So, I had this CRAZZY idea for combating the #DelhiPollution problem.
And the answer is:
Celebrate Uttarayan in Delhi - bigger and better than ever.
Yes. Uttarayan.
Charcoal and Activated Carbon can adsorb/absorb fumes, odour, pollutants, etc. Such filters are readily available for indoor use.
Manufacture kites laden with Charcoal or Activated Carbon.
The entire population of Delhi flies these Charcoal or Activated Carbon kites on the 2 days of Uttarayan and Vasi Uttarayan.
Lo and behold, smog cleared, pollution under control.
Celebrate the festival in a grand manner and reap the benefits.
P.S. - This thread is to be taken as a #satire and not a serious comment on the grave problem of pollution in Delhi and across many other cities in India.
Although it would be fun to see if this can work. 😋
I'll attempt to keep it as simple and concise as possible.
A) Precautions
B) Testing
C) Vaccines
D) ?? Herd Immunity ??
The second wave of COVID is here, as states have started entering into lockdowns once more. Adequate precautions are the only way to protect yourself from infection.
➡️MASKS - Any mask will do as long as it covers both your MOUTH and NOSE.
➡️DISTANCING - Maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres from each other. Avoid unnecessary contact.
With rapidly rising cases, basic preventive measures like Masking and Distancing are as important as Breathing, Eating, Drinking, and Sleeping.
India is seeing this triad of somewhat contradictory symptoms, and that too, ironically, in the same set of people.
I will call this the EMU triad.
Initially we did see an exaggerated response. There was a certain amount of fear and panic (which has absolutely disappeared now).
But even now, there's still an exaggerated reaction. The paralyzing social stigma surrounding the infection.
There have been a multitude of reports from all over India. Reports of isolation, harassment and discrimination towards an individual or a family that tested positive for COVID.
It's nothing but a sign of the society becoming hopelessly apathetic towards human suffering.
While our "esteemed" media houses are engaged in a war with the entertainment industry and governments (State and Central), COVID-19 seems to be taking a step back in their list of priorities.