nations Voice and pointed out the entanglement of members of parliament with their political parties #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - international law, UNDRIP etc emphasise the best Indigenous representation is to have Indigenous specific structures, echoing the concerns of the dialogues with Indigenous MPs as members of political parties #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - regional dialogues were spaces for people that don't have a voice or representation, not the community organisations, the peak organisations, but community people voicing their concerns #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - dialogue members were concerned with the Race Power and the Territories power, but the solution was to be heard in these processes, a solution that had not been brought up by previous processes #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the policy environment that lead to the Voice being the leading reform option was a history of decision making such as the abolition of ATSIC where community felt we have no say and power #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - consensus in the dialogues about constitutional enshrinement of Voice. This was key, many emphasised not wanting tructures to be abolished on whim, and constitutional change would lead to political empowerment #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - the dialogues wanted our affairs removed from political cycle & that the Voice needed to be representative of our nations & those self-appointed by Govt or sector/organisation representatives were not enough #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - ends by emphasising the importance of the First Nations Voice being representative of First Nations, not something we have had before and something that is key to the authority of the Voice #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - begins by emphasising the long history of advocacy and reform work that the Uluru Statement is related to and continues #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - the issues that the Uluru Statement charges us to pursue are those issues of fundamental concern to our people for generations #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - whether Indigenous or non-Indigenous, there is justifiable reason for hope, for optimism, we have a difficult agenda, but one that is informed by the power of our history #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - our people want to come to agreement. We seek treaty, agreement and Makarrata, the important step is how we get to that destination - the Uluru Statement said establish a First Nations Voice as our first step #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - urge everyone, as we discuss strategy and options, we must all maintain optimism, we owe it to our ancestors and our unborn, don't slide into pessimism #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - the importance of the Voice as the first step, Indigenous First Nations have immense moral power, immense symbolic power, but we don't have institutional power, need institutional foundation #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - we need a strong foundation, this is why the First Nations Voice is key and number 1, that is why enshrinement is number 1, because we need institutional foundations drilled into the hard rock #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - when we have bolted down our foundation, when we cannot be ignored and told we are dreaming, once we can negotiate form there then we can talk about agreements #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - when it comes to treaty, the act of parliament for a treaty is easy, but difficulty is the process of negotiation, the parties, resources and empowerment - a strong institutional place from which to negotiate #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - the constitutional enshrinement & Voice is difficult, a referendum with majority of Australian people, but worthy for building foundation of a new institution, we must institutionalise a First Nations Voice #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - despite our challenges, there is a long history of support for recognition, there is promise that this has continued despite the challenges #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - these are strategic issues, long and intense discussions from the regional dialogues that understood this in 2016/2017 and came out with the sequence of Voice, Treaty and Truth, I believe this is right #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - never witnessed a process like that occurred through the regional dialogues, a process of self-determination that came out with such a high level of unanimity and consensus #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - we must be disciplined, we cannot squander the hard work and consensus, we must take this up and deliver #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - ends with my absolute fundamental argument is that if any treaty is to take place and be meaningful then we must cement our institutional presence, the strongest place for the is the Constitution #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - begins by highlighting the sequencing of the reforms called by the Uluru Statement #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - the voice, treaty and truth sequence is deliberate. This better enables us to be empowered trough the necessary process of policy and agreement making #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - as First Peoples we are sick of being ignored, of being excluded, of powerlessness, we want change #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - emphasises the issues faced by Indigenous MPs as members of political parties that Prof Davis discusses and the many negative policy decisions that are made despite there being Indigenous members of parliament #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - the dialogue authority, the cultural authority of the Uluru Statement, did not want more government groups making our decisions, we want self-determined outcomes #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - discuses issue of disenfranchisement of our people, inclining incarcerated people that impacts Indigenous peoples disproportionately, as clear reason as to why we need self-determined political representation #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - due to lack of political representation these issues including the well known issues with our criminal justice system means that these issues go unaddressed as our voices are not heard and are not empowered #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - next emphasises how a First Nations Voice is beneficial as a first step over a treaty, firstly a Voice would operate differently to a treaty and provide impact of laws and policies that treaty would not #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - mentions the issues with destruction and protection of cultural heritage and the recent controversy over the Aboriginal flag where a First Nations Voice would enable more immediate outcomes to address these #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - discusses the empowerment and resources that a First Nations Voice will provide for the treaty process, resources that should come first through the constitutional enshrinement of Voice #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - the First Nations Voice as a first step would also enable the necessary cultural and political changes to occur to will for reform and to empower treaty and agreement making #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - the First Nations Voice will be a catalyst for the required cultural change to the Australian Parliament to make better and more informed decisions #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - emphasises legal pluralism, the Uluru Statement as a message based on this understanding, that works with the Commonwealth and First Nations #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Our speakers have finished their main presentation - we are now going to look at some of the questions. Apologies we may not be able to get to them all! #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - important question about sovereignty, and how will the voice force the govt to do more than listen? #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - risk about Voice seeding sovereignty, important concern and question, but important to note we have never done this as First Nations. Expert Panel report has a good section on this #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - no constitutional act in our history resulted in removing our sovereignty, Voice will not do this. Sovereignty an issue for treaty negotiations. The Voice will not remove our sovereignty #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - how will a Voice help change and how will be listened to? It is about the process and impact of reform that will affect cultural and institutional reform #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - the institutional foundation of the Voice will not just be a lobby group, this is not just an ordinary recognition, this will be about cultural change, about he honour of the country #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - always the threat of being ignored, but this is about a new relationship, that must be cultivated and worked on to achieve the necessary cultural change, a relationship that has proper regard for the voice #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - questions about role of politicians, is it a fear of loss of power, what is their role more broadly? What role do politicians play? #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Dr Larkin - issues with accountability, institutionalised accountability scares politicians, issues with decision making, from a First Nations perspective a lot of strong questions to ask of the process and politicians #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - a lot of the political alarm is confected, even Barnaby Joyce apologised for 3rd chamber remarks that were false, Turnbull's reaction will go down as key failure in Australian political history #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - the majority of the Australian people are on board, they recognise First Nations' rights to have a voice #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - many questions about the current Voice design process with Govt, note that process is about to report and conduct a consultation process #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - PM Scott Morrison has said he will look to the future when the report is handed down following consultation and Voice design process underway #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Pat Anderson - makes a point about the current Voice process led by Minister Wyatt is about a voice to government, the Uluru Statement calls for a Voice to Parliament. This is an important difference. #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - states issues on voice to parliament/government was key discussion, but the senior advisory group in the current process is of the mind that it is a Voice to Parliament not to Government/Ministerial advisors #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - great discussion going on in the comments, a lot of questions about state gov and local gov, Prof Davis emphasis the Voice will talk to everyone across the federation #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - does treaty following the First Nations Voice also require a constitutional amendment, this was a key topic of discussion in the dialogues, similar to issues about Native title and issues needing resolving too #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - part of this many at the dialogues stated they needed resources, needed to resolve existing issues with native title etc, and weren't not in a position to negotiate treaty now, also why Voice was key first step #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Prof Davis - important differences in the Australian system of law and politics to other countries like Canada, US and NZ that mean how we approach the constitution and treaty is key here #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - treaty is a matter of great complexity, time, need our institutional presence in order to negotiate (others in CAN, US, NZ have this as opposed to us), a lot of thinking we still need to do here #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - emphasises that our situation has changed and changes, can't just agreed to an all encompassing document and be done, we need better institutions that commit the obligations to First Nations #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - need to be clear as to what we agree to now and what we develop into the future, such as closing the gap and empowering our people economically may be better handled through a commitment to an ongoing process #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Noel Pearson - whereas some issues such as restitution and capital to economically empower our people may be better suited to a specific time agreement. This is why the voice process is key, the Uluru pathway is key #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Pat Anderson - closing remarks, please come to our next webinars (will be advertised here soon) on Treaty and Truth, other questions we couldn't get to will be answered at UluruStatement.org #UluruStatement #IndigenousX #auspol #auslaw #NAIDOC2020
Thats a wrap! Thanks to everyone that joined. A recording will be available (advertised here soon) and don't forget our other webinars for #NAIDOC2020 (also advertised here soon). Thanks for joining and please help us spread the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart!

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