"Differentiated Integration is currently in the news as one possible way out of the current Rule of Law/Recovery Fund issue. This framework for integration is what we will be discussion within the #InDivEU Project"
#InDivEU is a @EU_H2020 funded research project aimed at contributing concretely to the current debate on the ‘Future of Europe’ by assessing, developing and testing a range of models and scenarios for different levels of integration among EU member states
First, Stefan Telle from @EuropeanUni gives an overview of his research within the framework of the project
"One the one hand we wanted to know how important #DifferentiatedIntegration is for MS governments, on the other hand we were interested in these governments' positions"
"Assuming the frequency of references to #DifferentiatedIntegration reflects how important governments think the topic is, we looked then into positive and negative discussion of the topic"
"Over our timeframe, we see very little salience for #Differentiation itself, but for different policies like Schengen, CSDP, and so on, which employ #Differentiation within them, it is much much higher"
"When #DifferentiatedIntegration issues are discussed, it is never really in this systematic overarching way. Only in specific instances of #Differentiation linked to specific European policies"
"The position of the government through the years (until the latest months) was to see a strong and united EU as a good thing: Slovenia wanted to belong to the core of Europe. Those seen as most advanced and in a closer cooperation"
Gunilla Herolf from @UISweden gives the overview on #DifferentiatedIntegration in Sweden: "DI has very low salience, but when it is mentioned, 'multi-speed Europe' is seen very negatively, although 'multi-end Europe' is favoured"
"Only the financial transaction tax (because of perceived inefficiency) and rules for divorce (because it doesn't like the idea of a less liberal divorce policy), Sweden is critical"
"At the moment, only 20% of the population are in favour of accession. This may change quickly. In 2003, a referendum on accession raised this number to 43%. In 2002, this number was at 58%."
"The Swedish government is highly pragmatic, the views between political parties are strikingly similar, with the most 'extreme' parties differing on only one or two issues"
"Sweden views it as crucial that the big decisions on EU policy be made by as many Member States as possible to avoid the potential pitfalls of #DifferentiatedIntegration"
"One sign I get is that this entire debate in Europe around #Differentiation hasn't really reached the national political arena: it's all technocratic Euro-speak"
- Frank Schimmelfennig from @ETH_en gives his overview of our participants' contributions
We now move to the Q&A session, where you the audience get to question our fantastic #InDivEU contributors on #DifferentiatedIntegration
The Q&A session has been particularly dynamic in this #InDivEU plenary here at #PPCLisbon, with lots of questions as a result of the broad scope of the project: #DifferentiatedIntegration is a very big topic!
Although we've just ended the Plenary Session 4: "Differentiated Integration and the Future of Europe" as part of the #InDivEU project, #PPCLisbon will be reconvening shortly for our concluding remarks, so stay tuned!
"#EU2021PT is our fourth Presidency, but it is the first time we take the task on in the wake of a financial crisis, and hopefully it is the first and last time we do so in the midst of a pandemic"
"The twin transitions - green and digital - will be a significant cause of investment into the European social model, which will be the watermark of #EU2021PT
"For #Brexit: a deal is by far preferable, and #NoDealBrexit was for a long time a red line for Portugal. A deal is important because we don't need another crisis on the top of the #COVID19 crisis"
"We would strongly prefer not to spend our Presidency dealing with the disruption of a #NoDealBrexit, but Europe must stick to its red lines in negotiation"
The floor now passes to our Chairperson of the TEPSA Board, Lucia Mokrá, to add some remarks from our European perspective on the discussions of the last two days.
"You will lead the EU not only when we fight to end the pandemic, but when we try to defeat anti-European sentiment and disunity"
- Lucia Mokrá, Chairperson of the TEPSA Board
"We are fighting for Europe on two fronts: internally, and externally. It is not only necessary to discuss all our challenges, but to act on them from the perspective of #EU2021PT
- Lucia Mokrá, Chairperson of the TEPSA Board
On that note, #PPCLisbon draws to a close. We're so glad you joined us over the last few days, and do stay tuned to TEPSA and @iprinova for more such events over the coming weeks and months
Thank you to all our participants over the last two days: Nuno Severiano Teixeira from @iprinova and Jaap de Zwaan, TEPSA's Secretary-General, who welcomed us yesterday morning...
...and government representatives who joined us too: Ambassador Ana Paula Zacarias, Secretary of State for EU Affairs (@nestrangeiro_pt) who received our TEPSA Recommendations to #Eu2021PT from @rielcano's @ilketoygur as well as youth recommendations from #EngagEUrCouncil
Not only did we welcome the Ambassador, but also French Minister of State for European Affairs @francediplo, Clément Beaune (@CBeaune)
We thank also European Parliament Vice-President Pedro Silva Pereira, who spoke to us about the TEPSA Book "Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals" @Europarl_EN
We thank also the representatives of various national ministries and EU Institutions, Jim Cloos from @EUCouncil, Nanda Kellij from @ministerieJenV, and @ruivinhas5 from @nestrangeiro_pt, who's contribution we particularly enjoyed at the end of the conference
Finally we also have Ramunas Vilpisauskas (@VU_LT), Maja Bucar (@FDVLjubljana), Gunilla Herolf (@UISweden), and of course our Chairperson of the TEPSA Board Lucia Mokrá
Thanks also to @iprinova in particular for helping to organise this Portuguese Pre-Presidency Conference #PPCLisbon, and to their researchers who took part: Carlof Gaspar, @PereiraJoanaC, @AnaSantosPinto, and Alice Cunha
Most of all thank you to you for following #PPCLisbon these past two days. We hope you enjoyed the conference, and certainly have many more planned for the future!
In today's final session, we are discussing the "Geopolitics of Europe and European Defence" with @Isabelle_kumar (@euronews), the French Minister of State for European Affairs @CBeaune, and experts from the TEPSA network
Here are the best bits⤵️
"It feels like Europe is at a watershed moment, when we look at all the crises we face. I will ask each of our speakers asking where we think Europe is today"
French Minister of State for European Affairs @CBeaune is the first to speak, clarifying the French perspective of European Security: "Our aim is not to go out of the existing frameworks, the idea is to get the tools to act - ultimately - when we need to act"
The floor goes immediately to Jim Cloos, who begins his presentation with three introductory remarks, before giving a history of the July agreement, and his assessment of the road ahead
"The Council is a club of national leaders with national political resources. If you look at the Council's crisis management over the last twelve years, we have always been in crisis mode"
- Jim Cloos, Director-General, Secretariat of the EU Council of Ministers (@EUCouncil)
We're now hearing our opening remarks from Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Director of @iprinova
As always, we'll be collecting the great highlights of our first session here on Twitter
Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Director of @iprinova, gives his remarks about the chief topic of #PPCLisbon: #EU2021PT!
"Europe is in a crucial moment, facing internal and international challenges. #EU2021PT will have to deal with this"
"On the international side, we have good news: @JoeBiden's election will allow us to rebuild the trans-Atlantic alliance, the liberal international order, multilateralism including the Paris Agreement, and the defence of rule of law"