I need *a lot* of followers to make this work. You have done that with accounts like @DevinCow, you have the power to make this happen.
If you are media and reading this, maybe cover an unconventional campaign?
Don't expect my campaigns to feel like others.
I'm a voter first and have made a purposeful decision to be very transparent with my personality instead of giving you a managed and sanitized experience.
When I vote I wish I knew who I was really getting, so I'm give you that.
I'm just one of us who happens to dig federal law and hate money in politics.
9: you have had this for 50 years and never opened it?
M: closer to 20 years
9: daaaad, mom has a secret hidden pizza stone
M: it's called "putting it away"
Our boys are in the recycle bin pretending to be prairie dogs.
Very, very loud and giggly prairie dogs.
Our house has a lovely sense of balance.
For example, the amount of time required to get one of our children into the bath is approximately the same amount of time required to get said child out of the bath.
Why I think income limits on any cash infusions to the economy are a bad idea, a thread.
It seems like those who are pro means test don't understand how insane submitting paperwork to the government is, the bureaucracy the government is, or the staffing that this requires.
I get that it seems wrong to give people who have money more money.
There are ways to tackle someone who didn't "deserve" stimulus on the backside with taxes, etc...for the folks who truly don't "deserve" it, many will donate, and this will be a negligible amount of $.
There also aren't all that many of those people.
I think many *drastically* overestimate the stability of our middle class, the degree to which it is leveraged, and how many people it really is.
A lot of our middle class has cash flow, but not long-term liquidity. I digress.
Watching the treatment of the women in the presidential race, particularly @ewarren is exhausting, deeply painful, and fills me with a resignation cum hulk rage that could derail a freight train.
I ran for office for the first time in 2018. I knew I had a few hits against me as a relative unknown and an independent. I'm also a very private person and had virtually no social media presence at the start.
I know that being deliciously boring can cut either way.
I'm also a functional attorney with 4 degrees, at least moderately good on my toes in a debate, generally reasonable, and not prone to tin foil hats.
Maine is a fairly egalitarian state full of women with moxie; I had no clue how vivid and pervasive misogyny still was.
I would also add:
- Stay hydrated
- Get enough sleep
- Regular exercise
- Bulk up your grocery list; have supplies to last 14 days if needed, make sure you have a balanced diet
- Take a break from hand shakes/high 5s
- Wash your hands before you touch your face
- Regularly wash surfaces in your home
- Microwave your kitchen sponge/or toss regularly
- Limit exposure to large gathering places
- Launder your winter coat, scarves, gloves, etc regularly
- Keep an eye out for updates on #COVID19
- Don't forget to swing by a book shop and stock up on things to stay entertained if we do hit quarantine
- Make sure your 14 minimum supply list has important items like soap and toilet paper 😂
Also, I am *not* a medical doctor, follow a few of those.
It seems time to (yet again) explain ranked choice voting game theory in the context of toppling a well-established incumbent, so...
When you have a ranked choice primary, there is no benefit to piling on resources to a well-resourced front runner.
It's actually harmful.
What does help, is running the primary in as egalitarian a manner as possible.
It benefits the front-runner (and all candidates) to graciously say "please lift us all up and choose the best among us."
What? Why?
Not only will you be more likely to put up the best candidate BUT
You'll earn the trust, supporters, and volunteers of primary competitors.
Instead of being disenfranchised from an unfair race silencing their champion...you instead have someone who lost fair and square, but will jump in to help you with the next round.