2/ Quote continues... ‘He [#Trump] continues to insist he won the election, against all evidence. Christopher Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, earlier pushed back against his insistence the vote was tainted, calling the election,
3/ “the most secure in American history.” Today, Trump fired him. Krebs tweeted “Honored to serve. We did it right. Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow.”’ #TransitionToBiden
If @realDonaldTrump thinks he has the military in his pocket, he has vastly underestimated how seriously our service members take their oath to uphold the Constitution of the USA. Trump has been ignoring the Constitution for too long. #TransitionToBiden must start.
If Trump or anyone in Trump World think installing one of his “loyalists” as SecDef gives him permission to go outside the Constitution, he’s about to get a long overdue civics lesson 🙂 #TransitionToBiden#RepublicansGrowAPair
1/ via @NYTOpinion
I say: You can always tell when Trump is full of shit when he goes into hyperbole (lying) and gets that smug look on his face. Quote from the article next in thread. nytimes.com/2020/10/23/opi…
2/ — Gail Collins: Biden won [the debate]. He was strong when he spoke directly to the audience. Trump was terrible when he talked about race. How many times has he said he’s been the best president for Black Americans since Abraham Lincoln?
3/ That was always a stunner, but he topped it when he announced that he was the “least racist person in the room.” —
e.g. “If however you recognize that America has two parties that are owned and operated by a single oligarchic class which has more or less the same overarching goal as far as ordinary people are concerned, it looks completely different.“
1/ The opposite of Keurig simplicity: This is a picture of the 3 minute brewing part of my coffee prep ritual.
2/ An infusion technique using 18 g of Starbucks Decaf Espresso roast beans, ground fresh to a medium fine and brewed using a timer in that sealed @AeroPressHQ chamber with 350 ml (20 oz) of 180 degrees F bottled water. Makes something like a Venti Americano which I drink black.
1/ A great 5 minute read from my favorite independent Journalist, @Caitoz writing from Australia. link.medium.com/RPe1mVBtr7 We are witnessing the most significant rapid changes in society in almost anyone’s memory and some of us aren’t even paying attention.
@caitoz 2/ Don’t let these extraordinary times slip by while you are lulled into the usual mental chatter and same old political arguments. Pay attention and really grock these extraordinary events unfolding. Maybe see things from a slightly bigger or different perspective than normal.
@caitoz 3/ Challenge yourself to foresee unintended consequences. Best yet, be kind to one another because we’re all on this ride together.
1/ It ain’t over folks — There were some countries in Europe who had big problems with #Covid early on. Spain, Italy, and Germany were all able to act quickly and get the COVID19 pandemic under control, at least for now. Compare their graphs to that of the USA in the lower right.
2/ We were slower to enact measures and our measures were less effective. The pandemic still rages and is actually still growing in quite a few states, even as some of these states ease restrictions intended to save lives.
3/ Thanks to the @NYTimes for these charts and to @LateShowSeth for making this point in a YouTube video to powerful effect.