2 dudes in black Range Rover, got out and pulled guns on protesters, yelling #BlueLivesMatter , fag*ot, and talking about serving in military. Blonde in the car. No plates, purchased at D&C.
2)Plot thickens: This fed followed guys with guns to Ardea apts, but slowed and kept going when gunmen turned & he circled. I pulled next to him (before I knew he was a Fed) & asked if he saw dudes with guns, he stumbled on words "I heard it, I was on the phone." I replied...
..."They fired"
Fed: "No I heard people saying the guys had guns, I better get out of the way"(he drove off)
After everyone left same plain clothed Fed drove into ICE building. I circled around and other protesters were returning. About 45 min later he drove out with DHS escort.
[Thread]About BLM ribs.Hijacking Riot Ribs with threats of violence, grifting, paying violent teens to attack people, reports of sexual assaults that have people in hiding, assault by Edreece and collab with #FarRight Context ⬇️Moving on to recent event 1/
2)There have been many threats made by current BLM ribs. They brandished and threatened with guns last Fri and threatened to "shut down"@PDXJail_Support (and did). Bradford (left) threatening journalist & Phil (right)(told some he is JP).
3)"Phil" motioning under his jacket and telling people to turn themselves in. They are filming and calling them out for taking houseless people's stuff. Video later in video shows Phil telling the story of intimidation. Full video
[Thread] There has been alot of assumptions and misinformation about racial demographics of #PortlandProtests, as well as right wing propaganda claiming "violence" is being allowed by the DA. First I'll address race...
2/In this very white city, only 6% percent of Portland is Black, but 10% of arrestees are black. Portland Police have also been labeling POC as white. This means that even at protests against racist policing, black people are disproportionately impacted.
3/ This also shows there aren't a lack of black folks protesting nightly. 75% of charges are for things that have nothing to do with property damage or violence. This means cops are mainly arresting people for protesting (calling it interfering, disorderly or failure to obey).
The Feds have only moved the fencing in on the South side of federal courthouse. #PortlandProtests
Speaker started on Justice Center steps, about 40 people so far, more trickling in. Word a white SUV (maybe suburu) drove by and yelled "yall should get shot." #PortlandProtests
New Elk erected after Patriot Prayer affiliates stole the nightmare elk. The original elk is safe in storage. Word is it will be erected somewhere else, but unconfirmed chatterbox.typepad.com/portlandarchit…