While Britain was given 20%(because the British already colonised alot of territories in Africa including Nigeria).
France named theirs FRENCH CAMEROUN while British named theirs BRITAIN CAMEROON
French Cameroun (80%) adopted France way of life
(Language, etc)
Due to Britain policy of divide & rule, British Cameroon was further divided to Northern Cameroon & Southern Cameroon.
In 1960, Nigeria & French Cameroun gained Independence.
In 1961, British Cameroons were asked to join with either Nigeria or French Cameroun.
Northern Cameroon massively voted to join Nigeria because they were treated fairly by Nigerians (which form some parts of Northern Nigeria - Taraba, Adamawa & Borno).
Southern Cameroon reluctantly joined French Cameroun although they wanted to be INDEPENDENT Because they were
self Governing before the independence (but the British refused because they thought Southern ).
Now we have Southern Cameroons (12%) & French Camerouns (88%).
Both called the Britain & UN for a 3 days conference to discuss some Non centralize federation to ensure both side
live peaceful BUT during the 3 days conference the British & UN didn't show up.
So it was upto both Territories to agree on some of the TERMS of their union.
The current president then was a French Cameroon.
MOST of the proposal presented by Southern Cameroon were rejected.
Only a few were accepted.
The country then merge it name to Federal Republic of CAMEROON with both English & French as the official language.
French Cameroun became East Cameroon & Southern Cameroon became West Cameroon.
The Federal Republic of Cameroon gain her independence
in 1st October 1961 (if I'm correct).
After the British left, the French C. matched to Southern Cameroon border. Killed & disarmed the Southern Cameroon police.
French Cameroun forceful toke over southern Cameroon & appointed a governor to give upto the president (in French c).
The current president then later renamed the country from the Federal Republic of Cameroon to the UNITED Republic of Cameroon (to show is support for the Southern Cameroon became they had alot of natural resources like crude oil & minerals) & also divided Southern Cameroon to
- Changing of the country name from the United Republic of Cameroon to the Federal Republic of CAMEROON.
- The changing of 2 stars on the flag to 1 star was a breach of clauses which contributed to the ANGLOPHONE CRISIS.
The next president renamed the country the Federal Republic of CAMEROON (a breach of contract has been Established). This also contributed to the crisis.
It was agreed that both South & French Cameroons will have the same status but the hasn't been so till date.
Southern Cameroon is terms the minority (2nd class citizens) & that can be seen in the Govt as more than 90% of top positions
are run by the French Cameroon.
Due to this Marginalisation, Anglophones started speaking up hence the ANGLOPHONE CRISIS in CAMEROON.
Southern Cameroon contributes to more than 65% of the GDP but is the least developed
parts of the country. This also contributes to the Crisis.
It was agreed that both English & French were the official languages with equal status but southern Cameroons are being forced to learn & speak French.
This also is part of the
5.) Government Refusing to hear the cry of Anglophone lawyers & teachers such as redeployment of civil lawyers to Southern Cameroon, translation of certain languages to English, etc.
6.) Brutalizing & Molestation of Anglophone lawyers, teachers & students
due to peaceful protest.
7.) Exploitation of southern Cameroon by French Cameroun & exporting them to Europe without investing some of the money back to where the resources came from (Southern Cameroon).
This also contributed to the crisis.
8.) Bribery & Corruption has always
characterized the government of Cameroon & Southern Cameroons suffer the effect more.
This has been so for many decades & has caused a spark known as the ANGLOPHONE CRISIS.
When Southern Cameroon joined French Cameroon, they didn't have
any Military (army). So French Cameroun sent their. Military to protect the Southern Cameroons.
Since French Cameroon where the majority, they tired to dominate the Southern Cameroons by using their colonial language to prove their dominance over them (such as rape, killings,
set curfews, etc) to intimidate them.
This also rised alarm of the crisis.
10.) Southern Cameroon are tired of the long reign of Paul Biya & his Government (because he has ruled by 35 years after revising the constitution from 5 years to 7 years to Life.
Due to his Longevity in service, it has rised concern in the Anglophones & resulted in the ANGLOPHONE CRISIS.
Those that object or protest where terms as Terrorists.
More than 900,000 children currently out of school in the Anglophone region.
More than 970,000 people have been internally displaced.
More than 60,000 people have fled to neighbouring Nigeria.
The crisis have crippled the SW & NW regions of the country & has divided the nation
People are fearing for their lives everyday because of the violence that take place.
Cameroon's 87 years President Paul Biya has announced a municipal election in every region of the country despite the ongoing crisis & displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.
The protest began on October 6th, 2016 as a sit down strike initiated by the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (CACSC).
Since the independence, the French speaking majority has been Marginalisating the English speaking minority.
1.) More than 70% of the patients see on a daily have HYPERTENSION.
Most of them didnβt even know, they actually came for other reasons such as medical examination for employment & it was diagnosed
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2.) Hypertension, RARELY has noticeable symptoms. But if untreated, it increases your RISK of serious problems such as Heart attacks, Heart failure, Strokes, Vision loss, Sexual Dysfunction & Kidney failure.
3.) The only way to know is to check ur blood pressure regularly.
Black people like Africans & Afro-Americans have a higher risk of having high BP.
*In Nigeria alone, there are more than 1.6 million cases a year.
4.) #Disclaimers : Having a High blood pressure on one reading isn't a confirmation of Hypertension.
20 Things You need to know about the
"ATTEMPTED HOSTILE TAKEOVER' of #HealthPlus_Pharmacy BY Foreign Private Equity Firm :
1.) On September 25, a press release appearing to be from the Board of HealthPlus, one of West Africaβs largest integrated pharmacy chains,
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stated that the company no longer needed the services of its Founder, Mrs Bukky George, as CEO.
2.) The decision to terminate Mrs Georgeβs appointment came with the announcement of an interim leader: Chidi Okoro.
2a.) A renowned pharmacist and management executive, Okoro is to assume the role of Chief Transformation Officer. Akin to a CEOβs role, Okoro will optimise day-to-day management, help the business scale, and attain profitability.
1. Paracetamol is more effective on an empty stomach.
2. Eating fatty food (eg Milk ) together taking ACT Antimalarial medications will increase it's absorption rate.
3. Taking NSAIDs (eg Ibuprofen, Diclofenac & Aspirin) will irritate
A Thread
your stomach and such medications should be avoided by Ulcer patients.
4. Dexamethasone increases blood sugar & should not be taken by someone who is diabetic (when taken, the blood sugar should seriously be monitored).
Talk to your healthcare provider about your medical history
(especially current MH) about it.
5. Corticosteroids (such as Dexamethasone & Prednisolone) interacts with birth control pills, warfarin, NSAIDs & Digoxin.
6. Corticosteroids can affect certain LABORATORY TEST like βskin testβ. Talk to your healthcare provider about this
The @WHO & @FIP_org hv clearly described d vital role of Pharmacists in d raising health demands.
The complex variety of drugs & non-adherence to prescribed medications hv compelled the PHARMACISTS position to EVOLVE
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into a more patient-centered strategy.
In current pharmacy practice, MOST pharmacists undertake community & hospital practice, with a SOME proportion pursuing a career in academia, Research, Drug Regulatory, Laboratory analysts, Medical service, Government & the Pharmaceutical
GLOBAL HEALTH is defined as the area of study, research & practice that places a priority on IMPROVING HEALTH & achieving EQUITY in Health for ALL people worldwide.
Many developing countries are currently dealing with the issues of both communicable (eg Covid-19)
It is important to understand that FOOD usually TRIGGERS certain changes in our body. These changes include increasing the blood supply in the stomach, increasing Bile acid secretion and also reducing the level of acidity in the stomach.
A Thread π
1.) Some medications are taken together with Food (such as FATTY foods) to reduce their SIDE EFFECTS such as stomach irritation, indigestion, stomach burn.
Some medicines can irritate the stomach, and taking them with food will reduce this effect.
Example of such drugs includes
NSAIDs, Iron supplements, Opioids, Chemotherapy & Corticosteroids.
2.) Some medications require Foods (such as FATTY FOODS in the stomach and gut for the body to ABSORB them properly, such as the ARVs (Ritonavir, Nelfinavir), ACTs (such as A/L) & Fat soluble vitamins