To start, @juliaslejko presents the context for the @ISPORorg#WomenInHEOR initiative.
There is evidence that diversity pays off in terms of companies' profitability. But women are under-represented, and there is a leaky pipeline in academia #ISPOREurope
@ISPORorg board members and staff are quite diverse. What about ISPOR conferences, like #ISPOREurope?
Gender diversity has improved in ISPOR conferences 👏
But there is still some way to go - that's ISPOR intention and aspiration
What about this #ISPOREurope this year?
Most sessions are gender diverse 😀
Next up in #ISPOREurope, #WomenInHEOR panel on adapting to the new normal. 79 attendees on the zoom count 🎉
Olivia Wu starts with the background to this session. We have had to change how we work and live. In this new normal, how can we manage this situation and continue to advance how career?
Today's panel will share their strategies #ISPOREurope
We start with a poll about how the "new normal" has impacted our ability to work. A minority of us was negatively impacted, and around 1/3 have some concerns about meeting work goals. #ISPOREurope
@LouiseTimlin discusses the implications of #COVID19 and gender roles. She starts by acknowledging that, although we are all in the same seas, we actually have different boats, and tells us about her personal situation.
Louise has became aware that we are falling back into traditional gender roles, irrespective of whether women are in paid work. Recent data from the UK, for example, supports this. At the same time, more mothers are reporting high anxiety than fathers
Why does it matter? Because women are more likely to lose their jobs. Once women are out of workforce, it is harder to get back than for men. And gender pay gap will get bigger.
So we need to take active steps to keep women in the workforce. In the home, we should try to achieve gender balance in the chores. At work, by supporting employees in flexible working, being role models, checking on those we line manage.
Next up in #ISPOREurope, Ebere Onukwugha. She starts by noting that, nothing's wrong, but something's not right.
E.g. higher education institutions have reduced their staff at the fastest rate since 2000 at 10% of the workforce.
We should recognise that disruption creates opportunity, by learning and planning. E.g. plan for interruptions, acknowledge that some processes may take longer, keep an eye out for new collaborations.
What worked before #COVID19 still works, but differently. Structure, managing expectations, setting goals and celebrating milestones worked before, and works now too.
When we make decisions about our lives and productivity, often we a stated WTP and a revealed WTP, which reveals what we value. So we can reflect on what we want for ourselves and our families, which then informs our personal decisions
The shift to virtual working has had a positive effect - equalised access to conferences for those for whom long distance travel is difficult. But! engagement & interaction comes at a price, with working at night & overwork
Nancy notes that it was very difficult to achieve work-life balance when quarantining/self-isolating. So learning to say no is important!
Important for Nancy to ensure that we go into a gender bias situation in the long term. #ISPOREurope
The lockdown has had different impacts depending on their personal situation. Important to set boundaries, to balance work and other commitments. Noting that teaching online has taken a lot of effort, and lockdown has had a big impact on research #ISPOREurope
Nancy has started to think about how institutions should adapt, to change their rules to reflect different opportunities and challenges facing women, promotion opportunities need to be adapted, and there should be flexibility in goals #ISPOREurope
Issues & opportunities:
In transitioning from online only to hybrid team meetings, managing safe & effective return to work, counteract the impact of the financial context, learning what worked well, and ensure that new opportunities & silver linings are retained #ISPOREurope
Q&A session😀
Q by Olivia: Any top tips on how to meet new people & establish collaborations?
A: It's difficult, but an idea is to carve out time by scheduling a coffee zoom with a colleague.
A: One paradox of working from home, meetings are more efficient. If that has happened to you, don't be afraid to reach out to people, as it may have happened to others too
Q: Top tips on how to turn off when working from home
A: The motivation is that you are more productive if you are away from work. Another idea is to support local businesses that are covid safe and need our custom. Learn to say no and be strategic.
Q: What should we be doing to encourage our institutions to support us?
A: Difficult as changing rules is hard. We need to be vigilant to ensure that disadvantage is recognised, be aware off unconscious biases, reach out to colleagues, be collegiate
I'm now live tweeting from the #ISPOREurope session Much Ado About Little: Dealing with Limited RCT Evidence for Early HTA and Reimbursement Decisions with @MJSculpher, @SBujkiewicz, Eva Dietrich, Steven Palmer from @CHEyork, and @UweSiebert9
When do we need causal inference methoss? when there's no randomisation; or the randomisation was broken (e.g. treatment switches)
Throughout his talk, Uwe will use the example of 2nd line treatment in women with ovarian cancer who progressed #ISPOREurope
Next, live from #ISPOREurope IP8: Integrating Patient Preference into Health Technology Assessment- Can Patient Preferences be Incorporated into the ICER? w/Esther de Bekker-Grob @erasmusuni, Kevin Marsh @evideraglobal Mendwas Dzingina @pfizer & @JacolineBouvy at @NICEComms
Esther de Bekker-Grob starts with the questions addressed in this panel
The background is that, given the increased focus on pt preferences, #HTA should not fall behind
Why should #HTA consider pt preferences?
To improve adherence, to increase pt satisfaction, to make HTA decision making more informed & transparent, and it is ethical to listen to the pt voice.
One option is IP6: How Should Pharmaceutical Companies and Patients Served By Health Systems Share the Value Generated By New Medicines? with Danny Palnoch from @NHSEngland, @bs_woods from @CHEyork, Jens Grueger from @UW_Pharmacy and Patricia Danzon from @Wharton#ISPOREurope
Jack Ishak starts by introducing panellists and setting the motivation for this panel: therapies that have raised the potential of cure, given the plateau since in the OS and PFS curves #ISPOREurope
This raises analytical challenges on how to project the OS and PFS curves over the long term. Mixture cure models have been used. Here, the curve is a weighted average of the survival of cured and uncured, where the weight is prop cured. #ISPOREurope
Laura starts with what her presentation will cover:
1-What is a #CostEffectiveness#Threshold for?
2-What should it reflect?
3-How to estimate it empirically?
4-What are the consequences of setting the decision threshold at != from empirical threshold? #ISPOREurope
What is a #Threshold? It is to find out if an intervention generates more benefits gained than lost via the opportunity cost, AND/OR to identify a decision threshold that incorporates other policy objectives. #ISPOREurope