Babur had just ascended the throne of Fergana in eastern Uzbekistan. However, his uncle plotted to take away the throne from him. He waged a war against Babur which ultimately Babur lost. He was then exiled to Afghanistan. There Babur managed to find some followers.
Along with them, he then started to figure out ways to capture his throne back.
Babur then came across an opportunity that was even better than his throne.
Ibrahim Lodi of the Lodi dynasty of Delhi Sultanate was having a rebel uprising against him, because he was a cruel and uncaring ruler. Babur figured out that if he was able to dethrone and kill Ibrahim Lodi, he could then be the next sultan of Delhi.
So, he made a deal with Lodi’s people. He told them that if they helped him remove Lodi, he would then be their next ruler and would be a good one.
However, Babur knew that it was almost impossible to defeat Lodi. However, Babur had something that Lodi did not have.
Guns! With Babur’s fire power, he killed 200,000 soldiers and Lodi himself. He then ascended the throne of Delhi. He named his new empire the Mughal dynasty.
After Babur, his sons, grandsons and great grandsons took care of his empire.
Mughals emerged as one of the greatest empires in the history of the world. One of the world’s greatest monuments – the Taj Mahal – was built during the Mughal empire along with several other developments.
The Lodi dynasty was the last in the line of Delhi Sultanates, and they ruled from 1451 AD to 1526 AD. Though they were the last, there were features that distinguished them from the earlier dynasties.
Firstly, Bahlul Shah, the first Lodi sultan never used to sit on a throne, but rather sat on the carpet below.
The Sayyids were the fourth dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. They had four rulers who ruled from 1414 AD to 1451 AD. Their dynasty had their beginnings when the Sayyids were the governors of the Punjab province.
During this time, the Tuglaqs were going through a tough time, as people were rebelling against Mohammed Bin Tuglaq. This gave the Sayyids an opportunity to start their dynasty in Delhi. I believe that among all of the dynasties in the Delhi Sultanate, the Sayyids were the best.
The Tuglaq dynasty were the third in the Delhi Sultanate and ruled India from 1320 AD to 1413 AD. It had three sultans. Unfortunately, it was the most corrupt among all dynasties of Delhi. But why is it considered to be so corrupt?
Firstly, the Sultans of the Tuglaq dynasty were not uniformly just to all the people in their empire. They raised taxes on the poor and ill-treated them.
The Khilji dynasty was the second dynasty in the Delhi Sultanate. It ruled for the shortest period of time among all the five dynasties from 1290 to 1320. But it was different from any other dynasties though they ruled only for 30 years.
Firstly, unlike the Mamluks who had power in the beginning of their rule, the Khiljis did not have any power. But the Khiljis focused on earning their people’s trust.
The Delhi Sultanate ruled India from 1206 to 1526, for about 320 years. It has five dynasties, but the first among them were the Mamluks dynasty. The Mamluks are important in Indian history, because they were one of the first foreign dynasties to conquer India.
Mamluks are important also because of their conquests. The Mamluks conquered some of the greatest empires in history to establish themselves. What is their secret to gaining so much victory?
Firstly, the greatest weapon that Mamluk’s possessed was their investment in army.