General Surgery Resident. Writer/Poet/Photographer/Illusionist.
Proud #Hindu #Brahmin
Medical Ethics. Research. Policy. Awareness.
Mar 14, 2022 • 29 tweets • 11 min read
In an alternate universe...
History Class in school.
The teacher takes the students on a journey through the freedom struggle. 1857. Jallianwala. Bengal. INA. 1942-1947. Partition.
Kids confused.
They beg the question: Why the partition? The loss of life?
In an alternate universe...
History Class in school.
The teachers takes the students on a journey through the rich history of the land of Kashmir. The people. The knowledge. 1990. The Genocide.
Kids confused.
They beg the question: Why the genocide? So much suffering?
Let the doctors, epidemiologists, govt expert committees worry about the data from other nations and what it means for India (or any other nation - everything below writing applies to all).
As a layman, here's what you need to do: 1. MASK UP. Cannot stress more. N95 or 3ply surgical. I know not everyone can afford N95. Cover your face with a good quality mask as far as possible.
2. SOCIAL DISTANCING. Yep. Same old "do gaj ki doori".
3. INDOOR VENTILATION. Ensure adequate ventilation indoors at all times.
Sep 28, 2021 • 22 tweets • 15 min read
Everyone is talking about the National Health ID, with concerns surrounding the need for a universal ID, privacy etc.
Let's delve into some details about this project, benefits and working.
➡️ Ten different Covid-19 vaccines have shared their Phase III data.
2 based on mRNA,
4 on viral vector,
3 on inactivated
1 on protein subunit platform.
➡️After 4 months of their trials, now there is a definite gradient in their performance:
Just blessing your TL with some cute/pissed Jungle Babblers.
A caption contest maybe? Anyone who's interested.
P.S. A surprise waits for you at the end.
P.P.S. Yes, all pics clicked by me.
1. 2.
Apr 16, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Psychology says humour is one of the most mature defence mechanisms. If you enjoy this humourous video depicting the state of affairs in our country right now, share this and let us know.
Wear masks, Practice Distancing.
- Dr. Devashish Palkar (@DevPalkar)
Dr. Haryax Pathak
P.S. Yeh mat bolna Yeh video Anti-MODI hai. It features RaGa and Didi too.
Basically it's anti-stupidity. 😁🙏
Mar 17, 2021 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
A Super-Spreader Wedding
27 Feb: Wedding of a distant cousin brother. Due to regulations of 100 people, my parents weren't there. (Thankfully).
Some of the invitees from the groom's side as Baaraatis (wedding procession), went together in a luxury bus.
And so it began.
The wedding concluded. No hiccups. All fun and frolic.
A week later: One of the guests, a 65 yr old male, tested positive.
This is an attempt from me with the team at @icart_india and @giridar100 to answer the major queries and doubts anyone may have regarding the COVID-19 vaccines in India.
Addressing some prevalent misconceptions. Pl. read and share.
➡️ AIM of Vaccines
➡️ How Vaccines Work
➡️ Side-Effects / AEFI
➡️ Process of Vaccination
➡️ Registration for >50 yr old
➡️ Availability in Open Market
➡️ New Variants and Vaccines
➡️ AIM of Vaccines
> Prevent COVID-19 in susceptible individuals.
> Prevent severe COVID-19 infection, thereby reducing the need for hospital admission, ventilation, ICU admission, and death.
> Herd immunity by vaccination.
The vaccination drive for COVID19 will soon begin in India.
Things to know:
➡️Why get vaccinated?
➡️Vaccines In India
➡️Vaccine Priority
➡️Process of Vaccination
➡️Co-WIN website/app
➡️Why Get Vaccinated?
>Prevention of COVID19 infection.
>Prevention of the long term health risks of COVID19 infection.
>92 million cases and 1.9 million deaths due to COVID by now.
>Vaccine + Masks and Distancing are essential to curb the pandemic.
I did not want to get into the #Bhopal#COVAXIN controversy. I was holding back.
But after seeing the response from some "health reporters", I had to come out and say it:
There's a fine line between demanding accountability from the Govt / Bharat Biotech and eroding the trust of the people in the vaccine.
➡️ What is Long COVID?
➡️ Who can get Long COVID?
➡️ Why does Long COVID occur?
➡️ Symptoms of Long COVID
➡️ Some literature on Long COVID
➡️ Concerns about Long COVID
➡️ Instructions for the Common Man
Dec 28, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
What is this obsession with my bio?
And more importantly, what does it have to do with the cost of medical education across India?
Please enlighten me.
And stop engaging in personal attacks. I have ever brought up anybody's caste/religion in my conversations. Why did you?
➡️News/Updates - India
➡️Different Vaccines, Different Mechanisms
➡️Time-frame and Roll-out
➡️What To Expect?
➡️Got Vaccinated. What now?
➡️Adverse Reactions???
➡️Countering Misinformation
> @pfizer has applied for Emergency Approval in India.
> @BharatBiotech COVAXIN - Phase 3 trials.
> @ZydusUniverse ZyCoV-D - Expected to start Phase 3 trials in Dec/Jan…
Some background: Many LMIC member nations, including India, South Africa, are bidding the @wto to waive certain Patent Protections on the @pfizer and @moderna_tx vaccines so that they can manufacture the generic versions of the vaccines on their own for wider distribution.