Most people can't BEGIN to fathom what a clusterfuck SCOTUS striking down the #ACA would be. It isn't a simple matter of "resetting the clock to 2009" even if that's what you WANTED to do.
Re. timing: My *assumption* is that if SCOTUS strikes down the #ACA in, say, April, that they'd also put a stay on their ruling until 1/1/22 since millions of people would be in the middle of a legally-binding contractual agreement, as would hospitals/doctors/etc. But... @amylotven discovered a few years back, there was an "exit clause" included in the contracts carriers sign with the government which would have let them terminate coverage IMMEDIATELY in the event CSR payments were cut off. As it happened that worked itself out, but...
Counties w/highest #COVDI19 *cases* per capita: 1. Lincoln County, AR 2. Chattahoochee County, GA 3. Trousdale County, TN 4. Lafayette County, FL 5. Lake County, TN 6. Dakota County, NE 7. Lee County, AR 8. Buena Vista County, IA 9. Buffalo County, SD 10. Nobles County, MN
--Over 2,300 of Lincoln County, Arkansas' 13,000 residents have tested positive, or nearly 18% of the total population.
--16 of the top 20 counties were won by Trump by 6 pts or more in 2016.
--69 of the top 100 counties were won by Trump by 6 pts or more.
📣 I usually tout the *amount* I've raised to elect Dems this cycle, but should also thank the *donors*. Many of those donating $5 or $10 may have lost their jobs, their income, their healthcare due to Trump's epic #COVID19 fail, but they donate anyway. They're scared & pissed.
When I created my first 2020 cycle fundraising page right after the midterms, I hoped to raise $250,000 for *all* the candidates *total*. As of today I've raised over $5.1 *million* for over 600 federal & state candidates nationally. My final, revised target: $6 million by 11/03.
That's $832,000 in 10 days, or ~$83,000/day, or ~$3,500/hour. Let's see if we can do this. I've boiled those ~600 races across 20+ pages down to ~110 races across 2 pages (1 federal, 1 state).
MICHIGAN: John James tries explaining his position on healthcare policy again. It does not go well.…
A lot of people have seen this clip of @JohnJamesMI (who's running for the U.S. Senate for the 2nd time) blurting out "I'm not a politician!" in response to being asked what he plans on replacing the #ACA with if it's struck down, as he has called for...