It is absolutely hilarious! There are several giveaways that this is not really a doctor. Which can you spot?
Thank you to various people who sent me details of circumventing the Telegraph's paywall. I generally avoid doing that, for articles where the _authors_ would want me to pay to read (as it is their living).
I subscribe to publications to support them.
SCIENTIFIC papers are written by people who would be absolutely delighted to give you copies of all their work for free. They have zero interest in anyone charging you to read their work
So I am happy to let them communicate with me via or any other means
The FDA does not allow or disallow particular things to be used as a placebo. They use their common sense.
My common sense says "Mineral oil is inert, because (a) it is mineral rather than animal or vegetable, and (b) we use Paraffin as a laxative, because it is inert."
Unfortunately my common sense is wrong.
That's life.
To their credit, the REDUCE-IT people and the EVAPORATE people did not *assume* it was inert. They tested that hypothesis.
Elisabeth Bik is a VERY hard woman. I thought she was outing these for "A" and "C" not being differently treated rats, different _slides_, but actually the same slide flipped upside down.